Wedge of Cheese Dec 29, 2011 Pretty much yeah, except for andwhy and dt, 'cause of their moderating duties.
Wedge of Cheese Dec 29, 2011 Mostly a few people who just popped in briefly and left. RuneLancer (under a different account, for some reason), Xaser, and Shmitz. I think there were one or two others that I'm not remembering at the moment.
Mostly a few people who just popped in briefly and left. RuneLancer (under a different account, for some reason), Xaser, and Shmitz. I think there were one or two others that I'm not remembering at the moment.
Wedge of Cheese Dec 28, 2011 WAT Dang, we've been having a lot of awesome unexpected returns lately (I'm guessing you'll be hearing that a lot ).
WAT Dang, we've been having a lot of awesome unexpected returns lately (I'm guessing you'll be hearing that a lot ).
TheForgottenOne May 27, 2010 Only if you click my status and select "Send an email". I'll reply when I get it, and you get my email. And no-one gets any additional spam.
Only if you click my status and select "Send an email". I'll reply when I get it, and you get my email. And no-one gets any additional spam.
TheForgottenOne May 27, 2010 Poor self-image tends to do that. lmao You're a bit of a rebel and people gotta admire that. And, well. You did/do post some funny shit.
Poor self-image tends to do that. lmao You're a bit of a rebel and people gotta admire that. And, well. You did/do post some funny shit.
TheForgottenOne May 19, 2010 Did you hear the song Wedge of Cheese made? If not, look it up. It's in a thread that's like.. "I'm back ya'll (and I made something") or sumfin.
Did you hear the song Wedge of Cheese made? If not, look it up. It's in a thread that's like.. "I'm back ya'll (and I made something") or sumfin.
TheForgottenOne May 9, 2010 Indeed. You were missed sorely. Teh forums were borin' without your wit. :<