My first Balos victory (using Spur)! At... umm... 20 minutes, 16 seconds.
Well, I wasn't shooting for time. I downloaded this mod because I've never beaten Hell, 'cause I kept dying on Balos, and actually getting through Hell itself was such a long pain that I never really got to practice. I edited the boss rush to include a save point, so I could keep practicing, but lo and behold, turns out I didn't need it, and I made it straight through 3rd try (3rd try was when I got sick of starting over after dying on Balos again... and again... and just wanted to save so I could figure out how to beat the freakin' dude!)
Awesome mod here! After I finally beat Hell for real now, I'll have to actually try for a Boss Rush RUN. I've gotten pretty good at most of the bosses now, and many of them actually go down in seconds...
On the subject of Monster X? I always considered those other dudes as part of the boss fight. They're easy enough to beat... just keep running away from the boss at the beginning, focus on the roaches... one lvl2 blade get's 'em each, and there aren't that many.