So, I played the most recent demo some time ago, but haven't gotten around to critiquing it yet. So, here it goes:
Storyline: Pretty good. I think you started at a fair spot. One thing that bothers me though, is that this is supposed to take place before the Demon Crown was even created. Infact, this begins when Mimigas start showing up at the island. One of the mimigas in the plantation at the beginning introduces himself as Arthur. Arthur doesn't die until shortly after the Doctor rises to power, so I'm doubtful that Arthur would have been a few thousand years old when he was killed by the Doctor.
Dialog: Fair. Your representation of Jenka seems pretty good, and I guess that you filled young Misery with your own assumptions.
Level Design: Now this varies a bit. When ever you build onto pre-existing maps, your modificaions are pretty good. But when you make your own original, there is extra room for improvement. Your modification to the Sand Zone seems fairly natural, but I feel that the mimiga hideout could use a little more pizzaz. That was interesting what you did with that one flying beetle that runs along the lower part of the entrance of the Sand Zone.
Gameplay: Now, this mod, like so many others, is hard. Too hard in my opinion. The flying beetles in the Sand Zone have WAY too much HP, as do the baby polishes. It's just asking too much of the player to destroy them in multiple shots that early on in the game with just that one spell. Also, the fight with Beta was very frustrating as well. there are way too many obstacles there. Just fighting him with all the rollings, 10 HP, and only one spell is totally insane. Additionally, I didn't realize it wasn't Omega until the victory message told me it was Beta. Simply re-coloring its sprite sheet will go a long way. Sorta like Shmitz did for Alpha in Jenka's Nightmare, a mod I know you're very well familiar with
. But I see you did something of the sort for the fight with Prince though. But once again, the fight is too hard. Those blocks he throws kill you in one shot, even if you have full health. You should consider getting a new spell before that fight, and increasing your health capacity to more than just that one expansion at the beginning of the Sand Zone. It's really annoying for about half of the obstacles to be able to kill you in one shot even at full health.
Glitches: At the very first cutscene, it initially shows Misery's sprite with the top row of blue pixels there, and has them disappear to acommodate her younger look as the cutscene progresses. Also, in the bit of dialog before destroying all of the Orangebells, Jenka doesn't appear until the message box disappears. Furthermore, when I defeat rabid Prince, he jumps directly to the right of the door as the death animation commences for some reason.
Improvements: Fix all of the glitches mentioned above. For making Misery look younger in her face picture, you did a pretty good job. But just taking out the top row of pixels in her sprite just doesn't cut if for me. I hope you get her a better sprite sheet by the final version. The mimiga in the plantation introducing himself as Arthur bothers me... It would be nice to learn another spell before entering the Sand Zone. The flying beetles and baby polishes in the Sand Zone have WAY too much HP. Add some more of those life capsule modifications before the Sand Zone, so that not everything will kill you in one hit when you have full health. Either that, or decrease the amount of damage dealt by them. Make the fight with Beta easier. Edit the sprite for beta so that it doesn't look so much like Omega. Make the sprite for the unconcious Prince look less like a blue toroko, and more like the blue Sue that the rest of his sprites look like.
So, I have collected the unconcious Prince, but can't seem to find what to do next. Is this the end of the demo? Well, nice work you've done so far! I'll be following this mod.