Make Cave Story Use Midi?

Jan 11, 2015 at 1:59 AM
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Would it be possible to hack Cave Story so that it uses MIDI instead of ORG? It is a huge pain in the butt to make ORGs. I say this because I am physically incapable (the majority of ORG Maker is in a foreign language...) of making ORGs and because I know it is very difficult for skilled ORG makers to make ORGs. These problems could be averted if there was a way to make Cave Story use MIDI as its music type instead of ORG. Is there any way to do this? I'm guessing it would require an ASM hack or something.
Jan 11, 2015 at 2:36 AM
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SuperJaws100 said:
Would it be possible to hack Cave Story so that it uses MIDI instead of ORG? It is a huge pain in the butt to make ORGs. I say this because I am physically incapable (the majority of ORG Maker is in a foreign language...) of making ORGs and because I know it is very difficult for skilled ORG makers to make ORGs. These problems could be averted if there was a way to make Cave Story use MIDI as its music type instead of ORG. Is there any way to do this? I'm guessing it would require an ASM hack or something.
As far as I'm aware, no such hack exists, and it'd probably be a major pain in the butt to code such a hack. That, and an English Translation of Org Maker 2.0 exists. Besides, maybe you should learn, it wouldn't hurt to learn how to make orgs, that, and your not gonna automatically have the skill to make ORGs, you have to learn.

EDIT: I'm feeling somesort of Deja Vu... hmm, its probably just me.
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Jan 11, 2015 at 3:18 AM
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I'm not good at ORG'ing either, but you really should try.

There is that English translation thing though,
Jan 11, 2015 at 3:31 AM
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Parkraft123 said:
As far as I'm aware, no such hack exists, and it'd probably be a major pain in the butt to code such a hack. That, and an English Translation of Org Maker 2.0 exists. Besides, maybe you should learn, it wouldn't hurt to learn how to make orgs, that, and your not gonna automatically have the skill to make ORGs, you have to learn.

EDIT: I'm feeling somesort of Deja Vu... hmm, its probably just me.
I downloaded the so-called "English Translation" and all I have are a bunch of squares with no idea what any of the actual english lettering means.

And painting sprites is one thing.

Designing music is a whole other thing. I tried transcribing simple musical pieces into sheet music once and I failed miserably. I'm essentially tone-deaf, except not really.

EDIT: Furthermore, debating my ability to learn to make ORG is not the point of the topic. Since my question has apparently been answered, I'll just leave this topic alone.
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Jan 11, 2015 at 5:34 AM
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the answer is no.
Jan 11, 2015 at 7:28 PM
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Didn't Noxid make a hack that let you use mp3s a while back? I think you'd find that useful.
Jan 11, 2015 at 7:31 PM
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Jan 12, 2015 at 3:58 AM
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I don't remember an mp3 or midi hack, however I do seem to recall a pxtone hack was made at some point. However I can't imagine that to be any improvement as far as the OP is concerned.
Jan 12, 2015 at 11:14 PM
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I don't have links to the thread, but the closest we've ever gotten to this IIRC is when dragonboots changed the wavs/drums that orgmaker uses, and replaced it with a really long wav. This was proposed as a way to use other music, but we never saw it actually get used in any mods after the proof of concept (probably due to the limitations of 6 or 7 drum slots and how it would more-or-less break the organya playback system).

andwhyisit said:
I don't remember an mp3 or midi hack, however I do seem to recall a pxtone hack was made at some point. However I can't imagine that to be any improvement as far as the OP is concerned.
With pxtone you COULD just put in an ogg (or wav) sample into your song and have the pxtone file play that, which would essentially act as an ogg-player.
Jan 14, 2015 at 1:07 AM
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I don't have links to the thread, but the closest we've ever gotten to this IIRC is when dragonboots changed the wavs/drums that orgmaker uses, and replaced it with a really long wav. This was proposed as a way to use other music, but we never saw it actually get used in any mods after the proof of concept (probably due to the limitations of 6 or 7 drum slots and how it would more-or-less break the organya playback system).

With pxtone you COULD just put in an ogg (or wav) sample into your song and have the pxtone file play that, which would essentially act as an ogg-player.
Yeah... I think I'll stick to what I've got, thanks. I'm lucky I can operate ORG maker when it's not hacked.

Speaking of which, I tried making a short replacement for the Gameover track based off of "Castle on a Cloud" from Les Miserables.

But when I put the track in with Resource Hacker, I don't hear anything. What did I do wrong?

Here's the ORG file.
View attachment
Jan 14, 2015 at 2:23 AM
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For starters, you're using drums not compatible with Cave Story. Check out this thread for how to set up your drum scheme so that your ORGs are playable.

By the way, if you're using v2, the drums would be assigned to tracks Q, W, E, R, T and Y, but that should be pretty obvious to figure out.

Though with your current drum scheme, I think your mod should have crashed since you assigned a v2 instrument to track U.

Your mod also seems to assign no drums for QWER and Y, causing the program to crash when you select them. I wonder what causes this...
Jan 14, 2015 at 2:32 AM
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You're probably not opening it in the new version RSK
But yeah bass01, snare01, hiclose, hiopen, tom01, per01, bass01, and bass01 in that order
You can't use U or I within the song either
As long as you've fixed all that, there's no reason for it to crash
Jan 14, 2015 at 3:42 PM
The "C" in "college" is for "crippling debt".
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I literally did not use any drums at all. Can just allocating drums but not using them cause a crash?
Jan 14, 2015 at 3:45 PM
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no, cave story actually ignores the drums that you've picked and always uses the same set
but this isn't really the place for such questions, try the quick answers thread
Jan 15, 2015 at 3:18 AM
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it only crashes if you place notes in drum track 7 or 8 because the pointer to those instruments is null
Jan 15, 2015 at 4:33 AM
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SuperJaws100 said:
But when I put the track in with Resource Hacker, I don't hear anything. What did I do wrong?
Here's what I found out when I tested: -> drums.htm said:
If any drum track uses a drum that's incompatible with OrgMaker 1.3.4, the file header will change, and Cave Story won't play the ORG file at all. When you start a blank file in OrgMaker 2.1.0x English, every drum track defaults to a drum that's incompatible with OrgMaker 1.3.4.
So if you don't want to use drums at all, you can just change tracks Q through I to Bass01. This will make the ORG file header something that Cave Story likes.

When you want to use drums, change tracks Q through I to the drums shown at the bottom of drums.htm: -> drums.htm said:
Use these drums

Track Q: Bass01
Track W: Snare01
Track E: HiClose
Track R: HiOpen
Track T: Tom01
Track Y: Per01
Track U: Bass01 (and Track U must remain empty)
Track I: Bass01 (and Track I must remain empty)
Aug 1, 2015 at 10:37 AM
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zxin said:
I'm kind-of confused here.
How do you put an ogg/wav sample into your song?
So if I've got this straight: You can play ogg/wavs using either Pixtone or Pixtone files in Cave Story?
Somebody please explain this, it makes no sense to me.
Cave Story doesn't include *PxTone* support, Noxid however did a proof-of-concept with it.
With Cave Story using ORG, you could only replace the samples used for all songs with different wave files.
As I understand it, PxTone allows custom samples to be included in the song. I haven't tried it though.

I think it would be easy to mod Cave Story to use FMOD for playing music.
This would allow various formats such as MP3, OGG and MIDI to be used instead of ORG.
I haven't yet done this mainly because I don't have a non-looped Cave Story soundtrack. :)