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King: Strife and Sacrifice (AKA King's Story)

Jun 4, 2010 at 3:15 AM
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It's hard to explain kinda but basically every spritesheet becomes 2x as wide and 2x as tall and when the characters get drawn to the screen (at least in 640x480 windowed) then instead of stretching the image 2x it gets applied at a 1:1 ratio..

Anyway I guess the important point is that the game still treats all objects as though they were the same size and stuff as before, but it's just that the graphics are no longer stretched but instead are just 2x as large on the sprite sheet, allowing for the extra pixels.
So a character that was 16x16 is now 32x32 on the sheet but the game still treats it like a 16x16 object.
Jun 4, 2010 at 3:30 AM
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Re: King: Strife and Sacrifice (old was King's Story)

I see, so what this means for you is that you can draw your sprites on a 32x32 space, but you still need to follow the four pixel requirement...?
Jun 4, 2010 at 3:39 AM
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Not really sure what kind of requirement you're talking about, but I think the answer would be no. I can draw a 32x32 character and it will show up one tile tall with the pixels in the proper spots.
For instance those characters I posted a page or two back are the exact size they will appear in game, each occupies a 32x32 square.
Like, that's exactly what they will show up on your screen as.
A side effect of this is that running in 320x240 windowed mode is a bad idea. It'll go, but it looks terrible. Fullscreen works though.
Jun 4, 2010 at 3:44 AM
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Re: King: Strife and Sacrifice (old was King's Story)

Noxid said:
Not really sure what kind of requirement you're talking about, but I think the answer would be no. I can draw a 32x32 character and it will show up one tile tall with the pixels in the proper spots.
For instance those characters I posted a page or two back are the exact size they will appear in game, each occupies a 32x32 square.
Like, that's exactly what they will show up on your screen as.
A side effect of this is that running in 320x240 windowed mode is a bad idea. It'll go, but it looks terrible. Fullscreen works though.

Another side effect to the issue is that although the graphics are still 2x, I think the player can only move to the degree of every 2 pixels now. As in, he can try to walk slowly to only move 1 pixel to the right, but he'll still move 2 to the right since as far as the game's concerned, that's still the smallest unit.

Or did that fix itself magically? I forget.
Jun 4, 2010 at 3:45 AM
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no that's still a problem and it would be hellacious to try and fix I believe so I probably just won't.
Jun 4, 2010 at 3:48 AM
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Re: King: Strife and Sacrifice (old was King's Story)

Speaking of the 2x resolution mod...

This may be the wrong thread, but I guess it's as good as any. Noxid, you made the 2x res mod yourself, right? And I know you've been redrawing stuff for it, but just stuff for your own mod, or Cave Story stuff in general? I was thinking perhaps I could help 2x res-redrawing all the default Cave Story tiles if that's just busy work that's taking away from your time working on your mod, and/or if no one else's already doing it. Though I haven't worked specifically with altering Cave Story graphics yet, I'm interested in learning, and I've worked with pixel/tile stuff before. And I'm definitely interested in doing generic stuff like that that'd benefit the community as a whole.
Jun 4, 2010 at 4:00 AM
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Well for the most part I've just done those graphics that I've actually used. Or, I probably should say, have had done for me, since a bunch of them were made by Riftcast as well, such as the tiles for Mimiga Village. I try to keep the number of different artists working on it to a minimum so there's less chance of a clash in style from one thing to the next.

If somebody wanted to like, do over all the graphics for the original CS in upres then I'd probably contribute some to the pile. I mean, a fanmade high-res cave story would be... neat, without infringing upon anybody's Intellectual Property right?
Jun 4, 2010 at 4:04 AM
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Re: King: Strife and Sacrifice (old was King's Story)

ragnaroq said:
This may be the wrong thread, but I guess it's as good as any. Noxid, you made the 2x res mod yourself, right?

No he didn't. I made/fixed about half of it.

Also Noxid I was expecting you to answer this, hence why I let you post first. D: You can't go taking all the credit for the hack.
Jun 4, 2010 at 4:07 AM
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FFFFFfffffff sorry I really meant to but I got all sidetracked and forgot D:
Jun 4, 2010 at 4:17 AM
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Re: King: Strife and Sacrifice (old was King's Story)

Noxid said:
If somebody wanted to like, do over all the graphics for the original CS in upres then I'd probably contribute some to the pile. I mean, a fanmade high-res cave story would be... neat, without infringing upon anybody's Intellectual Property right?

That's what I'm talking about. And I was under the impression you guys were already working on that, it didn't even cross my mind that it was being considered anything... less than legal. I mean, when it comes down to it, since the original source of what Nicalis sold for $10 is freeware, any modifications to it should also be freeware. As long as no one makes a mod that adds absolutely everything the Wii version has presented EXACTLY as it is there (like the extra modes and menus and everything)... though I half expect that to happen eventually.

I do think it would be cool to double-res all the original graphics though the "pixel movement offset" you guys were talking about would probably alter a lot of the game, from jumping to boosting and weapon length and everything else, which would seem really weird when applied to the original game if I'm grasping the concept correctly... but I *still* think it'd be cool and make a cool mod. If you're REALLY worried about copyright issues then perhaps we could make our own fan-made 2x res versions of everything in CS, without copying what Pixel did for CS Wii, though that'd take a bit more of an artistic touch than what I was implying I'd do--not that I wouldn't love taking a crack at it, though!
Jun 4, 2010 at 5:03 AM
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Honestly it's not really so much a legal issue as it is an ass-covering issue. Really I've only gone to such silly lengths guarding this hack out of respect for Pixel since all I've officially been told is that he would not like to see people taking the new artwork for CS Wii.
As for Nicalis well I have nothing to say about them :|

And again I would like to stress that it the hack doesn't change gameplay AT ALL. In the original 640x480 mode you would have moved 2 'screen pixels' at a time which was basically one game pixel, but now you can see the in between pixels better so it's slightly more obvious but really it's hardly noticeable don't even think about it.

It would probably be fine to base it off the original artwork since pixel at one time sort of in a vague way said he didnt' care what you did with it.
Jun 4, 2010 at 5:11 AM
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Re: King: Strife and Sacrifice (old was King's Story)

Oh, that's good about the res/gameplay thing. I was thinking something different when reading some other replies..

And.. man. I'm getting kinda mixed messages from the rest of your post, lol. Paragraph 1's all "naw man, Pixel doesn't want you to use that art, and we respect Pixel!" then Paragraph 3's like "pshhhh it's okay we can do what we want with it he doesn't care!" I dunno which one to believe but I get the overall vibe that you'd be up for doing it identical to Pixel's hi-res... which was what I was originally intending.

And would help with, though I haven't seen anyone post any rips of any tiles in the game aside from character sprites and face pictures. We'd need every single tile that's used in the game... I'd do it myself, but I have no idea how to rip stuff like that, lol.
Jun 4, 2010 at 5:14 AM
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Sorry I'm like schitzophrenic when it comes to this topic. Basically I don't care but I care that other people care so it makes my head hurt.
I think what I meant to say was that we should base it off the original, normal resolution art because that's what we have and that's what is safe.. but make it from scratch so it's original. That's what I've been doing with map tiles and such.
Jun 4, 2010 at 5:23 AM
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Re: King: Strife and Sacrifice (old was King's Story)

Well that's one option I gave before, lol.

Well I mean I completely understand you not wanting to get into it that much since you're so hardcore about your own mod right now and are developing all kinds of crazy stuff just for it. That's kind of the basis for me wanting to offer to work on helping with the 2x stuff for people in general to use, since you're busy working on your own mod. Might wanna make another thread for this, unless there's already a 2x-res-mod thread I haven't seen that we could use.
Jun 4, 2010 at 5:26 AM
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There might have been a thread but perhaps it got "misplaced".
Anyway I'll vouch for a move of the discussion at hand and newthreadalizing but only if the mods say the idea is kosher otherwise this is a dead fish in water and no sense going further.
Jun 4, 2010 at 7:50 AM
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Re: King: Strife and Sacrifice (old was King's Story)

Noxid said:
Anyway I'll vouch for a move of the discussion at hand and newthreadalizing but only if the mods say the idea is kosher otherwise this is a dead fish in water and no sense going further.
Huh what?
...I kind of missed the discussion about this. Wasn't some kind of conclusion already reached?
Jun 4, 2010 at 1:44 PM
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Maybe..? but I don't really remember.
I didn't think an idea like this would be well recieved though, even if it does rely on 100% original content for the same reasons as before.
But I'd like to have somebody say definitively yes or no rather than try and make a decision myself because if I say yes and I'm wrong then I'll be in trouble and if I say no and I'm wrong then people will be >:[ at me.
Jun 4, 2010 at 4:04 PM
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Re: King: Strife and Sacrifice (old was King's Story)

Haha, oh man. I just really didn't even think anyone had any beef at all with this idea. I thought people were waiting for/excited about the 2x res mod both to give them a reason to replay CS again and so they can use it for their own mods a little more easily, given the base tiles would already be done...

I didn't realize bringing it up would make things this complicated and uncomfortable!
Jun 11, 2010 at 1:54 AM
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Re: King: Strife and Sacrifice (old was King's Story)

So noxid, any new features that you're willing to tell us about?
Jun 11, 2010 at 3:15 AM
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Umm.. Only really what's on the blog, as I do like to have some things as surprises.

But for vagueness I'll say that I'm redoing the Droll-bots entirely so the beginning bit should be more interesting as nobody likes drolls and they don't do much anyway.

Oh also pixel says absolutely no to fanmade high-res Cave Story (specifically the original game with new graphics) so no need to fret about that anymore guys.