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Katawa Shoujo?

Feb 17, 2012 at 1:26 AM
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...It's RULE #34!
Feb 17, 2012 at 1:52 AM
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If you really think that this is what Rule 34 is, then you really need to spend more time on the Internet in general.
Feb 17, 2012 at 3:45 AM
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Feb 17, 2012 at 3:58 AM
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Again, how are you percieving his comic as Rule 34 or hentai?
Maybe he's just percieving KS as rule 34, because of the H scenes.

In which case he really doesn't know what rule 34 is.
Feb 17, 2012 at 6:40 PM
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Since when does H stand for sex?
Feb 17, 2012 at 7:27 PM
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How LAZY do you even have to BE to not type out "hentai"?
Feb 17, 2012 at 7:51 PM
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How LAZY do you even have to BE to not type out "hentai"?
That's what they're called in VNs/japan. It stands for hentai, but you would say "ecchi scene" (H scene). Ecchi being how they pronounce H.
Feb 17, 2012 at 9:01 PM
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But I thought ecchi was a step below hentai. As in, panty shots and mild nudity.
Feb 17, 2012 at 9:28 PM
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According to Wikipedia, that is how Westerns have appropriated the word. In Japan they're just about the same thing.
Feb 17, 2012 at 9:58 PM
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But I thought ecchi was a step below hentai. As in, panty shots and mild nudity.
What fab said is true. In japan ecchi and hentai are one in mostly the same.

Ecchi is used for describing the act and actions, but hentai can describe a pervert or the images. Both mean "perverted".
Feb 18, 2012 at 12:36 AM
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Wow, I was surprised to see Katawa Shoujo with 7 pages! These games (visual novels) usually go underappreciated... So it's nice to see it being enjoyed here :D It must mean that this game's hype has had a positive impact on increasing awareness a bit~

... Not that I've played Katawa Shoujo yet ...

How does it compare to other VNs? I'm personally expecting a decent game, but nothing mindblowing... As I'm a fan of the more uh action/fantasy side of visual novels.

I personally always like to check the OP of the game and get an idea of what it might be like... [I love OPs ><]
Bad audio quality upload and possible spoilers but..? I just watched it, and it really didn't feel like it spoiled anything, just gave me a general direction of each character. Mmm...
I have a better feeling about Katawa Shoujo now... Although it seems like it could still be a possible tear jerker...

I don't really want to play it though since it seems too close to home? I avoid reality like the plague~ ><

Instead I am thinking of playing Little Busters! since it's completed... [it is all ages too...]
Anyone tried that?

Wild Desu said:
Hentai, dumpass.
I've caught myself saying "dumpass" a few times lately... You or somebody on the forum must have given it to me... lol

Now I'm going to be a literal dumpass and tell you some of the best english VNs I know of :
Just for fun here are some of my favorite VNs :
Utawarerumono, probably still my favorite. If you don't know anything about the story and have not spoiled ANYTHING, it is realllllly a great fantasy. Probably the best VN fantasy I've played so far.
Strong family theme, and nostalgia.
(Has some 18+ scenes, that are completely random and unimportant. Simply skip! Or ask me to make a patch for it AEAWEASDASD)

Demonbane, was my favorite *epic* feeling game. Not knowing anything about Lovecraft universe made it all the more interesting...
(Has some 18+ scenes, but they are ... generally important. Although one... ><)

Tsukihime or Fate/stay Night
I haven't played F/SN yet, but I have it and have played Tsukihime... But, I've heard from people I know that chose Fate as their first and loved it.
(Both have 18+ scenes, but they both have patches you can use to avoid the H)

You might want to just wait for Tsukihime though, the Tsukihime reproduction is bound to be well underway, and it should be the definitive Tsukihime experience when it's finished. [the video is from Kara no Kyoukai, which uses similar characters and alternate universe conventions. But, it gives you an idea...]

G-Senjou no Maou, epic dark-side game. Easily a favorite game, with the player constantly wondering just what will happen next...
(A few tasteful 18+ scenes, but there is a H-removal patch?)

Steins;Gate, this game has a translation, but the translator is retranslating it! So, probably should wait for it....
(No 18+ content)

Cross Channel, heard good things. Supposebly one of the greats.
(18+ or not option)

Sharin no Kuni, heard good things. Supposebly one of the greats.
(probably 18+)

YU-NO, great game, although very old now. The story is quite excellent, although the ending was way out there...

Phantom of Inferno, my first, and Ein. No spy or assassin will match this game.

Kara no Shoujo, heard good things. Supposebly one of the greats.

Higurashi / Umineko, heard good things. Supposebly one of the greats.

Chaos;Head, great fun in this game. INSANITY at its finest... Although it got too depressing suddenly near the end, and I had to stop before I died from it.

Swan Song, heard good things. Supposebly one of the greats.

Kanon, heard good things. Supposebly one of the greats.

Clannad, heard good things. Supposebly one of the greats.

Planetarian, short game, no choices... A short story worth its salt.

?wmode=opaque" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>
Feb 20, 2012 at 4:53 PM
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Wow, I was surprised to see Katawa Shoujo with 7 pages!
to be fair, about one page of it is people arguing about what the fuck dualhack meant when he said rule 34, about two pages are gir whining about how he doesn't want to play it, while cap and cultr are all like "no srsly u guise you have to play it" and yet another page or two is ambient malice shitting all over the thread.
Feb 20, 2012 at 6:32 PM
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You've basically summarized the entire forums...

Either way, I just want to say that Shizune's arc is way better than expected, feels great.
Feb 21, 2012 at 4:37 AM
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to be fair, about one page of it is people arguing about what the fuck dualhack meant when he said rule 34, about two pages are gir whining about how he doesn't want to play it, while cap and cultr are all like "no srsly u guise you have to play it" and yet another page or two is ambient malice shitting all over the thread.

I think you're seriously mistaken. I've done nothing but intelligently critique VN's in general. It's not my fault I've got a... unique perspective. I like VN's. I was up to 2 am last night playing the PSP port of Persona 3, which is more VNish than the PS2 original owing to 2d cutscenes.
Feb 21, 2012 at 5:00 AM
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I think the question is as to why you were critiquing Visual Novels in general in a thread about one specific Visual Novel.
From most perspectives, taking an 8 page thread in a direction no one wishes to go for 2 pages would define "shitting on."

I don't care about your unique perspective in this thread, tell it to me in Visual Novels General.
But first, go make Visual Novels General.
Feb 21, 2012 at 5:02 AM
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I think the question is as to why you were critiquing Visual Novels in general in a thread about one specific Visual Novel.
From most perspectives, taking an 8 page thread in a direction no one wishes to go for 2 pages would define "shitting on."

I don't care about your unique perspective in this thread, tell it to me in Visual Novels General.
But first, go make Visual Novels General.

My perspective counts, because I was raving on about how intelligent and mature KS is compared to a lot of the sleaze that passes for VNs these days. But if you'd rather I started criticizing it...

Meh, but anyway. I've been following KS for quite a while. And as I said much earlier, I was slightly upset to see how some users on Moddb\Desura\IndieDB were making foolish jokes about paedophilia and crap in the comments section.

Besides, the thread only ran off rails a bit because sexplosive took a snide remark I made about how random and slightly distasteful the sex scenes in Tsukihime were, and started asking about butt-sex.

So blame him and me. Or just me. Whichever takes your fancy.

Good game. Someone needs to make a PSP port.

final edit:

Seriously, I'm sorry if I caused anyone upset. I really do get ill when I know I've unduely caused strife.