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Katawa Shoujo?

Apr 16, 2012 at 4:19 AM
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Jeez you guys, learn to use spoilers FFS.
Apr 20, 2012 at 3:50 AM
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I can use spoilers, yes!
And I'm not going further under threat of banning :/
Apr 23, 2012 at 4:46 AM
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I think everyone should at least try Katawa at some point. I'm sure many others before me have said this, but I absolutely HATED visual novels before I played KS. I'd never played one, but I thought it was such a stupid idea. I thought "Oh wow, a book I can watch, may as well watch a damn movie". I haven't exactly gone out on a limb and looked for other visual novels, mainly because KS is so damn good it's hard to want to play any others, but it's a totally awesome experience from beginning to end and the fact that it has so many possible outcomes makes it even better. I haven't played a game with so many loveable characters or emotionally powerful moments since Half-Life 2, and that was back in '04. Yeah. Do yourself a favor and play this.
Apr 23, 2012 at 12:05 PM
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It's fanart time!

Larger version can be downloaded here
Apr 23, 2012 at 7:42 PM
daughter of chivalry
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I'd play the shit out of that game.
Apr 24, 2012 at 5:37 AM
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Gir, please have my illegitimate children.
Apr 24, 2012 at 9:24 PM
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I am sorry for my over reaction.
I have played the game, and only got the DEATH ending.
I dont really care though.
Apr 25, 2012 at 12:05 AM
daughter of chivalry
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I am sorry for my over reaction.
I have played the game, and only got the DEATH ending.
I dont really care though.

Well that's no surprise that you did. But next time have some tact, will you? >_>
May 11, 2012 at 5:58 AM
daughter of chivalry
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Double posting because fuck you I can I think maybe.

I was thinking of parodying things in KS to make them 4kids-ified. Not the entire game, mind you. Just character profiles. But i also made these.



First one: Hannah is sad because her crippling scars are from a tragic bike accident. She scraped the entire side of her body and broke her favorite bike. She is still traumatized by it all.

Second one: Rachel finished her mural, which symbolizes peace and equality between all races and all disabled individuals.
May 18, 2012 at 11:22 PM
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More fanarts:
May 19, 2012 at 6:16 PM
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I decided to give KS a shot and have really liked it so far. I just got to a good ending of Emi's storyline and backed up to test out a couple of the branches toward the end of it, and succeeded in getting a bad ending, too. "Succeeded" doesn't seem like the right word, though, because it was rather a let down, especially after having just gotten a (the?) good ending for her arc. You know what I mean. At any rate, I still have lots of branches to try out in her arc, but I'm looking forward to seeing how else things could have unfolded.

All in all, though, the writing is really pretty good, and the characters are likable and relatable. Some of GIR's fanart have me wondering what exactly is in store for me, though, in some of the other arcs, especially Lilly's and Rin's. I guess I'll just have to wait and see.

By the way, my first read-through on the Emi track ended up being about 5 and a half hours, if I remember correctly. I know I've never been the fastest of readers, but I'm wondering about how long it takes other people to go through the different storylines?
May 19, 2012 at 6:19 PM
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May 19, 2012 at 10:43 PM
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Takes me 5ish hours, but spread out over two weeks. I like to savor each arc D:
May 20, 2012 at 3:46 AM
daughter of chivalry
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Oh butts I forgot to post this beauty I made for gear

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Jun 6, 2012 at 11:40 PM
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Little bump. Minibump? Am I the only one still reading KS?

@WD, I'm especially impressed at how buff her biceps and triceps are, what with not having forearms and all. :p But sweet deal. It looks good even though GIR isn't using it as his avatar anymore.

I'm surprised that there hasn't been much talk in this thread about the music in KS. The writing and artwork are great, but the music fits everything perfectly and enhances the mood of whatever scene you are in. The purposeful use of silence at key places is great, too, for the same reason. I'm not sure if I could pick a favorite track or not because they are all unique and stirring in their own ways. I'll have to think about it. A question to anyone who reads this and has read KS: If you have a favorite track from the novel, which one is it and why?

So just the other day I got all the endings in Rin's arc (and had already completed Emi's); now I just have to go back and explore all of the other options that I missed since the beginning of Act 2. I expect I'll probably end up on Hanako's or Lily's next after I finish completing Rin's.
Jun 7, 2012 at 12:03 AM
daughter of chivalry
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I like the darker tracks like Shadow of Truth, Breathlessly, and Moment of Decision. They set the mood so well, and I'm a sucker for sad music. My favorite non-bad end track is Raindrops and Puddles.

I'm an even bigger fan of the music that plays during the cutscenes though. I think Three Stars is my favorite (Shizune's cutscene). It's a shame there aren't any extended versions of them.
Jun 7, 2012 at 3:34 AM
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I really like the tracks you mentioned, too. Of course, I like the whole soundtrack, but whatever. "Cold Iron" also has a tendency to just about give me chills, too. You can hear the pain and strife boiling beneath the surface of the longing melodies. And the whole piece builds up to the end when the rug is pulled out from underneath it and it stops too early.

One that always leaves me a bit mystified is "Stride." I can never decide if it's quite happy or somehow melancholy. The melody begins on a bright note even though the chords in the piano seem pensive to me, but then the piece takes a somber turn rather quickly, and the bass line emphasizes this as it imitates the melody's gesture. The harmonies wind through cheery drones to perhaps foreboding chords on the piano. In the end, I think it's mostly an optimistic piece, but to me it encapsulates the nature of human relationships (which is what KS is all about) as well as any short piece like this could. Even to the point of having two of the main melody instruments, guitar and bells or something like that, which sometimes play separately, sometimes they join together in unison, and sometimes they play complementary melodies at the same time, almost like how people meet, join together with someone for a moment in time, then grow farther apart until maybe they come back together some later time and have a greater understanding of each themselves and each other and how they can better fit with that other person.

Oh, and also, there's a drum pattern that goes throughout "Stride" (3 even beats, followed by four beats where the first two are very close together) that sounds like certain heart arrhythmias. I wouldn't be too surprised if that was done on purpose.

I've only seen half of the cut scenes (Intro, Emi, and Rin), but you're right, they also have some great music. I just watched them again, and the Intro grabbed me with how ethereal it is, as if to suggest how distant Hisao became during his hospital stay, how disconnected he felt from reality or the outside world with nothing but his irregular heartbeat and the endless ticking of the clock to mark the days as they blur one into another. I'll definitely be keeping an ear open when I get to Shizune's cut scene, though, thanks for the heads up.

Am I reading too much into all this? Probably. But that's what I do. Oh well. Anyway, it looks like I still have about two tracks to unlock in the jukebox. How exciting.
Jun 7, 2012 at 6:13 PM
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I really enjoyed the darker, doomy sounding tracks like Cold Iron and Caged Heart. Stride always confused me, at the beginning it sounds like something awful just happened, but then begins to shift to a more upbeat tone. I have to say my favorite song is a toss up between Out Of The Loop (Kenji's Theme) and Cold Iron.
Jul 29, 2012 at 2:07 AM
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Drew some more fanarts: