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Just completed the game!

Jan 10, 2007 at 9:14 PM
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Hi all, I've been reading these forums for a while but this is my first time posting something.

I just managed to beat Hell after days of trying and I feel wonderful. I've hardly ever had such a feel of accomplishment after beating a game, and I've been playing video games since the early nineties... Doukutsu Monogatari is probably the best game I've ever played, or at least it's definitely in my TOP-5 list. It's just so wonderfully polished and fun to play it brings a huge smile to my face every time I play.

I can't wait to get my hands on Pixel's new shooting game!
I just wish there was a sequel to Doukutsu...

Oh, btw, has anyone tried to play this game on Windows Vista? I'm not sure if Vista's backwards-compatibility is all that great and it would be a real bummer if Doukutsu wouldn't run on it.

- Lassi
Jan 11, 2007 at 1:10 AM
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It took me a while to get through Hell, too, and each try would usually take me about 20 minutes.

The funny thing about Cave Story for me is how much easier it becomes with turbo. I set up my controller so it had a turbo shoot key, and then I kicked ass through Hell in about 7 minutes.
Jan 11, 2007 at 6:18 AM
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Same for me guys :D
I get through without lifepot in something like ~7:30 but without turbo shootkey :D
Almost there are fanmade Sequels and Prequels! Just search in the mods area :confused:
Jan 11, 2007 at 6:55 AM
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Yeah, it felt really good when I finally won the hell ride :confused: Games with high difficulty, seem to give greater sense of accomplishment :p At least the good ones :D

Anybody just play with keyboard? That's what I'm stuck with :D [till someday I buy a controller again!]
beat hell with uh 9"23'01 I think my first time, keyboard Z rulez! I think I stopped in the statue room to ponder the statues though :p [didn't know you could shoot them for health and easter eggs!]

I sure hope this runs with Vista~!
Jan 11, 2007 at 8:37 AM
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I'm sure I could get a better score with turbo, but... it actually makes it pretty easy. Really easy. And I'd probably have to run through the game to get the snake if I really wanted to get the best time, eh?
Jan 11, 2007 at 9:58 AM
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When I completed Hell I didn't have Snake nor the Spur and at the beginning of the level I had only one missile, so it was a real pain to grind everything to the max every time. I guess beating the level took me around 14 minutes. I play the actual "stage" part very carefully so that I have close to max health when I reach the first boss... and because my careful style takes a lot of time, it is veeery frustrating to do all that and die 500 times at Ballos' final form.

I suppose the insane 3 min speedruns are done with the aid of a turbo button, because it's impossible to fire the missiles at a machine gun speed just by tapping a button.

- Lassi
Jan 11, 2007 at 1:19 PM
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X-Calibar said:
Yeah, it felt really good when I finally won the hell ride :confused: Games with high difficulty, seem to give greater sense of accomplishment :o At least the good ones :D

Anybody just play with keyboard? That's what I'm stuck with :D [till someday I buy a controller again!]
beat hell with uh 9"23'01 I think my first time, keyboard Z rulez! I think I stopped in the statue room to ponder the statues though :p [didn't know you could shoot them for health and easter eggs!]

I sure hope this runs with Vista~!

Iam playing keyboard lol and ive gotten my 7"30 with keyboard :p

low_fi said:
When I completed Hell I didn't have Snake nor the Spur and at the beginning of the level I had only one missile, so it was a real pain to grind everything to the max every time. I guess beating the level took me around 14 minutes. I play the actual "stage" part very carefully so that I have close to max health when I reach the first boss... and because my careful style takes a lot of time, it is veeery frustrating to do all that and die 500 times at Ballos' final form.

I suppose the insane 3 min speedruns are done with the aid of a turbo button, because it's impossible to fire the missiles at a machine gun speed just by tapping a button.

- Lassi

Machine gun speed suckz when iam tapping its more than machine gun speed ;D
Jan 11, 2007 at 1:29 PM
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low_fi said:
I suppose the insane 3 min speedruns are done with the aid of a turbo button, because it's impossible to fire the missiles at a machine gun speed just by tapping a button.
Nah, I can get < 3:30 without a turbo button, using only the keyboard. I got 6-7 minutes my first time through that stage. Of course, I did have the Spur and full missiles so I guess I was lucky in that aspect.
Jan 11, 2007 at 2:37 PM
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Emeraldshine said:
Of course, I did have the Spur and full missiles so I guess I was lucky in that aspect.

What do ya mean with that? arent u using spur or missles anymore? :D
I use Snake for Hell run.
Jan 11, 2007 at 6:29 PM
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keyboard 4vr!$
Never used the snake... except when I first got it :D hmm I believe I used the spur and nemesis when I fought ballos and maybe the occasional missile but it was rare.

Ballos was pretty tough, but I think it went like...
Died on Ballos' first form the first time I reached him, died on Ballos' second form several times, probably at most 7-9 times? [couldn't figure out his weak spot since only sometimes did it seem to damage him] and I think I might have died once on the final form OH YEAH lol I was standing on the spikes, I didn't notice them appear, but can't remember if I survived after that time or not lol

I died many more times on hell itself due to various problems :p But it slowly became a pattern :D

Wonder if anyone has beaten hell and Ballos with just the chicken shooter powered to lvl 3 :confused: I'd like to see that on a video :p

*listens to On to Grasstown*!
Jan 11, 2007 at 10:11 PM
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Meanwhile, I haven't even beaten the guy yet. I've only gotten to Ballos's 1st form, and I died very quickly :D

I haven't tried in a while though.
Jan 12, 2007 at 1:32 PM
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X-Calibar said:
Wonder if anyone has beaten hell and Ballos with just the chicken shooter powered to lvl 3 :D I'd like to see that on a video :confused:
That would be amazing, but so boring. Ballos has <1000 HP. The video would be >1 gig. :D
Jan 12, 2007 at 4:22 PM
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It's pretty easy to fill up your life at the heavy press. Just stand to the side and shoot the angels as the spawn, jumping when necessary to avoid being hit. Then hop over and back to collect hearts when it's safe.

You could power up your weapons, too, I suppose. It's slow, though.
Jan 13, 2007 at 4:53 AM
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It would also help if I remember the heart pot. I always forget until I'm not playing. I do't think I've ever used it in hell, even though I still have it -_-
Jan 13, 2007 at 8:45 AM
Starbound sucked sadly
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ShInInG PhAnToM said:
Iam playing keyboard lol and ive gotten my 7"30 with keyboard :D

i bet hell and got 4'32"7 with key board,
but do you mean without a life pot? :confused:
Jan 13, 2007 at 10:57 AM
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xristosx said:
i bet hell and got 4'32"7 with key board,
but do you mean without a life pot? :o

Yep, I dont use Lifepot because 1. I dont like it :p 2. I think its cheating lol
Jan 13, 2007 at 5:41 PM
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Well, I'm pretty sure Pixel intended for players to be able to use it, so I can't see how you'd call it 'cheating.' Maybe just 'cheap,' or 'too easy,' then.
Jan 13, 2007 at 7:12 PM
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Grant said:
Well, I'm pretty sure Pixel intended for players to be able to use it, so I can't see how you'd call it 'cheating.' Maybe just 'cheap,' or 'too easy,' then.

Cheap is a nice word, but IMAO its cheating :p Nothing more nothing less. Iam pretty sure your opinion is different, but thats how I think :o
Jan 14, 2007 at 4:32 AM
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There is no 'opinion,' here. The life pot is an item which the game designer (all 100% one of him) put into the game intentionally. It is part of the game design that a player be able to use it.

You might have your own ideas about what would make a good game, but there's no reason why anyone would listen to your own home-made rules about how to play this one.
Jan 14, 2007 at 7:39 AM
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He himself thinks of it as cheating and holds himself to that standard - he doesn't expect anyone to follow his own personal rules, in case that's what you're thinking.

Like you said yourself, there's no reason why he would listen to your rules that allow the usage of it when he prefers not to.