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Jenn's Journey - Complete

May 14, 2013 at 4:25 AM
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Jenn looks alot like Panty. Just sayin :U

Nice mod dough.
Jun 1, 2013 at 2:48 AM
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The melons sucked me in lol

The melons sucked me in lol
Jun 1, 2013 at 3:56 PM
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EpicalGhost said:
The melons sucked me in lol

The melons sucked me in lol
Why did you say that twice? :I
Jun 1, 2013 at 4:10 PM
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He's spamming the post button because apparently it's not going fast enough for him.
Jun 4, 2013 at 1:34 PM
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Okay... Wierd...
Jul 3, 2013 at 12:20 AM
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At last I played JJ! (thanks for the heads up~)

First change : The Title screen. That was nice. Music by otemoto right? Loved the instrument choice enough to sit through the whole thing just to listen to it xD

The game... Well done. The maps are very polished, and it was fun to adventure!
Here's what I did when I played...
The first time I played JJ, I was very cautious, and I kind of ... role-played. Like what her reaction would be to seeing the Critter for the first time... avoiding the bats... Stopping to look at the sights...

It was kind of refreshing, not to run around blowing everything up ;P
But, back to the journey...

Love the watermelon. That was just like a random part of the mod that I won't forget. Mmmm watermelon...

So, I made it to town... cautiously walked around, saving and searching until I found the lady facing away.
I slowly walked up to her and finally interacted.

Jenn's expression when she's saying something like "Listen to me for a sec!" Is kind of different than I would have expected! But, I don't know Jenn~

When you are given a chance to take the gun however... I would almost like the dialogue to give you a sense of what will happen when you take it. Instead of : "Take the gun?" or something along those lines... I would think : "Grab it?" It's not too revealing of what will happen, but gives you more of an idea...? Maybe?

Rather than Jenn being moulded by her experience, it seems like the player determines a different Jenn will come to pass by your choice in this matter... though maybe it's possible that she felt a rush of adrenaline when given the gun, versus; taking a deep breath, which allows her to shy away from it through anxiety, etc...
Er, this is just me thinking about it. Not saying I recommend a change ;D

At the bucket, ****?! lol I guess she really love watermelon... She ate a strange fishy watermelon xD
And the journal inside... Is that... Kanpachi's journal?! Scarf wearing guy... Quote...
When he talks about the strange seeds he put in the bucket, those grew into the watermelon??

I am a little curious, if you fully read the diary it kind of points out that you should inspect the bucket. But, with our experience with Cave Story; the bucket was the first thing I checked before going in even...

At first I wasn't sure about the turn you take when you inspect the bucket; how if Jenn looks in the bucket, she'll proceed to devour the fishy melon; versus if she doesn't she ignores the bucket...
(Well, actually this might be a bug. She dumps the bucket right? But, it reappears if you go in the house and leave it again. I think it stays gone however, if you eat it~)

Er the thing I wasn't sure about was, that she eats it without hesitation, just because I said look in it. But; I suppose it's not out of character; I mean if one were to see something, then you'd react to it; if you didn't see it, then you wouldn't. Simple!
That might sound a little silly, but I'm just trying to figure out Jenn, and how the choices shape her; and if there are any differences in how different choices cause her actions.


I chose to take the gun, and fell down the empty pond, since I assume that's where the child fell. [Glad it wasn't an instant death! Jumping into a pit blind, is kinda dangerous... lol

Even though I had the gun, I still avoided shooting anything but the blocks. I finally HAD to shoot when I started taking damage half-way through. But, even then I tried to avoid killing too many things. Still even if there could be a counter for killing creatures, I probably killed too many things by the end D:

I tried to avoid killing anything, but it's hard when they so vigorously defend their home D:

Oh, and I slept in the bed, and got a strange... lipstick?! So mysterious... Not sure what that was about xD

At last, I found the girl, and proceeded to head home... until!!! The Guardian arrives... (Toroko..?!)
She was royally angry at me, and apparently by taking the gun Jenn's personality became a little vicious :P Jenn was happy to kick some Forest Guardian butt ;P

And then when the dust settled... the demo was over... Awwwwww... I had a good time so far!
Nice mod...

(Oh the monsters in the bricks were a nice touch...) (Oh and what were those ghosty things in the first cave [replaced the bats] Strange!!)
(Oh and a Bug. If you choose not to look at the diary, the immediate following text runs off screen.)

I decided to play again to see what other changes I might find, first attempting to be even more wreckless; (but I think the gun choice is the only choice that matters??) So, this time I declined the gun, and ... got the Ultimate Traquilizer! ;D (Tranquilizing them into DUST! But, I digress... love that weapon...)

I am curious if killing creatures with the old gun will change the Forest Guardian's tune... But, I avoided using it at all except for the blocks. Used the tranquilizer.
And when I met the Guardian, I of course explained myself... (If I didn't... I wonder if it would automatically revert to the more careless Jenn...? I forgot to try!)

The immediate training... is a bit misleading xD More like a test of strength! I didn't try to see what happens if I fail the training... O_O;;;
But, loved the Toroko bubble guardian, especially the Igor version. She looked quite cool... The battle was easy since I knew how to fight those patterns, thanks to Cave Story...

And then it was over on an interesting note... What will happen next?! I hope to find out!
(PS - I forgot to shoot chinfish to see if smething happens! I will try that .... lol)

And to sum up the experience... Ignoring the fact that Jenn is taking on Quote sized mobs... It was a fun adventure! Jenn is quite interesting, and I want to see just what awaits her... Who is she?? What is their connection... Will the fisher return?!

I eagerly look forward to more... keep going!
Oct 24, 2013 at 2:13 AM
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Oi, this year has been rough on me so far. First losing some data on a flash drive, but I had a backup on my hard drive, at least...

Then the hard drive got corrupted. Should've one-upped and made a backup on Mediafire or Dropbox or something. I've still got school ahead on me, along with projects and the like once Summer Vacation is over.

So for the moment, what does she have to say?

I'm still not gonna quit, despite the setbacks, but yeah, it seems like it'll take a while before the 2nd Demo comes out.

Alright folks, so here's an update to the update of the first demo to show it's still kicking.

https://www.dropbox.com/s/peb0dfxkxm9hu2w/Jenn%27s%20Journey%20-%20October%2025.zip - October 25th
Update Notes
- LOTS of Graphical Stuff done to make the game look prettier. Yes, this means the Melons too.
- New Art Style for the Portraits
- New sprites for Jenn yet again
- Overall more polished, hopefully
- Debuffed the Second Phase of the First Boss to not hit as hard (-4 Damage instead of -10) and lost of a bit of its HP as well

Got this pretty awesome promotional sketch by my good friend James. Thanks man.
Note: Oh yeah, and uh, if anyone can help patch the TIMG Hack (Full-Screen Image used for Cutscenes and stuff) into the game, that'd be appreciated. Thing never worked for me, and I don't know what's wrong with it.
Oct 25, 2013 at 3:20 PM
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Fatih120 said:
This is awesome, can't wait to play it! Nice job editing the face, Misery's eyes fit perfectly! And as others said, mapping is awesome.
Oi, that reminds me - need to edit the OP so that it uses the right portrait and Jenn's new sprites. Changed them to be more 'accurate' and not Ambidextrous.

Also gonna do some more changes to the level design so that it's a bit more straightforward and pleasing I the eye. Maybe after that I can finally work on new content.

Really am grateful for the support in-site and out of it though. 'Specially for Mat's critique and X-Calibar's bug testing. Hope you enjoy the game as it is though!

Edit: Well that's done with. Made the October 25th update and all last night. Hopefully this will be the last polishing update I'll need to make before going on to make actual new content for the next major demo.

Nov 2, 2013 at 5:05 AM
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Nice artwork up there. I just finished your demo. I think it's pretty awesome!
Nov 3, 2013 at 7:21 PM
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knuckles5577 said:
Nice artwork up there. I just finished your demo. I think it's pretty awesome!
Glad to hear ya like it.

By the way, I finished making another update. This one actually adds content (For one path, anyway)
Major Stuff
- Content for the Snake Path - time for a lot of fans and deathtraps

Minor Stuff
- Some more fixes and polishing
- Finally fixed the glitch with the first boss not starting the cutscene immediately
Nov 25, 2013 at 11:24 AM
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JonSpider said:
Glad to hear ya like it.

By the way, I finished making another update. This one actually adds content (For one path, anyway)
Major Stuff
- Content for the Snake Path - time for a lot of fans and deathtraps

Minor Stuff
- Some more fixes and polishing
- Finally fixed the glitch with the first boss not starting the cutscene immediately

Just tried it and I like the stuff you added to the snake path. :toroko: Keep up the good work. *Thumbs up*
Nov 28, 2013 at 4:18 AM
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Why is it when you get the snake and saying "no" when told "explain yourself" by the forest spirit that the forest spirit doesn't do anything and you can't damage it?
Nov 28, 2013 at 12:36 PM
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I just downloaded the latest version and played a bit of it. I took the snake route.... I died twice and still didn't get all that far through the death traps and fans. I would've died a lot more if you hadn't put that hilarious "....." thing in there, ha ha. I'm so rusty at CS. I recorded my game play, but I think I'll actually do a real let's play of it. The game play without commentary was a bit boring at times (because I tend to check out everything I can). Or maybe I'll wait until the mod is done. Anyway, I'll tell you what I think about the mod in more detail once I've played it through, but I'm really liking the new stuff so far.
Nov 29, 2013 at 5:55 PM
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Goerge Bobicles said:
Why is it when you get the snake and saying "no" when told "explain yourself" by the forest spirit that the forest spirit doesn't do anything and you can't damage it?
You know, after having several people test it, I'm surprised nobody else stumbled upon it except you. Here, have a fixed version on the day after Thanksgiving.

FrozenFire said:
I just downloaded the latest version and played a bit of it. I took the snake route.... I died twice and still didn't get all that far through the death traps and fans. I would've died a lot more if you hadn't put that hilarious "....." thing in there, ha ha. I'm so rusty at CS. I recorded my game play, but I think I'll actually do a real let's play of it. The game play without commentary was a bit boring at times (because I tend to check out everything I can). Or maybe I'll wait until the mod is done. Anyway, I'll tell you what I think about the mod in more detail once I've played it through, but I'm really liking the new stuff so far.
Hey, tell me when the livestream starts sometime, I'd be glad to see it.
Nov 29, 2013 at 6:58 PM
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Btw Spider fixed it because i told him i was fighting air
air is a very hard boss
Nov 29, 2013 at 7:02 PM
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Vinnis said:
Btw Spider fixed it because i told him i was fighting air
air is a very hard boss

No, you weren't the first one to mention this, so you don't get any credit.

Go and fight wall.
Nov 30, 2013 at 1:57 AM
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I downloaded the fixed version, but now the boss it self is missing if you get the snake (though I haven't tried the polar star yet). and the stage with all the spikes and fans is replaced with just a room with a water melon, a life replenisher, an xp pack, and a sign asking you if you want to fight the boss.
Nov 30, 2013 at 5:14 AM
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Goerge Bobicles said:
I downloaded the fixed version, but now the boss it self is missing if you get the snake (though I haven't tried the polar star yet). and the stage with all the spikes and fans is replaced with just a room with a water melon, a life replenisher, an xp pack, and a sign asking you if you want to fight the boss.
Now that's real weird - maybe I modified the wrong version and uploaded that. Will be fixed in a moment (Huoy, still trying to get used to using Dropbox rather than Mediafire. Got it mixed up)
