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Jenka's Nightmare Revived - Final release

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Dec 20, 2011 at 7:34 PM
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Re: Jenka's Nightmare Revived

Still, I like this mod a lot, so I probully won't let it die like that. I still have my acient copy of JN and other newer copies, so if someone takes it down, I will probully just start it up again some forum elsewhere. And Cave Story(at least this format) is freeware, so Intellectual property or not, you can do anything you want with it. Meaning this will live.

Oh, and congrats on 101 pages!

I get the point, but I do not accept it. This game will continue.
Dec 20, 2011 at 9:32 PM
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Re: Jenka's Nightmare Revived

windsofwinds said:
Still, I like this mod a lot, so I probully won't let it die like that. I still have my acient copy of JN and other newer copies, so if someone takes it down, I will probully just start it up again some forum elsewhere. And Cave Story(at least this format) is freeware, so Intellectual property or not, you can do anything you want with it. Meaning this will live.

Oh, for the love of YOU'RE NOT GETTING IT.
Not everything on the internet is about scheming and copyright technicalities. I actually want shmitz to take it down if he feels it shouldn't exist. Granted I'd be a little disappointed to obliterate my part, but still.

Also yay for 1000 posts! Thanks guys, I really didn't think this would get that far. Hopefully my other mod becomes this popular!
Dec 21, 2011 at 5:20 PM
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Re: Jenka's Nightmare Revived

Hmm, shmitz eh? This sort of brings me back. I got into Jenka's Nightmare around January, right when Doors was getting started, so I never really knew shmitz. He was more of a legend to me.

Ahh, I remember those days. I was stuck with the glitch mentioned all the way back on page 1.

1000 posts or so ago. Sweet nostalgia.

Anyway, I wouldn't mind seeing where shmitz was going to go with the mod. Kinda a moot point since I doubt he will re-finish it in spite of his return. He doesn't look like he plans to become all that active here again.

And... wait a sec, did you say you have something super secret in store for the mod? Cant wait to see what it is!
Jan 3, 2012 at 4:19 PM
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Re: Jenka's Nightmare Revived

I already thought this mod was hard enough already. Why does it need a hard mode???
Jan 9, 2012 at 4:06 AM
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I suppose it didn't really need a hard mode. I made it because...
I made an easy mode because certain people (specifically pretty much all of my IRL friends) can't even beat the original CS, let alone this. (It didn't really help, considering most of my friends never listen to me when I suggest freeware games)
Jan 28, 2012 at 7:01 AM
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I finally managed to find this thread after I played JN 1.5. I had a few questions: What's new in 2.1? Did Oblivions health ever get fixed? I remember he had a ridiculous amount of health that just made me want to quit the game. Still love the mod, just got annoyed with Oblivion.
Jan 28, 2012 at 1:55 PM
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JNR 1.5? Uhm...I really don't remember, but a lot has changed. One thing was an updat'd new game +.
Oblivion isn't that hard to beat.
Jan 28, 2012 at 5:18 PM
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Yeah, oblivion's health always annoyed me. It's bearable if you have one of the uber weps by then.
What I find annoying is that all the bosses after him die really fast to uber weps. Like before they can get off a single attack fast.
Jan 28, 2012 at 7:43 PM
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Thanks for the quick reply guys, and as for the uber weapons, in my old save file in JN 1.6.5 the only one I found was the uber bubbler and sky blade. Both of which only did like 50-150 damage on Oblivion at a time (which is insignificant in comparison to his health). I went around dodging all of his attacks for about 20 minutes and I was only able to get about half of his health down before I got bored out of my skull and killed myself.
Feb 3, 2012 at 5:16 PM
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So. I just defeated Oblivion, and now Curly tells me to take out Genesis, and King tells me I can get there via Genesis:Spirit. The problem is, I've already killed Genesis before (I guess it didn't take). I went in via the water way, and later I went through the graveyard and ended up there again. So does that mean both pathways are now closed and I'm stuck? Or how else am I supposed to reach Genesis again?
Feb 3, 2012 at 6:33 PM
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Feb 4, 2012 at 12:01 PM
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Okay, that worked, and I'm finished now. I must say, for a mod that started out so excellent, I find the ending rather disappointing. The last few boss fights are no particular threat but take too long because they have way too many HP. Then nothing about the whole Jenka/Genesis/Oblivion thing is explained, just another monster warps in, you kill him and the game ends. And then there's weird stuff like where Quote dies, but robot afterlife is actually a bedroom you could just walk into earlier, and the guardian of the afterlife is King, who lets both you and Curly out if they ask nicely. It really feels like a rush job.

Oh well, we can't all be Pixel I suppose. And the first 75% of this mod is really good.
Feb 4, 2012 at 2:28 PM
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I didn't like the ending at all either.
I was gonna keep this from you guys a little longer, but fine.
I'm planning to create a huge overhaul of changes to JNR, including new story, a better ending, and other things as well. If anyone wants to suggest changes to the game (changes to Shmitz' part, I already know that I'm changing all of my stuff), you can PM me or say it here I guess.

Oh just remember I still have to finish misery story first.
Feb 4, 2012 at 3:07 PM
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Oh good, so there's plenty of time. Expect to hear from me as soon as I can use PMs.
Feb 4, 2012 at 9:10 PM
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Ah, I am very glad that you are going to have a different ending. I found that very anticlimactic. So yeah. I guess I'll give this mod a full review when you've made your changes.
Feb 18, 2012 at 7:07 PM
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Has ANYONE gotten the controller and lived? also, what does it do?
there needs to be more places to refill your machine gun ammo. if you land on the spikes to refill too often, you level down and can't fly anymore

also, the turbocharger, which is supposed is supposed to make the machine gun ammo refill faster, doesn't work. but that might be because it's also a piece of the puzzle

also, I can't seem to find the ikachan lab  

EDIT(S): nevermind

woo-hoo! nemesis-x!
BTW, what's an ikachan?

Glitch found! in Genesis

when you walk a bit in, it says "your nemesis-x was stolen" and then it says it again. and again. and again. and again etc.
Feb 24, 2012 at 1:11 PM
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Has ANYONE gotten the controller and lived? also, what does it do? there needs to be more places to refill your machine gun ammo. if you land on the spikes to refill too often, you level down and can't fly anymore also, the turbocharger, which is supposed is supposed to make the machine gun ammo refill faster, doesn't work. but that might be because it's also a piece of the puzzle also, I can't seem to find the ikachan lab EDIT(S): nevermind woo-hoo! nemesis-x! BTW, what's an ikachan? Glitch found! in Genesis when you walk a bit in, it says "your nemesis-x was stolen" and then it says it again. and again. and again. and again etc.
I found that glitch too. Whether it was before this mod was revived, I can't remember. Ikachan are those squid-thingies that appear when you beat Ironhead without taking a single hit, which also gives you an useless reward other than proving that you're able to beat the mechanical fish without taking damage. As for where this Ikachan lab is, I don't have a clue; although apparently it doesn't matter.

I didn't like the ending at all either. I was gonna keep this from you guys a little longer, but fine. I'm planning to create a huge overhaul of changes to JNR, including new story, a better ending, and other things as well. If anyone wants to suggest changes to the game (changes to Shmitz' part, I already know that I'm changing all of my stuff), you can PM me or say it here I guess. Oh just remember I still have to finish misery story first.
Wow, a new story? Awesome! Uhm, I don't know exactly what this Shmitz person did, but I can suggest things that may have been done. And I have a few:
(1) The moving blocks are a little hard to avoid, I dunno if Shmitz made it like that. Just saying.
(2) The puppy puzzle in the Sand Zone is also kinda weird and hard. Maybe placing some sort of clue could help, I dunno.
(3) Nemesis-X glitch.
(4) The Outer Wall area has super-powered Night Spirits (last I checked, though, they were Deconstructors). It's almost impossible to beat them with the equipment one has by the time one reaches it, and so is the Egg Corridor (very hard! Barely made it through). The Outer Wall area is passable, provided one can retreat downwards and go back up again. Or simply go as fast as possible to reach what used to be the Plantation.
If both of the above weren't changes to Shmitz' part, then ignore 'em.
Feb 24, 2012 at 3:16 PM
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(2) The puppy puzzle in the Sand Zone is also kinda weird and hard. Maybe placing some sort of clue could help, I dunno.
You mean like, everything all the Cthulus say? Or when Misery tells you the secret of the puzzle?
Or maybe being blatantly told is too difficult.
Feb 24, 2012 at 3:33 PM
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Well, the fact that everything is totally random. It confuses me so much that I accidentally double-pressed ESC, quitting it AND I forgot to save due to the confusion, so I had to restart from the Start Cave. How on Earth does confusion do that much chaos?
Feb 24, 2012 at 3:38 PM
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But it's not random at all.
I haven't played this mod past Genesis Earth (why did you have to take my bubbler[whyyyyy]) but the only thing I think Dhmitz didn't do very well was the "A good dog does not bark, but merely wags his tail," part. It made me think that you were only supposed to feed the ones that wagged their tails, which isn't true.
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