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Jenka's Nightmare - Done. *mic drop* []

May 15, 2014 at 2:36 AM
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Try climbing what? I can get to the top left corner, yes. The path to the top middle appears to be unavailable unless I find a rocket somewhere.
May 15, 2014 at 2:56 AM
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Booster 2.0 is capable of clearing the horizontal presses if you move at full speed upward and are centered.
May 15, 2014 at 11:36 AM
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Wow, I've played several CS mods and I never knew this was possible. Well, thanks, I'm trying to clear Final Cave now.

Is it correct that the Snake
is no longer available if you pick it up in the first room and then lose it when falling to the bottom of the island? I figure I should probably not have picked it up until afterward
And that the guy who can give you the Remote Control disappears after awhile and at that point you can no longer get the remote?
May 15, 2014 at 12:11 PM
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Yes and yes.

The reason there are snake ammo chests in seemingly impossible locations later in the game is that you can skip the Snake at the very start and obtain it AFTER returning from the labyrinth. Naturally the side-effect is being limited to the Polar Star for the first three boss fights. Which relies on how skillful you are at dodging damage and aiming.

That said, the Snake is substantially less useful when the bosses begin actually putting up fights and not being as easy to stand next to or on top of and mash the fire key. Of course at that point you also possibly have the Blade to do that instead.

In any case, when I update the recent collection of minor bugs, I'll throw a sign in to tell the player that yes, it's possible to clear the presses with the Booster.
May 15, 2014 at 12:20 PM
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so you have to go through the doable-but-tedious Final Cave and then fight an invisible Undead Core over a lava pit, with no place to heal, no chance to level up all weapons, and not even a save point? That's good for a Sacred Grounds bonus level, but for a normal playthrough I find it rather harsh. I was just appreciating the fact that up to now JN had toned down the difficulty a bit from the older version (e.g. by simplifying the Monster X ride and removing the lengthy machine gun flying sections).

Please tell me where to find the Spur and the Life Pot, and possibly the Blade or Nemesis; there's no way I'm getting through this otherwise.
May 15, 2014 at 12:45 PM
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Blade: Go talk to Jack in Grasstown. Then, head to the far right of Grasstown. Someone new should be there.

Spur: Find all the 'Pignon' notes, then check the door in the Graveyard.

Mimiga Village, Pipeworks, Grasstown, Sand Zone, Labyrinth.

If you stay on the floor during the fight, Genesis will spawn red critters that you can kill for an exp a piece, as well as hearts and missiles.
May 15, 2014 at 2:09 PM
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Dunc2403 said:
Also never forget the one place with all the bat spawners. You can grind there if you want.
Sure, but I'm not going to stand there and shoot bats for five minutes every time I want to take a shot at the Undead Core. That's not challenging, that's just tedious.
May 15, 2014 at 4:08 PM
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Thanks for the tips. With the Blade and Spur I can probably handle this. With the machine gun, not so much.

I had figured out that I needed
to collect all notes and then visit the door in the graveyard
, I just never saw the one in the pipeworks; it's pretty hard to spot. I was actually surprised how much of a pushover that bonus boss was.

I'm not sure why
the pit in Grasstown is bottomless the second time unless you talk to Jack first? I had actually thought of going there again but I just fell off the screen and died. Also, I'm not sure how I was supposed to infer from Jack's dialog that the pit now works again. Perhaps it should just stay "open" all the time? There shouldn't be any harm to letting the player repeatedly visit the bottom of the island.
May 15, 2014 at 4:57 PM
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Jeez, you're all talking about the Jenka's Nightmare boss...
That took a couple tries, I only had the Machine Gun, Fireball, and maybe the Hydra...
...or do you get that with Curly? I can't remember. >.<
May 16, 2014 at 10:58 AM
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Well, with the Spur I managed to take down the Nightmare and complete the game. I also played some of the Curly parts, but I'll leave the Final Cave Hidden (and presumably more boss fights afterwards) for another day. So congrats again on releasing this great mod. My favorite parts were the twin egg corridors; the last fights with Suto; and the fact that everybody has lots of dialogue available.

I ended up with 54 health; not sure what the maximum is; I've been unable to find the Nemesis (Hydra?), Arms Barrier, Turbocharge, or Mr. Little so far, assuming they exist in this game. And I'll leave you some miscellaneous bug reports and feedback; note that I am not the kind of player who can speedrun through Sacred Grounds, so I'll probably see some things differently from those that can.

When playing as Curly and recovering Quote's gear, I received a machine gun capsule. Also, though Quote had the map system, she doesn't receive it with no explanation why. And Curly can breathe underwater even before reclaiming the air tank.

Talking to Itoh on top of the island gives the message "It is a helicopter".

Monter X doesn't get a life bar. Is it possible to defeat him?

I have two suggestions regarding save point placement. First, I think that after any boss fight, the player should get a save point directly (the original CS usually has a save disk appear at such a moment). It's just frustrating to win a difficult boss fight with little health left, and then die from a random mook before you can save. Second, I found the save point at the Little's Cottage annoying. You can jump down there pretty easily and it's natural to save before going in the door; and then you find out that there's nothing you need in there, and it's very hard to get out of that pit without Booster2.0 or Machine Gun.

Cave Story has this trick where if you see a dialogue for the second time, it goes faster. This doesn't work on the final cutscene with Suto, which is rather long if you have to try the fight several times in a row. Also, when fighting Suto and Pignon, sometimes Pignon doesn't fight in the third round; I'm not sure why. I get the impression that if you take down Pignon, he pops back up, but if you take him to very low health you can just drop him easily in the third round. I think focusing on Pignon first should be a legitimate strategy in this fight.

Why does Balrog in the Observatory speak of the fireball/machine gun trade only once? It would be nice if you can consider it and come back for him later, just like how you can come back later for the Super Missile.

Some more in-game hints would be helpful. For the various collection quests, it would be nice to give the player some kind of hint of where to look, e.g. that there are five Pignons and which area they're in, like you posted above; or which areas have the herbs that Misery needs. Late in the game I found a passage that states I need to find five somethings before I can pass, but I'm not sure what that refers to. Also, I have no idea how to get through Devil's Grounds, perhaps there should be a hint as to what route to take. And I've read in this thread that there's a New Game+ feature, which is very cool, but it doesn't seem to be indicated in the game that this is possible.

One plot point which I found odd was that when you finally make it to the Observatory, Curly is already there; if she had a shortcut, why couldn't you use that? It would make more sense if Quote activates the teleporter and she comes from there; after all, he was send there to fix the teleport. Also, I'm not sure why Booster and Itoh need to set up a rocket for Curly in the Plantage, considering the player just flew through those same barriers with Quote earlier, and she can use the same trick.

Finally, a large appeal of this mod is the cool new boss fights, such as Oblivion and Genesis. Therefore, although this may be a lot of work, it would be fun if the battles against the Pignon Gang, the Sisters, and Frenzied Toroko were more different from their equivalents in Cave Story. I've also found these three battles rather easy compared to the rest of the game.

May 16, 2014 at 10:08 PM
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When playing as Curly and recovering Quote's gear, I received a machine gun capsule. Also, though Quote had the map system, she doesn't receive it with no explanation why. And Curly can breathe underwater even before reclaiming the air tank.

Talking to Itoh on top of the island gives the message "It is a helicopter".

Monter X doesn't get a life bar. Is it possible to defeat him?

I have two suggestions regarding save point placement. First, I think that after any boss fight, the player should get a save point directly (the original CS usually has a save disk appear at such a moment). It's just frustrating to win a difficult boss fight with little health left, and then die from a random mook before you can save. Second, I found the save point at the Little's Cottage annoying. You can jump down there pretty easily and it's natural to save before going in the door; and then you find out that there's nothing you need in there, and it's very hard to get out of that pit without Booster2.0 or Machine Gun.

Cave Story has this trick where if you see a dialogue for the second time, it goes faster. This doesn't work on the final cutscene with Suto, which is rather long if you have to try the fight several times in a row. Also, when fighting Suto and Pignon, sometimes Pignon doesn't fight in the third round; I'm not sure why. I get the impression that if you take down Pignon, he pops back up, but if you take him to very low health you can just drop him easily in the third round. I think focusing on Pignon first should be a legitimate strategy in this fight.

Why does Balrog in the Observatory speak of the fireball/machine gun trade only once? It would be nice if you can consider it and come back for him later, just like how you can come back later for the Super Missile.

Some more in-game hints would be helpful. For the various collection quests, it would be nice to give the player some kind of hint of where to look, e.g. that there are five Pignons and which area they're in, like you posted above; or which areas have the herbs that Misery needs. Late in the game I found a passage that states I need to find five somethings before I can pass, but I'm not sure what that refers to. Also, I have no idea how to get through Devil's Grounds, perhaps there should be a hint as to what route to take. And I've read in this thread that there's a New Game+ feature, which is very cool, but it doesn't seem to be indicated in the game that this is possible.

One plot point which I found odd was that when you finally make it to the Observatory, Curly is already there; if she had a shortcut, why couldn't you use that? It would make more sense if Quote activates the teleporter and she comes from there; after all, he was send there to fix the teleport. Also, I'm not sure why Booster and Itoh need to set up a rocket for Curly in the Plantage, considering the player just flew through those same barriers with Quote earlier, and she can use the same trick.

Finally, a large appeal of this mod is the cool new boss fights, such as Oblivion and Genesis. Therefore, although this may be a lot of work, it would be fun if the battles against the Pignon Gang, the Sisters, and Frenzied Toroko were more different from their equivalents in Cave Story. I've also found these three battles rather easy compared to the rest of the game.

The Map System gets destroyed by the Doctor without telling why, ZarroTsu should include a message after you picked up Quote's items (If he had the Map System. The message is skipped if he doesn't). By the way, you can get another from Itoh in the Rest Room at Plantation. The Air Tank problem is already fixed, please download (or later) at the first post.

The Helicopter bug is already reported by me, please check post #58.

Defeating Monster X is possible and you get the Catseye Medal item. Whether or not ZarroTsu wants the boss lifebar is up to ZarroTsu.

The Save Point placements is up to ZarroTsu.

Maybe the Pignon must be CNP'd (twice?) to the same Blue Pignon to replenish health? Also, ZarroTsu would have to put a new skipflag and rearrange the text to display three lines at a time before CLR to allow speed through text.

The trading-back weapons is up to ZarroTsu. If you really want to keep the Machine Gun, simply say no. This trade is final if Yes and you get the Fireball.

The areas where the ingredients are located are found in the bookshelf at Mimiga Tower (a Save Point, next to the chest) in Mimiga Village. For the five prior, expect a reply in PM by ZarroTsu or wait for the walkthrough. In Devil's Garden, it's intended to be very difficult, but I'll give you a hint. Follow the doors with the skull lit up red, then through the possessed doors. In the maze, the left with skulls is the first path, so go left, right (where you came out of), down, right and then up. Then go up and open a chest if you still have the Snake, go through the door at the bottom where you came out of. You'll wind up back where you started, however the door ahead will take you to Hell.

How Curly got there before you... Sue finally got the Observatory teleporter working remotely from the Town Hall's computer by decrypting a code somehow while you are going through either the Egg Corridor and Outer Wall or Devil's Garden and Hell. Curly traveled by teleporter as the shortcut and told you why.

The bosses, leave it up to ZarroTsu.
May 17, 2014 at 7:52 AM
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Hmm. How is the Nemesis capsule opened? On 2nd playthrough and still haven't found out how to do it. Also, is there a reason where, when I got the Snake after returning from the Labyrinth and then return to Chaba in order to open an NG+ Snake capsule... absolutely nothing happens? No obvious change has occurred at all.
May 17, 2014 at 1:56 PM
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Nemesis should be openable by the little man. His house is in a dangerous place. Talk to him again after trading with him.

Snake capsule... Hmm... I have a hunch I forgot to remove the existing snake if you have it, so I'll have to fix that too when I update the game and release the walkthrough. You're /supposed/ to get an infinite ammo snake, but <AM+0001:0000 does exactly what it says on the tin.
May 17, 2014 at 6:16 PM
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Mr. Little doesn't open the Nemesis capsule; I keep getting redirected to the "How's my fabulous gun treating you?" dialogue. Have I missed an opportunity to trip a flag somewhere?
May 18, 2014 at 6:06 PM
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I'll have to have a look at it, then. Probably another bug.

Can't PM you, Avidfan, so see the spoiler below.

Regarding Mr. Little and the Nemesis capsule:

Did you have Mr. Little in your inventory at some point? If you did, it shouldn't have been possible to get the Nemesis Capsule at all outside of hacking. Nemesis capsule gives additional ammo to the Mjolnir.

When you traded with him, did he give you the "Nemesis" or the "Mjolnir"?


So I'll try to get the walkthrough done tomorrow. It'll be cutting it close, but I should hopefully get all the maps screenshot'd by this evening, and then I can focus on the less tedious things tonight and tomorrow afternoon.

Update version number will be since I've tweaked the Last Cave(s) to make them less frustrating (and to remove the red bat generators when you reach the end so you can't grind them), and I've also made the red bats during the JN fight drop exp now in case people can't figure out how to make the critters spawn. Everything listed above should be fixed now.
May 18, 2014 at 11:12 PM
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ZarroTsu, about that time in your signature...
I have beaten your Arcadia record. Mine is 4'02"2. I have made sure to level up the Super Missile Launcher, then switch out in case of damage, and then use the Super Missile Launcher against the Doctor. Then on Tristitia's final form, I used the Munitions Clip and spammed Super Missiles! This now motivates me to record an Arcadia speed run and try to beat my record. Yes! It is possible to get "King" as the main menu selector!

The video will be a MediaFire link within this spoiler or in another post.

EDIT: I recorded a video and got a record of 3'57"3! YES! GOT KING! Video: http://www.mediafire.com/watch/p3p2zxp88h67cj8/JNTime3'57''3.avi (Watchable, but if off-sync, please download and view with a player.)
May 18, 2014 at 11:51 PM
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Ehhhh the time in my signature isn't terribly impressive. Really just my first run of it that got Toroko. I'll have to get one up sometime using turbocharge spur and NG+ missiles.