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Jenka's Nightmare - Done. *mic drop* []

May 7, 2014 at 8:30 AM
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- Removed the removal of the <EQ0016 to prevent Curly from turning into a blue Quote upon drowning (Nobody minds if she somehow has a bubble without the Air tank item, right? Right? Ehhhh...)
Read Carefully in the Spoiler below.

When you come to the point where you play as Curly... please keep the <EQ-0016. (Put it back if you removed it.)

Let's put it this way to solve the Caret problem... after <EQ-0016, instead enable Flag 4000 <FL+4000 as this causes to autocall Event #1100 without a Blue Quote every time player drowns instead of an autocall #0041 with a Blue Quote. Place the following in the script:

On the maps with water that Curly may visit:

Start Point
First Cave
Mimiga Village
Yamashita Farm
Pipeworks S
Pipeworks E
Pipeworks N
Grasstown (single wading pool near the Generator Room)
Sanctuary (another single wading pool) Forget this, it's only a one way travel only by Quote.
Labyrinth W
Labyrinth S
Save Room (JN048, small water with chest is accessible)
Labyrinth M
Rest Area (another single wading pool)
Old Jail (same as above)
Misery's Abode? (JN094)

This event #1100 will create an unconcious Curly NPC that will appear behind the player and then the event call #0041 after, there is already an <HMC within #0041 in Head so it hides the player. End result: Curly now looks this way, and you get the "You have drowned" message. You may edit NpcRegu, and recolor the unconscious Curly sprite blue as you wish.

Finally, at the Jenka's House map (JN005), on event #0338 after <IT+0019, put <EQ+0016 and <FL-4000. The Air Tank she picked up is now equipped! Flag 4000 is no longer needed.

A word to everyone, Flag 4000 is a special handling flag Pixel configured so it autocalls event #1100 instead of #0041 with a Blue Quote sprite upon drowning.
Now, when I get the chance, I am going to replay the mod up to the point where I play as Curly and check previous things that have been fixed in I will come back later with results.
May 7, 2014 at 12:09 PM
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Thanks. I'll put that together the next time an update is required.
May 8, 2014 at 9:05 AM
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This... was AMAZING! Everything, writing, looks, story, oh my god everything was PERFECT!!

Last fight:
The very last battle was epic. Mid-air fights are one of the best ideas gaming has created.

I have no idea where the fifth is. One to the way to the labyrinth, one to the chimney, two in the sand zone.

Bug (maybe fixed): You can interact with the town hall fire when the fishing mimiga is there to get "infinite" prickly ash bark.
Bug (maybe also fixed):
I got both super missiles (10) and normal missiles (81) when i picked up Quote's stuff. I had 111 normal ones before he dropped them.

What happened to Curly's perfected nemesis?
May 8, 2014 at 2:59 PM
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The Wise Sten said:
I have no idea where the fifth is. One to the way to the labyrinth, one to the chimney, two in the sand zone.
The biggest dick move in the game.
The locked door in plantation.
It is only openable as Curly, but not after you get Quote's items back.
Yes, you need the L3 MachineGun.

Bug (maybe also fixed):
I got both super missiles (10) and normal missiles (81) when i picked up Quote's stuff. I had 111 normal ones before he dropped them.
Will look at fixing tonight. Really not sure why those missile capsules are causing this many problems. My fault for tying them so closely together, I guess.
May 8, 2014 at 11:24 PM
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I found a bug. Nevermind it's not a bug.

What? But I never gave Sue the Aqueduct card!
(If you need specifics, I literally just came back from the Labyrinth, talked to Sue and gave her the Grasstown and Sand Zone keycards, then gave her the Labyrinth one.. It's on a NG+, as well.)
Why is the option here if it just says permission not granted? I guess it's more of an oddity then a bug, then.
May 9, 2014 at 1:07 AM
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It's a NG+ quirk. I cannot /remove/ teleporter locations. Since they were added by the original Cave Story, they're stuck there. Only work around was telling you you can't go there yet.

Update 140508 (

- Fixed the drown code / caret issue (Thanks, Fluff8836)
- Fixed infinite prickly ash bark
- Figured out how to actually fix the missile capsules (I had them pointing to the wrong missile type, somehow)
- Fixed a minor <WAI issue with the credits
- Fixed a minor <WAI issue with Kazuma
May 9, 2014 at 10:12 AM
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I'm impressed that you have...
hacked the Unconscious Curly NPC to center exactly and you indeed colored her blue. Great job. :)

I still found more problems...

As Curly
  • ● You've halfway fixed the Pignon's Hideout early entry problem. It seems after the first refusal because you have no note, you interact it again and the door opens! <FL+0283 is within #0120. When you interact with the door, a flag jump for 0283 occurs. To fix: Hmmm... maybe move <FL+0283 away from #0120 and put it in #0121 instead. That would work.
  • ● Chimney and Conduit, you can operate the rocket without the key even if it still gives you prompt! To fix: Change <EVE0025 within #0026 in Head into <ITJ0037:0025<END. Curly would then need go get Quote's items before the rockets can be used.
  • ● It appears you didn't put an <EQ+0016 within #0338 in Jenka's House... without the bubble from her own AirTank Curly picked up from Quote's items, she will turn into a Blue Quote (due to flag 4000 removed upon pickup, no longer needed).
  • ● I see the Map System is automatically unequipped in the Super Secret Room, but I could still use it through the inventory. To completely prevent the use: Put a new flag upon entry and remove when going back to Jenka's House. Then put a flag jump in ArmsItem to a new event that will say "No data." if the Map System is examined.
  • ● Glitch on Teleportation from Observatory (JN101) to Aqueducts. Curly not positioned correctly on Teleporter! Correct location is x=10 y=10, not x=10 y=0!
  • Suggestion: When Curly visits the Labyrinth Shop with Chaba and Old Clinic with a lone robot next to the bed, provide new dialogue because they seem to say the same thing to Quote. Utilize the "as Curly" flag jump. Note that some Gaudi and others can still say the same to anyone who passes by. It's the Gaudi with event #0180 and #0190 at the Labyrinth Shop, and the blue robot at the Old Clinic. That is what I am worried about.
  • As Quote: Pignon the Fleeting's note upon pickup in GrassTown, should it be the word "Then" instead of "The"?
  • ● In Plantation, "Sprinkler is misspelled as "Sprikler" on the Sprinklers that are run dry.
  • As Quote: Pignon's Hideout, talking at the blue Pignon (event #0400) pre-battle or pre-being chicken, "arrived" is missing one "r".
  • ● Abandoned Facility, the last terminal with a journal entry, the very last lines under April 2, 2417, change "Destructor" to "Deconstructor".
Hopefully, I got every last bugs for you to step on.

As soon as the all the bugs reported from me and others have died down and you release the walkthrough, I predict the next major-minor version will be either or major-build version

This post has been edited to include more bugs I have recently found! ~ 5/9/2014 8:56 AM Pacific Daylight Time
May 10, 2014 at 12:47 AM
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Going to look at updating closer to Sunday in case more bugs are discovered before then.
May 10, 2014 at 11:05 AM
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Minor bugs:
-when you say 'no' to hermit gunsmith when he asks you to take a look at spur capsule, it shows sue's portrait
-when i teleported to aqueducts from mimiga village with curly, she got spawned outside of the map (not NG+)
-balrog's capsule breaking yes/no input is reversed

1. Does leaving balrog alone after teleprting to secret room affects something later?
2. Are there more than 2 endings (except the secret boss rush)?
3. What is this 'devil thing' on normal ending pictures?

BTW. Thank you for making this mod.
May 10, 2014 at 6:13 PM
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-balrog's capsule breaking yes/no input is reversed
"Do you mind if I...?"

>Yes, I mind = no, you can't.
>No, I don't mind = sure.

1. Does leaving balrog alone after teleprting to secret room affects something later?
2. Are there more than 2 endings (except the secret boss rush)?
3. What is this 'devil thing' on normal ending pictures?
1. You mean in The Core? No.

2. Only two. SSA doesn't provide anything except one addition to the credit roll.

3. ??? Do you mean the ambiguous dragon with its back turned, or does Quote look like a devil?


Update 140510 (

- Fixed all the bugs, typos, etc. in Fluff8836's and kuniqs posts (except Fleeting's note: that isn't a typo, he speaks in Haikus).
- Fixed the ability to get permanently stuck in the Generator Room if you manage to sequence break past it and then save inside.
- Credited Cave Editor in the credits instead of Eddie (sorry; it's still a pretty sweet TAS, but someone's working on a new one right now, and it'd become confusing and redundant to credit everyone post-version).
- Made it possible to get the Snake chest in the Abandoned Facility after you beat Oblivion, now.

- Fixed a missing <YNJ event if you have the Spur capsule as Curly but never triggered the Fourth Suto fight.
- Added the Life Capsule from Sand Zone to 'Sand Zone?' in case you missed it before.
May 10, 2014 at 8:51 PM
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Quick question, where do I go to open the Bubbler and Nemesis Capsules? I'm kind of lost regarding as to where they go.
May 10, 2014 at 9:50 PM
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Gonna echo everybody's praise for this. It really feels like a complete extension of Pixel's original concept (albeit slightly wordier, which is definitely a positive in this case). Also, I'm stuck on the Abandoned Facility puzzle after beating Deconstructor Mk 2. I can see the door in the upper right hand corner, but not how to get to it.
May 10, 2014 at 10:04 PM
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AvidFan said:
Gonna echo everybody's praise for this. It really feels like a complete extension of Pixel's original concept (albeit slightly wordier, which is definitely a positive in this case). Also, I'm stuck on the Abandoned Facility puzzle after beating Deconstructor Mk 2. I can see the door in the upper right hand corner, but not how to get to it.
Shoot, I might have broken that in my update earlier today. Is there no gap in the pipes on the ceiling?
May 10, 2014 at 10:10 PM
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No, there isn't. I was checking out Emperor's LP on your Youtube for Oblivion and the gap isn't there.
May 10, 2014 at 11:33 PM
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My bad then. Updating again.

Emergency Update 140510_1 (

- Fixed a game-breaking bug brought upon by the previous version (One of the flags used is set somewhere by something but I can't find it so I used different flags now).
- Made the grey spikes go away when Deconstructor Mk.2 is defeated.

Quick Double-Update 140510_2 ( (aka I'm an idiot, don't mind me)

- Figured out why the flag above was occurring and fixed it again. Ugh.
- Fixed a bug where Deconstructor Mk.2 unintentionally made hearts near the end of the map vanish
- Moved the 'make spikes go away' to the correct spot in the script so you don't get hurt by them first


Alright so after playing the game for a bit I'm considering re-buffing the Blade back to 2 hits of 8 instead of 3 hits of 5. It's too difficult to use it while in motion when it doesn't hit an enemy as fast as it could.

When I do this I'm going to change the version number to, so I'm going to sit on the idea for a little while, in case there are any remaining bugs hiding around. You guys can let me know what you feel about it.
May 11, 2014 at 12:16 AM
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Thanks for fixing all the bugs I have mentioned.

I am playing from a backed-up save profile to the point I play as Curly so I can make sure these bugs stay stomped. And they are.

As for the first-refusal of entering the Pignon's Hideout, it's fixed... well almost, but now, I think I like the idea of getting punished so I'll just say it is fixed.

If I used the Machine Gun at Level 3 to get around the cave-in by shooting downwards in the Graveyard, and reach the door, "Sorry toots! No chicks allowed!" and it locks up. Door cannot be opened. After I get Quote's items and I get the note (if Quote got the Spur), and come back to the door in the Graveyard, the door stays forever locked! Let just say the Pignon really knows Curly on first-sight and he won't get to that door anymore (the same way happened to Quote if I opted not to fight the Pignons, aka chickening out). That will be the punishment for sequence-breaking with the Level 3 Machine Gun. You got to get Quote's items first and then come to the door to Pignon's Hideout in the Graveyard the first time! Then, if you have the note, you're in. Possible outcomes are in this diagram below.

= No
= Yes

1. Curly gets Quote's items.
2. Try to enter Pignon's Hideout the first time.
3. Has the Pignon's note.

All three must be green for entry to the hideout.

1 2 3 = Entry
● ● ● =
● ● = (Does not have note, Quote did not have the Spur)
= (Even if you got the note, you tried to get in without it the first time. Punishment!)
● ● =
= (You sequence-broke it using the Level 3 Machine Gun! Punishment!)
● ● ● =
And before I finish this message the forum post, I still don't know how to get beyond the barrier in the Super Secret Area beyond the fireplace in Jenka's house. Reply back about this matter only in Private Message, unless you plan to include how to explore the Super Secret Area in the walkthrough. It is better to keep the Super Secret Area SECRET!
May 11, 2014 at 2:31 PM
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Coolkid Update 140511 (

- Buffed the Blade by 1 point of damage strung across fewer hits
- Gave Armor Gaudi 2 more HP
- Fixed a minor HP issue where Crows specifically carrying Skullheads had more HP than their regulars
- Fixed a major issue in Jenka's house with a few clumsy flag directions
- Made sure to correctly remove the Crescent Medal during the transition, now
- Fixed a few typos and text hug errors
- Reduced the wait time when retrieving the thing from Jenka's House
- Changed the post-labyrinth Snake to start with 20 ammo and give +10 per upgrade, so the final value isn't an abnormal number.
May 14, 2014 at 6:35 AM
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Seems 1.1 is stable so far but before you re-release the mod with the completed walkthrough, I found four minor bugs and one major bug for you to fix for Revision 1 (or possibly Build 1):

● The first terminal with a journal entry at the beginning of Abandoned Facility, in the text, "Allergic" is missing one "l".

As Quote: Itoh NPC at the Balcony is not interactive because of the Helicopter NPC is interfering. When you press down on Itoh, you actually don't talk to him, you instead still get the message "It's a helicopter."

As Quote: At the Observatory, talking to Balrog twice before leaving the island with him and Curly, in Balrog's text, "Kazuma" had an "s" instead of "z"... spelling out as "Kasuma".

● Has the "Thank You!" NPC appeared below the characters in the Best ending after credits roll??? I saw it appear on the Normal ending when you escaped with Balrog & Curly, but never on the Best ending when you beat the True Final Boss as Curly...

As Curly:

Hidden text highlight (or click) to view:

If the teleporter in the Old Clinic at the Labyrinth was somehow present before playing as Curly, it is possible that this would also take Curly to the Normal Sand Zone but it's supposed to be changed after the Doctor had made his move! To fix: Once you start playing as Curly, that teleporter next to the blue robot in the Old Clinic must now be shut off and appear to be not working. If the teleporter is inspected, then the blue robot would explain why. Utilize the "As Curly" flag on the teleporter.

I have rated the topic 5 stars now.

Edited the post to include any additional bugs found in my playthroughs! 5/15/2014 12:30 AM Pacific Daylight Time
May 15, 2014 at 2:02 AM
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Very cool, well done on completing this!

I've started in version 140506, defeated Genesis and Oblivion and I got sent to the Plantation. I've made it there via the Observatory, but I can't find anything to do in the Plantation, other than an ammo chest in the bottom left corner. Did I miss something?
May 15, 2014 at 2:16 AM
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Did you try climbing it?