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Jenka's Nightmare - Done. *mic drop* []

May 5, 2014 at 4:41 AM
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"I, Ikachan. The Life and Documentary of the OrigiNAL SQuiD."
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If you don't mind me asking, where am I supposed to go after I...
defeat Genesis? Booster says I'm supposed to go to the Observatory via Outer Wall via Egg Corridor via Rocket via Balcony.
Am I missing something? I'm using a Profile from your latest Demo, could that be why?
Oh, crap. Never mind. I'm supposed to use the Conduit instead of the Balcony...
There was a rocket there, but I didn't notice it. Then I said "Who needs a rocket when you have a Level 3 Machine Gun and a Booster 2.0? :D" And I made it on my 23rd try.
-Hours later...-
Just beat it! :D
Quick question: are there more than one endings?
Do I still have a goal?
I explored much more than I had to do anything in, so I'm guessing it's a yes?
May 5, 2014 at 5:01 AM
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There is more than one ending, yes. The only reason I found the other one was because of a certain obsession I've had since age 8 or 9, when I first played the original version of JN.
May 5, 2014 at 5:41 AM
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I see. But remember, he did change stuff up.
Also, another bug:
When Curly finds Quote's weapons in Jenka's house, you can't interact anymore. :(
Also, you can't access you inventory, leave, save, and the weapon's ammo is all screwed up. The missile fires and recharges, same with them all. And all the numbers are over 2k or so... :/
May 5, 2014 at 6:28 AM
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A hearty congratulations ZarroTsu! You saw it through to the very end.
The project is now at last complete...

...maybe this time I'll try a minimum health profile...

Hey... feel up to answering a few simple interview questions? It might be a little weird to be formal about it, but I bet people would be interested, and it might be fun to look back at this in the future.
First off, how long did the project take and how many hours do you think you invested?
How do you feel about the project, now that it's complete?

Care to share any background on its development?
What major hurdles did you encounter? Favorite parts of the game?

And what made you decide to choose Jenka's Nightmare, to work on what Shmitz begun, rather than starting your own work from scratch?

What would you tell Shmitz if you were able to get a message to him?
Any plans for any future Cave Story modding?

Lastly, anything you would like to tell the players or add to this?
Thank you for your time! And for Jenka's Nightmare [complete]!
Anyway, I hope everyone checks out the mod. Jenka's Nightmare makes a great continuation to the original Cave Story ;D
May 5, 2014 at 12:11 PM
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Pyroaid said:
When Curly finds Quote's weapons in Jenka's house, you can't interact anymore. :(
Also, you can't access you inventory, leave, save, and the weapon's ammo is all screwed up. The missile fires and recharges, same with them all. And all the numbers are over 2k or so... :/

You might be stuck for a while since I have to work shortly, and won't be able to look at it until about 10 hours from now. But I think I know what the problem is, and if it is what I think it is it's another major issue that needs fixing without delay.
May 5, 2014 at 3:41 PM
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"I, Ikachan. The Life and Documentary of the OrigiNAL SQuiD."
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ZarroTsu said:
You might be stuck for a while since I have to work shortly, and won't be able to look at it until about 10 hours from now. But I think I know what the problem is, and if it is what I think it is it's another major issue that needs fixing without delay.
Don't worry, I can wait as long as you need.
All the weapon ammo goes up to 9999 then keeps going but doesn't display any higher than 9999.
Also, should there be more to when you pick up
Quote's weapons,
or do you just pick them up?
May 5, 2014 at 4:01 PM
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You pick them up and the Booster 2.0, and then some flags flick around to enable a new object to appear in Plantation. Regardless of said object, you -NEED- the v2.0 to climb up to the Last Cave, so you can't just ignore it.
May 5, 2014 at 4:41 PM
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"I, Ikachan. The Life and Documentary of the OrigiNAL SQuiD."
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ZarroTsu said:
You pick them up and the Booster 2.0, and then some flags flick around to enable a new object to appear in Plantation. Regardless of said object, you -NEED- the v2.0 to climb up to the Last Cave, so you can't just ignore it.
I didn't know that you get the Booster as well, as I couldn't access the inventory.
May 5, 2014 at 10:42 PM
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Update 140505 (

- Fixed another bug concerning the missile launcher capsules for NG+
- Fixed an adjacent bug where the 'sparkles' wouldn't vanish correctly.
- Fixed an issue with the final boss where it would spawn lots of blank entities and clog up the game's resources, causing future NPCs in the fight to not spawn correctly. Also added some small EXP drops to the fight.
- Fixed a missing graphic concerning the secret boss rush.

Quick Double-Update 140505_1 (

- Fixed a weird bug with the missile launcher capsules where it would end up giving you both the regular and super missile launcher.
May 6, 2014 at 1:38 AM
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So what does the ideal NG+ profile look like? A minimal 3HP run, with the Polar Star, Super Missiles, Fireball, Bubbler, and Blade, with Curly's Iron Bond and Mr. Little in your pocket?
May 6, 2014 at 1:55 AM
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Whatever you'd like.
May 6, 2014 at 3:22 AM
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"I, Ikachan. The Life and Documentary of the OrigiNAL SQuiD."
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So I just beat Jenka's Nightmare, and this to me looks like the best ending possible.
I defeated the Doctor as Curly, saved the island from destruction, and was caught by Kazuma. Everyone is safe.
Anyways, to my feedback. This was 100% the best Cave Story mod I have ever experienced. This was just pure modding gold. I honestly hope that if Pixel ever makes a CS2, he will not only look for inspiration from CS, but also this. JN to me was a darkened "sequel" to Cave Story, it just had that developing evil feel, where once you think you're done and you're a hero, the true villain laughs at how hard you tried to defeat one of their lackeys. This was amazing. I hope someday I'll make something that can at least live in your JN's shadow. Thank you for making this. :)
May 6, 2014 at 4:22 AM
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Oh, almost forgot. I made some user-bars for the game earlier today, feel free to add one to your signature if you support the mod:











EDIT: Stupid codebox keeps changing the "img" tag into some broken version that only works on this forum. Bah.
May 6, 2014 at 5:28 AM
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This mod, rules!

I played it absolutely right on my first play through and got the best ending first (glad I left the Machine Gun and did not leave the island, I got to play as Curly through the rest of the game.)

Bugs I have found (checked in, all while playing as Curly):
  • ● If you somehow backtrack down the Outer Wall and go to the Clock Room, there is another Counter item in the chest, whether Quote already took it or not. When you leave, you go to the Outer Wall with no redness. Then back to the Observatory using Level 3 Machine Gun, there are two Curly Braces... I had to reset. Fix the second version of Clock Room so you go to the second version of Outer Wall.
  • ● While fighting a "possessed" Misery at her abode, there is an invisible NPC which can be interacted.
  • ● Quote always got the Air Tank from her before he got "possessed". When you go to Jenka's House to get his items, you need to set <EQ+0016 after getting the Air Tank. Caret will always show a Blue Quote even when Curly drowns. (change the description in ArmsItem for Curly's Air Tank)
  • ● Going to the Pignon's Clubhouse at the Graveyard early and suddenly you got in without knowing! The flag jumping was too soon. It should not allow her in until she got Quote's items at Jenka's house, included had a note (if Quote got the Polar Star back and upgraded to Spur). Maybe she should take the note. Then back at the Graveyard, an item jump would be possible--Curly would then say she looks for King Pignon if she had the note. (change the description in ArmsItem for Pignon's Note)
Please check these out, even for the new version I have downloaded, which is

Also, I have no idea on how to get to that Super Secret Area part. I needed five things. I went through Jenka's fireplace and read a nearby bookshelf. (Color 0 or black appears transparent while on FullScreen?)
May 6, 2014 at 6:38 AM
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You don't actually need to leave the Machine Gun to get the best ending. The downside is, of course, you have to go through Sand Zone with only a Fireball. During my stream, the thought of that made me extremely happy I listened to Zarrot telling me to leave the Machine Gun.
May 6, 2014 at 12:09 PM
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Huh. Could have sworn I changed the map number you teleport to on the second Nikumaru map. Oh well.

I'll look at updating again tonight.
May 6, 2014 at 3:18 PM
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Dunc2403 said:
You don't actually need to leave the Machine Gun to get the best ending. The downside is, of course, you have to go through Sand Zone with only a Fireball. During my stream, the thought of that made me extremely happy I listened to Zarrot telling me to leave the Machine Gun.
I didn't have Machine Gun, nor fireball, I used the BUBBLER!
May 6, 2014 at 6:20 PM
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Hmm. This may just be my own incompetence, but when I load an NG+ profile, the door in the second cave you enter (with the parrot) won't open...
May 6, 2014 at 10:46 PM
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Hmm. This may just be my own incompetence, but when I load an NG+ profile, the door in the second cave you enter (with the parrot) won't open...
Hmm. It looks like the Gunsmith doesn't trust anyone since you never returned the Polar Star. Maybe there's another way in?
Say, what's that up there?

(If that grate isn't open then it'd be a bug, but it should be)


Update 140506 (

- Fixed the Clock Room chest not transitioning to an open chest upon re-entry
- Fixed an incorrect map number on the Clock Room exit
- Moved the hidden NPC for Misery in her Abode and added a <MNP to reposition it when needed
- Fixed an incorrect graphic file being fed to one of the secret maps
- Updated the ABOUT button to display 14/05/06 instead of 14/05/04.

- Removed the removal of the <EQ0016 to prevent Curly from turning into a blue Quote upon drowning (Nobody minds if she somehow has a bubble without the Air tank item, right? Right? Ehhhh...)
- Fixed the <FLJ's on the items in Curly's using the wrong flag for some reason
- Fixed the Pignon Hideout using the wrong flag for determining if you've seen "King Pignon"'s note
- Added King Pignon's note as an actual item. It's removed when you get the Spur back.

Fingers crossed I didn't accidentally break anything while fixing these. I always get the feeling it'll happen.