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Jenka's Nightmare - Done. *mic drop* []

Sep 1, 2014 at 12:37 AM
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there is no need to be upset
Sep 1, 2014 at 5:29 AM
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Missed out on it the other day, and I'm only about 1/3 into the first part, but I enjoy the number of times Matt and co. complain about game design flaws that were Shmitz's and/or present in the original Cave Story.

Sep 1, 2014 at 5:57 AM
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I'm just
about the whole thing. I should be angry, and could go on to parrot myself on less mature terms, but you start out bastardizing schmitz, then you do a 180 and start praising him all over again for... things that were barely implicated, which I'm also not going to parrot myself about.

By the way, breakable blocks were removed from the Genesis fight because Ironhead's projectiles cannot pass through them, and would just sort of hang onto the sides of them and eventually build up enough speed that if they did slide off, it would be impossible to react.
Sep 1, 2014 at 6:04 AM
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Alright well I appreciate you trying to be mature about this because we weren't in the slightest and we regret it. As for our various viewpoints of Shmitz, he made mistakes but also did things really well. We just said what we thought about what was happening.
For Genesis, if we were talking about something breakable we probably meant projectiles, though what you said does make perfect sense.
Sep 1, 2014 at 6:21 AM
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Eh, there's some 'down' parts of the stream that sort of make me feel guilty and upset, but there's plenty of funny parts too. I'm about half-way on the first part right now.

Sorry about the old Gen:Sky, though. Open it up in a map editor and you can probably see why I remade it, though.

Edit: Wow, man. Way to spoil the biggest twist in the game.
Sep 1, 2014 at 6:33 AM
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Hey, I asked for permission before spoiling it. At that point in the stream we weren't sure if we were going to actually finish it or not, so I decided it'd be for the best to let them know beforehand, just in case.

As for the old Gen:Sky though, I don't see what you mean - would you mind elaborating? It's likely something obvious that I'm just missing, but I can't figure out what you meant.
Sep 1, 2014 at 6:40 AM
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It's very empty. Yes, I know a lot of it is filled by generated blocks, but that just raises further questions about it: did Oblivion come down and drive a bull-dozer over the bottom of the island? Why would 'out-of-control' entities be so... organized? Also I clearly have some weird obsession with background tiles, and that map literally has none.

Also, the point of the weird gap above Deconstructor is to load the boss correctly. If it isn't there, it gets stuck in the ceiling. That's it.

EDIT: Its been like 2 years now, but I can't remember you asking to help with the mod at all. Maybe you did, but any reason I would have said 'no' is because I had all my bases covered. It's not that I wouldn't accept the help, but that I didn't need it to complete the mod. And I probably didn't know what kind of help would have been offered, but you are in the credits dude, so... Yeah, you did help.
Sep 1, 2014 at 7:01 AM
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The problem with the gap wasn't that it was there, but rather that you opened the sunstones - had you left them closed it would have been fine.

As for the emptiness of Sky, I think there were a couple reasons. First, it was your introduction to Genesis - it had to really show off the power of it, so what better way than to have an entire map appear from nothing? Second, Oblivion need not have touched the bottom at all for the emptiness to make sense. The top of the map wasn't completely flat or anything, so it could easily make sense as part of the bottom of the island. Third, you mentioned confusion over the organization of Genesis in the map - for that I'll bring up Cthulhu's bit of speech in the map: "She must really believe in you, soldier. Genesis usually isn't this predictable." The "she" he's referring to is likely Jenka, whose belief in Quote is clearly stated by Booster to be capable of guiding reality. Given that, it's easy to understand why Genesis would so conveniently build a way for Quote to continue.

In regards to the background tiles your obsession gets to the point of being a problem at times :/
I don't recall it being too bad in your rehaul, but I can't imagine it would have been too too difficult to put background tiles in the original map.
Sep 1, 2014 at 7:19 AM
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I tried doing a sort of 'inner wall' at some point between Demo 3 and the final version, before I scrapped mirror fragments etc., and it was going to kind of be more like the old genesis:sky, but I really couldn't handle filling in so much blank space with background tile, so I scrapped it.

Also, that whole Cthulhu exchange thing just opens up more questions than answers, really. If Jenka has some subconscious control over Genesis, why do you have to 'kill' it at all? Why can't you just... talk to it? Yes, that sounds retarded, but it just sort of reaches one of those bad cliches where talking about something could have resolved a lot more a lot faster than just murdering things. Even more confusing is Genesis initiating the fight - why would it resolve to kill you after helping you? Why couldn't Jenka subconsciously prevent that? If Jenka's belief and connection is so strong before, what exactly is the cause of all these problems in the first place? Is it Oblivion? If Oblivion is fueling Genesis, isn't it, by extension, also helping you reach it? If Genesis were initiating the fight with you because of your resolve to kill it, isn't that Booster's or Misery's fault for telling you to do that?

...I'm beginning to really kind of question how shmitz intended to wrap up the game. While thematically things are fine, and I can accept lee-way for the Genesis:blahblahblah areas and their connectivity, I can't fathom who's controlling what or how because of that single Cthulhu exchange. Cthulhu opened Pandora's box and ruined everything, I say.

Also, a lot of balance complaints in the video could have probably been resolved by getting life capsules and better weapons (instead of sequence breaking and resorting to cheat engine (and then just starting to call the game 'bad' while you're woefully underpowered and not even playing the game)). Although I am going to buff the fireball tomorrow.

EDIT: "Why is the fire rate on the machine gun less"

It isn't. I'm going to take your rose-colored glasses and break them over my knee. Your auto-fire on your cheat engine is rapid-tapping the button, which doesn't work for an auto-fire weapon in the context of the game.

Basically all of your complaints since you sequence-broke and turned cheat-engine on are your own fault.

My personal favorite, though, "Why just reuse a map from Cave Story just to pad it?"

Sep 1, 2014 at 7:46 AM
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The Doukutsu trainer doesn't have an auto fire. I'll assume it was probably my fault but the machine gun was only allowing 2 bullets to exist at once before firing again.
Sep 1, 2014 at 7:49 AM
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It shouldn't be. I never touched that value, the max is still four. I'm not retarded, although you seem to want me to be.

E: "It starts with the worst map from cave story, but longer."

Sorry, exactly the same horizontal tile count.
Sep 1, 2014 at 7:52 AM
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I said it was probably my fault. It not making more than two bullets was the symptom of whatever happened.
Sep 1, 2014 at 7:56 AM
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Also isn't, like... Literally every mod a fanfiction? The ones you insinuated you could do better?

And you wrap up the trilogy by making fun of my friend's art too. Lovely.

I'm going to work on a "HyMyNameIsMatt" version of the game, now, to correct all your issues.


- You get the Booster v2.0 when you start a new game.
- The Booster v2.0 now has infinite fuel.
- All boss fights now have a bed of -127 spikes on the floor.
- You now play as Megaman instead of Curly.
- The Doctor has been replaced with Dr. Light.

- All credit artwork has been removed and reverted back to its original state.
- Removed all other contributors that made the mod and effort put into it possible, from the credits.
- Added HyMyNameIsMatt to the credits.
- Replaced all solid walls with the same corner dirt tile from First Cave.

- Readded the Polaris
- Readded the Time Reaver

- Remade Plantation. This was done by replacing all '00' tiles with 'breakable block' tiles, to better emulate the original Jenka's Nightmare.

- Removed Balrog from early cutscenes and game scenes. This has the unfortunate side-effect of making it impossible to reach the labyrinth; however, I feel it makes the mod more faithful to the original.

- Replaced the Great White critter sprite with the original, seen here: http://i.imgur.com/TwIQ18y.png (Isn't that much better?)
Sep 1, 2014 at 8:17 AM
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That's actually hilarious. If you did that it would be awful and hilarious.
Sep 1, 2014 at 8:18 AM
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I'm too infuriated and/or depressed. Was going to put something here about depression meds, but it wouldn't have been funny, or a joke.
Sep 1, 2014 at 8:19 AM
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Please do it this mod series has fallen so far already anyway
Sep 1, 2014 at 8:20 AM
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