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Jenka's Nightmare - Done. *mic drop* []

Aug 14, 2014 at 9:05 AM
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And now, here is a picture about something that I uncovered in-game.

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Load a Cave Story profile with Prefab House and the very moment the game screen appears, press the 'Q' key to open the item screen just before your items are manipulated!

(Life Capsule).png

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It is the only way to have and examine the so-called (Life Capsule) item. The H/V triggers do take time. The triggering actually "spreads" out from the NPC placement left and right to form a line. Warning: The Munitions Clip is the one that turns into Little Man. If the clip is used, there won't be a Little Man.

Aug 14, 2014 at 2:04 PM
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Can't do much about that, unfortunately. I mean I suppose I can throw in something on the weapon name scripts or the snake capsule script (since it's over Arthur's Key and therefore unmissable in that split second)... I'll have to look for a flag explicitly set by Cave Story, but unused in Jenka's Nightmare.
Aug 15, 2014 at 7:39 AM
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I found three more typos that are going to fall through the cracks, here is what you need to do:
Wine Cellar (JN038)
<KEY<MSGSorry I can't help you out with
how the teleporters work.<NOD
I'd tell you if I knew, but
mister Booster's explaination
made my head hurt...<NOD *whimper*<NOD<CLRI think the diagram he
used to explain it is still in
his workshop though!<NOD<END
Should be "explanation", without the extra "i".

Secret Room (JN080)
<MSGIn the original mod of the game,
riding Monster X was supposed to
be manditory.<NOD I've since changed
this to be way, way more
optional than before.<NOD I imagine
when people find that out,
they'll hate me for it.<NOD<CLRThat said, if you were trying to
speed-run the game, you'd really
have no choice but to ride him!<NOD<FL+2365<END
Should be "mandatory", not "manditory".

<KEY<MSGHey this place brings back
memories...<NOD Kinda big for my
tastes, though.<NOD And there's a much
more, uh, diverse selection of
monsters than just Pignons.<NOD
Hey, maybe I'll bring my son here
some time...<NOD<FL+4512<FRE<EVE5998
Put these words into one word.

Make sure in Hermit Gunsmith (JN008) in event #0301 that "bare- handed" becomes "bare-handed".

● ● ●

EDIT: There is a glitch in the game. I must attach the profile.dat for the Generator Room, I am trying to get another Map System from the shutter but the message says "There is a large shutter here. There's nothing behind it.". I do not have the Map System, the event checks for a Map System for an Item Jump and even though I do not have the Map System item, it still JUMPED to the next event! It checks for the Remote and I get the message "There is a large shutter here. There's nothing behind it." Here is the attachment and try to pinpoint what is causing this glitch: ***Attachment removed to recover space***
This is based on an NG+, the original Cave Story save is included in the ZIP file. The CS save is 100% legit, no third-party modifications, ONLY by Doukutsu.exe itself.
I don't know how I glitched it but... probably I picked up the Whimsical Star before I lose the weapons and the Stars can defeat the nearby bats in the Underside and I can grab those energy crystals to level up the "non-weapons". See if you could replicate it in the Generator Room using the Remote from this Cave Story save for this NG+ run.

● ● ●

EDIT EDIT 8/17/2014: So the item you get after defeating...
White in Super Secret Room,
...that item being the...
Pointed Glasses.
I live in the United States and watch [adult swim]'s Toonami every Saturday nights. Gurren Lagann started to premiere. The Pointed Glasses item came from that anime, the one Kamina wears. And the description of the item... it is a phrase and I heard it similarly (English Dub) on the first episode! (Yes, it aired on SciFi (SyFy) but never heard about it until now.) I assume it is part of an internet meme?
Aug 20, 2014 at 12:43 AM
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According to Zarrot's post on the stream chat, Fluff, your heaven piercing is raised exponentially upon obtaining said item.
Aug 24, 2014 at 7:10 PM
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Everyone who likes Gurren Lagann likes throwing their finger up to the sky and screaming about piercing the heavens. I felt inclined to follow suit.


- Fixed the NG+ inventory by moving the vertical triggers to remove your old inventory to start right over the save point. It's impossible to open your inventory before it replaces it, due to the event starting instantly.
- Fixed several typos.
- Fixed the Map System shutter by replacing the itemjumps with flagjumps. No idea why or how it would think you still have the map system in your inventory, though.

Website Update

- Finally wrote the walkthrough part of the walkthrough! It's... underwhelming, I'm sure. I don't know why I kept putting it off. I may add images later on to make it look more engaging.


So, all that's left for me to do is the secrets and technobabble pages, and a trailer. I'll wait a week beforehand in case there're any straggling bugs left in 1610.

In the meantime, I've a question and a request.


Should I buff the level 3 fireball? At the moment it's exactly the same as the original game. However, there's a lot of places where you're forced to rely on the fireball alone. I've considered buffing its power a little bit for level 3, and I did so in the past during some demo versions, but my biggest concern with it was it ironically made Bro Pignon really, really easy to kill.

I guess I can buff Pignon's HP a bit to compensate, but it's up to you guys if it's fine as-is or if it needs a power boost.


Take screenshots. As it is I have some clunky-looking development shots of maps in Booster's Lab, and that's fine for demonstration purposes, but not-so-fine for something like the website's screenshots. Especially since you can just go to the interactive maps and get the same general idea.

If you guys can take any neat looking screenshots I'd put them on the website, and credit you for it on the mouse-over if you want.
Aug 25, 2014 at 12:31 AM
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ZarroTsu said:

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Everyone who likes Gurren Lagann likes throwing their finger up to the sky and screaming about piercing the heavens. I felt inclined to follow suit.


- Fixed the NG+ inventory by moving the vertical triggers to remove your old inventory to start right over the save point. It's impossible to open your inventory before it replaces it, due to the event starting instantly.
- Fixed several typos.
- Fixed the Map System shutter by replacing the itemjumps with flagjumps. No idea why or how it would think you still have the map system in your inventory, though.

Website Update

- Finally wrote the walkthrough part of the walkthrough! It's... underwhelming, I'm sure. I don't know why I kept putting it off. I may add images later on to make it look more engaging.


So, all that's left for me to do is the secrets and technobabble pages, and a trailer. I'll wait a week beforehand in case there're any straggling bugs left in 1610.

In the meantime, I've a question and a request.


Should I buff the level 3 fireball? At the moment it's exactly the same as the original game. However, there's a lot of places where you're forced to rely on the fireball alone. I've considered buffing its power a little bit for level 3, and I did so in the past during some demo versions, but my biggest concern with it was it ironically made Bro Pignon really, really easy to kill.

I guess I can buff Pignon's HP a bit to compensate, but it's up to you guys if it's fine as-is or if it needs a power boost.


Take screenshots. As it is I have some clunky-looking development shots of maps in Booster's Lab, and that's fine for demonstration purposes, but not-so-fine for something like the website's screenshots. Especially since you can just go to the interactive maps and get the same general idea.

If you guys can take any neat looking screenshots I'd put them on the website, and credit you for it on the mouse-over if you want.
For what it's worth, I always traded the Fireball away so I could get the Nemesis, especially since the thing is lost no matter what you do. I suppose it would make it more worth using if you buffed it. One question, I've never seen a character referred to as Bro Pignon. Was he the one who fought you with the Pignons who acted like the Colons? If you answer this question, I can give you a straight answer.
Aug 25, 2014 at 2:17 AM
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Yes, Bro Pignon is the Ma Pignon almost-recolor.
Aug 25, 2014 at 2:18 AM
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So I am pleased that you fixed by means of a flagjump for getting another map system. The glitch lingers unfortunately.

***Attachment removed to recover space, there were no downloads***
Attached is a Save in Booster's Workshop, before talking to Booster which will have your Energy Cell taken for a Munitions Clip. Open the inventory and two more appear unexpectedly. The Little Man and a duplicate of a Map System.

At this point, I am forced to start over from the beginning using a Cave Story save for an NG+. When I get to the Underside, I will create a backup Profile.dat before I level up the "non-weapons" using the Whimsical Star on the nearby bats for EXP. It has got to be this which glitches up the inventory.

If true, then I suggest that you remove the bats before the middle cabin which houses the Fireball weapon OR give the bats before the middle cabin a flag the same way as those H/V triggers that block access to the Hidden Room and have the bats set to appear when flag is set.

If FALSE, then we have a MAJOR problem with the EXE itself and it could be scary. :greydroll: It will then have to be re-constructed from the original Doukutsu.exe and all the ASMs you have been working on will have to be carefully re-applied. Check the history of what you have been done.

We HAVE to test from the Cave Story save for NG+ that I attached in a earlier post, not on this post. By we, I mean myself, you (ZarroTsu-developer) and anyone who would be willing to tackle the glitch.
Aug 25, 2014 at 2:15 PM
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It's probably the non-weapons. I'm assuming they're out-of-bounds and collecting exp winds up fudging around with some internal flags - my guess is the game actually gives items in two stages; one to flip a flag as to if you have an item, and one to add the item to your inventory menu. Sounds like the null exp is flipping the former flags (Explaining 'I don't have the map system but it thinks I do'), and then getting a certain item tells the game to 'correct' itself (Explaining the random items added to your inventory), and it'd give the items it thinks you should have.

I'm curious how you leveled up the Whimsical Star without collecting any exp, though. Or does it 'level up' without even owning it?

I'll look at relocating the bats before the shack. They're only really there as decoration anyway.
Aug 25, 2014 at 6:33 PM
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The way the glitch could be made possible is because I chose to turn off Circuit A before fighting Suto at the Old Storehouse, then fall and get to the treasure chest for Whimsical Star. While my current weapon, the Polar Star is at Level 3 and MAXed out without taking further damage from Suto, once equipping the Whimsical Star, the stars appear orbiting my character.

Then fall to the Underside, and lose the Polar Star (or weapons if Snake was picked up in Start Point), I now have "non-weapon" and the stars continue orbiting (as the only way to get rid of them is to take damage which is impossible unless I un-equip it). I get to the bat nearby and let the stars hit it, in the hopes to reveal EXP triangles (not a heart). Then grabbed the triangle to level up the "non-weapon". PLUS, after I save and then re-load the game, I open the inventory and select the OTHER "non-weapon" at left out of the inventory window, close it and then walked up to the bat to let the stars hit it. Grabbed the triangles to level up the OTHER "non-weapon". Then, saved the game.

And, that is pretty much how I leveled up the two "non-weapons".

Now that I have explained it, there is a third-way to address it. Aside of my two suggestions for the bats, the new way is to automatically un-equip the Whimsical Star when you lose the weapons, clear the flag (for jump to a remove question) and set a new flag that disables the Whimsical Star. The disable flag will have a flagjump in the Whimsical Star description to another message with a <TUR explaining it has "no power if unarmed." Once you get the fireball from the middle cabin, which is REQUIRED to proceed further in the Underside, you just clear the disable flag. Now you can open the inventory, and select the whimsical star to equip it again.
Aug 25, 2014 at 8:56 PM
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Or I could just use <ZAM before removing the weapons.
Aug 25, 2014 at 10:08 PM
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Won't work that way even with weapon removal. In-game you would still need to get hurt by enemies or spikes to lose one orbiting star each.

I edited the Sacred Ground B1 script on the Original Cave Story to remove all the weapons after <ZAM to prove this. Confirms the player character still has orbiting stars.
Aug 26, 2014 at 3:52 AM
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If I might make a suggestion...

I think that you should make it more obvious that the rocket in the conduit leads to the observatory/the same place as the one in the chimney. When he says it's a last resort, I was inclined to go there after the egg corridor to see what it was, and after completing it I was dissapointed to see that it lead to the same place. I guess you could get the idea that setting up two rockets would mean that they go to the same place, but when you give one of them an ominous description, you think it's gonna be a huge secret area, which I thought it was until I completed it. Probably not essential, and maybe I'm the only one who didn't get it, so take my opinion with a grain of salt.
Aug 26, 2014 at 12:05 PM
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It's a 'last resort' because it's more difficult than egg corridor or outer wall. Moreover, the save point before OSG traps you there until you can muster up enough MAD SKILL to beat it. Heaven help you if you're forced to fight Heavy Press with nothing but the fireball.
Aug 26, 2014 at 9:55 PM
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ZarroTsu said:
It's a 'last resort' because it's more difficult than egg corridor or outer wall. Moreover, the save point before OSG traps you there until you can muster up enough MAD SKILL to beat it. Heaven help you if you're forced to fight Heavy Press with nothing but the fireball.
I see, but it's not actually any easier. You're an amazingly talented modder, and you made the two areas very balanced in my eyes. The devil's garden is more puzzle based, and the only real difficulty is if you don't have anything strong enough to deal with the dragons, which you can easily have at that point.

Anyways I might have been the only one who thought they were roughly even, so just ignore me.
Aug 26, 2014 at 10:40 PM
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Or I could just use <ZAM before removing the weapons.

Oh hey Big <ZAM!... I'm so sorry :chin: lol.
Won't work that way even with weapon removal. In-game you would still need to get hurt by enemies or spikes to lose one orbiting star each.

I edited the Sacred Ground B1 script on the Original Cave Story to remove all the weapons after <ZAM to prove this. Confirms the player character still has orbiting stars.

I suppose this may be dodging the point, but wouldn't it be easy to just de-equip the Star?

Regardless, I believe I began to experience this glitch during my most recent run of the game. I equipped the Star to defend myself as a failsafe to being blindsided and disoriented, and also leveled up the non weapons. It was weird.

I see, but it's not actually any easier. You're an amazingly talented modder, and you made the two areas very balanced in my eyes. The devil's garden is more puzzle based, and the only real difficulty is if you don't have anything strong enough to deal with the dragons, which you can easily have at that point.

Anyways I might have been the only one who thought they were roughly even, so just ignore me.

It's more like a mystery atmosphere with the ominous tone regarding the area. If you're well-equipped, it isn't too bad. If not, it could be frustrating. The other path is actually harder for me, but that's mainly my fault for tempting fate with the Basils.

Aug 28, 2014 at 8:16 PM
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Okay, so I hit the glitch again, this time it's different. Upon trading away the Energy Cell for the Munitions Clip with Booster, I get Little Man and a Snake capsule.

Going to start over at the Underside (first go) with the backup profile, attached below:

***Attachment removed to recover space*** Use with

Now I am going to see what happens if I not level up those two non-weapons.

Anyone may use this Profile to level up the non-weapons. See what glitch comes up after you complete Labyrinth. Go trade the Energy Cell with Booster for Munitions Clip. I leveled the non-weapons up to 3 and a tad more.

EDIT: Did not get extra items after getting Munitions Clip from Booster. Confirmed that the glitch did not occur, left the non-weapons as is without leveling up.

So, ZarroTsu, here is a recap on the possibilities on how to fix the glitch issue:

1. Remove the bats before Underside Shack.
2. Give the bats the same FlagID as the H/V triggers that block Hidden Room and set the bats to appear when FlagID is set. Or...
3. Upon losing weapons, <EQ-0128 & <FL-4016 is to be added in the event to automatically un-equip Whimsical Star, plus set a new flag to disable it and the flagjump in the Whimsical Star description to jump to a message claiming to say "It has no power while unarmed". Remove the disabling flag upon getting the Fireball from the Shack.

IMPORTANT: After it is fixed, once you are at the Underside the first time where you lose your weapons, please refrain from selecting the non-weapon to the left outside of the inventory border.
Aug 29, 2014 at 11:45 PM
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Fluff8836 said:
Okay, so I hit the glitch again, this time it's different. Upon trading away the Energy Cell for the Munitions Clip with Booster, I get Little Man and a Snake capsule.

Going to start over at the Underside (first go) with the backup profile, attached below:

Underside with Whimsical Star.zip Use with

Now I am going to see what happens if I not level up those two non-weapons.

Anyone may use this Profile to level up the non-weapons. See what glitch comes up after you complete Labyrinth. Go trade the Energy Cell with Booster for Munitions Clip. I leveled the non-weapons up to 3 and a tad more.

EDIT: Did not get extra items after getting Munitions Clip from Booster. Confirmed that the glitch did not occur, left the non-weapons as is without leveling up.

So, ZarroTsu, here is a recap on the possibilities on how to fix the glitch issue:

1. Remove the bats before Underside Shack.
2. Give the bats the same FlagID as the H/V triggers that block Hidden Room and set the bats to appear when FlagID is set. Or...
3. Upon losing weapons, <EQ-0128 & <FL-4016 is to be added in the event to automatically un-equip Whimsical Star, plus set a new flag to disable it and the flagjump in the Whimsical Star description to jump to a message claiming to say "It has no power while unarmed". Remove the disabling flag upon getting the Fireball from the Shack.

IMPORTANT: After it is fixed, once you are at the Underside the first time where you lose your weapons, please refrain from selecting the non-weapon to the left outside of the inventory border.

Speaking of, is the block ride from ALL the way to the right the only way to get to the Hidden Room? It was a pain but I did it. Just asking.
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Aug 30, 2014 at 1:28 AM
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It appears ZarroTsu changed his mind. You can still go to the Hidden Room on the second go at Underside. (If you did not go through the Sanctuary yet)

Using Booster 2.0, you go under at the first bat then boost upwards carefully then go right and down. Boost up to the Hidden Room.

The only change ZarroTsu made was to remove the Save Disk by a FlagID and set to Disappear in the Hidden Room.