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Jenka's Nightmare - Done. *mic drop* []

Jul 15, 2014 at 9:04 PM
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Fluff8836 said:
Cave Story has up to five weapons so an NG+ Jenka's Nightmare can have up to five capsules.

Nemesis is in the game. You got to have the Little Man in your inventory (In Cave Story, do not bring Little Man to the house in Outer Wall), so load a Cave Story profile with Little Man in your inventory for an NG+ (make sure it is prefab house before Sacred Ground). For added fun, have a chat with the Little Man by examining him in your inventory in certain points and boss fights.

After the Labyrinth, the point where you are going to fight Genesis and Oblivion, go to the Little Cottage in the Conduit and bring the Little Man here ("I'm hoooooome!"). You will then trade for the Nemesis, it has unlimited ammo the same as the Original Cave Story.
But if one person opens 2 capsules, can they open both?
Also, who opens the Blade Capsule, and what do I get?
Jul 15, 2014 at 9:15 PM
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I recently edited my previous post, check your answer for your first question.

Sue in the Town Hall opens up the Blade Capsule after you give her the Silver Locket from Toroko. You will get an Arms Barrier.
Jul 15, 2014 at 9:20 PM
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Fluff8836 said:
Little Man & Turbocharge are NG+ exclusive. Copy the original Cave Story's Profile.dat with Polar Star & Little Man in the inventory and where saved in the Prefab House before Sacred Ground (Hell) to the Jenka's Nightmare folder with the game. Load Jenka's Nightmare with the copied profile and enjoy.

To get the Turbocharge:
Get all five Pignon notes and go to Pignon Hideout in the Cemetery. Fight the Pignons and get the Polar Star. Go to First Cave and enter Hermit Gunsmith. Fight Suto, then talk to Tetsouzou Kumadani. He will take away your Polar Star and upgrade it to a Spur and he will also open your Polar Star capsule. That capsule contains the Turbocharge.
Well that stuck, I guess not load game a Speedrun/TAS for always a New Game. I bevilve Cave Story - Jenka's Nightmare for after Original Cave Story a beat game with Best Ending.

Load game in Prefab House a enterance the Sacred Ground (Hell) will jump down to start a new game with carry inventory.

Devil's Garden maze solution:
Follow the doors with red lights in the skulls, and through the possessed doors. Here is the maze solution:
● Left
● Right (where you came out of)
● Down
● Right
● Up
Then if you still have the Snake weapon, there is a chest at the far right. Go back to the door where you came out of and you wind back where you started but the door behind is blocked and the one ahead takes you to Once Sacred Ground.
I have done that Maze; I found out myself and much learned. Four Maze ingame and I did myself but cause confuse may forgot or wrong way.

Thank you Fluff8836.
Jul 15, 2014 at 10:33 PM
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It's impossible to have both the Polar Star and Spur capsules at the same time. He opens whichever you DO have.
Jul 16, 2014 at 12:08 AM
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ZarroTsu said:
It's impossible to have both the Polar Star and Spur capsules at the same time. He opens whichever you DO have.
Erm, I have them both. The save file was not created with the trainer, just modified. The file was legitimate up until the point of my editing, which was at the Prefab House. All I did was change my Nemesis to a Blade, my Bubbler to a Snake, and my Fireball to a Polar Star. Then I added the Little Man to my inventory. If I talk to the Hermit Gunsmith twice, will he open both capsules? Or is he coded to only open 1 capsule?
Jul 16, 2014 at 12:18 AM
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Okay the Gunsmith has two routes depending on when the profile is created through NG+. One is the 'normal' one you get with the Spur or by playing normally, and the other where you don't, in which he's a bit more cynical.

On the conclusion of whichever route you go down, the capsule you CAN have is openable. In the former case he'll open the Spur capsule, and in the latter the Polar Star capsule.

I don't know off the top of my head if both capsules can be opened on the same profile, but I'm going to say 'no'.
Jul 16, 2014 at 12:22 AM
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ZarroTsu said:
Okay the Gunsmith has two routes depending on when the profile is created through NG+. One is the 'normal' one you get with the Spur or by playing normally, and the other where you don't, in which he's a bit more cynical.

On the conclusion of whichever route you go down, the capsule you CAN have is openable. In the former case he'll open the Spur capsule, and in the latter the Polar Star capsule.

I don't know off the top of my head if both capsules can be opened on the same profile, but I'm going to say 'no'.
Hmm, well, his front door was open, so the game thinks I took the normal one. But I have the Polar Star Capsule in my inventory at the same time. Would he recognize the capsule, or is he programmed to "scan" for the Spur capsule only?


Not that I care. I'm sure the Snake Capsule wouldn't break the game. I'll just start a new file in the original game. Leave the Polar Star as is, replace the Fireball with the Snake at the end, grab Mr. Little. There. Now I get the Turbo Charge, Hydra, and of course, my namesake. And thanks to Dunc and Fluff, I now know exactly what to do to get that friggin' Boss Rush mode (you clever bastard :orangebell: ...) So... I'll sacrifice my life... capsule. Btw, how do I get into that hole in the Gunsmith's place? Invisible wall? Or does a block open up?
Jul 17, 2014 at 12:49 AM
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My testing of is finished, ZarroTsu. Review this post carefully as it has been edited to include additional bugs and organized to their proper lists. This is for for my hopefully final testing. If stable, you can release it as same version or either bundled with Walkthrough.

Awaiting release for the following weekend. As I have finished on a Wednesday, you may have a lot of available free time to get everything straight.
Jul 17, 2014 at 4:17 AM
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Fluff: Just edited that post you called me out on and put your quote back in the spoiler tags.

Time to play some Cave Story. Maybe I'll finally beat that stupid Nemesis Challenge? Hahahahaha, waaaaaaaaah... :toroko2:
Jul 17, 2014 at 3:01 PM
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ZarroTsu said:
Also if anyone's curious, I feel the need to point at the dude who helped out a lot with Genesis and Oblivion's designs, and did Tristitia and the credit images.

(Spoilers) http://alexmdle.deviantart.com/art/Jenka-s-Nightmare-Credits-465345299
His art is horrifying. :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

Dunc2403 said:
you can't use a profile from CS+ for NG+, it needs to be from straight-up freeware CS
Oh yeah, I knew that. I just wanna play the original game...'s remake. The remastered soundtrack was done by... The guy who did Super Meat Boy's OST, right? Plus, even if I wanted to use my CS+ profile, there's a way to convert CS profiles to CS+ profiles and vice versa.

Hey, here's a question. Like any smart person, I'm gonna trade away the Fireball for the Nemesis when I play JN. Since I'm gonna do this before fighting Oblivion, that'll mean that I won't see Balrog until after my Fireball's gone. Does that mean that I won't be able to get the Machine Gun for Quote to use?
Jul 17, 2014 at 3:35 PM
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He trades with either the Fireball, Bubbler, or Snake. If you have none of the above, he won't trade at all.
Jul 17, 2014 at 4:24 PM
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ZarroTsu said:
He trades with either the Fireball, Bubbler, or Snake. If you have none of the above, he won't trade at all.
Alright. And I know he trades back at the Observatory. Question. Would he trade for the Hydra?

Oh, and what's in the regular missile launcher capsule, and does Balrog break it?
Jul 17, 2014 at 9:49 PM
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ZarroTsu said:
Yes and yes.
What's inside the Missile Launcher capsule? Just a missile expansion like the S. Missiles?
Jul 17, 2014 at 10:58 PM
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Both Missile capsule & Super Missile capsules can be opened up by Balrog in Core or Observatory. They both expand the ammunition.

Thing is, the Missile capsule has more expansion than the Super Missile capsule.

If you have the Missile Launcher, the Missile capsule increase ammo by 30; the Super Missile capsule increase ammo by 10.

If you have the Super Missile Launcher, the Missile capsule increase ammo by 9; the Super Missile capsule increase by 3.

So you get the most missiles on a regular Missile Launcher and the Missile Capsule. Super reduces on what you get.
Jul 17, 2014 at 11:53 PM
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Fluff8836 said:
Both Missile capsule & Super Missile capsules can be opened up by Balrog in Core or Observatory. They both expand the ammunition.

Thing is, the Missile capsule has more expansion than the Super Missile capsule.

If you have the Missile Launcher, the Missile capsule increase ammo by 30; the Super Missile capsule increase ammo by 9.

If you have the Super Missile Launcher, the Missile capsule increase ammo by 10; the Super Missile capsule increase by 3.

So you get the most missiles on a regular Missile Launcher and the Missile Capsule. Super reduces on what you get.

So basically, Zarrot gave more rewards for making the game harder for yourself in NG+. Polar Star gets you the Turbocharge (which breaks the Spur and Machine Gun), Missile Launcher gets you a shitton of ammo, Snake gets you Hydra, Blade gets you the Arms Barrier (Thank GOD), and keeping Mr. Little gets you the Nemesis instead of the Mjolnir, which was crap. The final Suto fight will be MUCH easier because of the Nemesis... Oh, and the Life Capsules. Btw, that's my setup. I tested it, and having the Snake AND Polar Star Capsules did NOT break the game for me, but I won't push my luck...

Funny though, Zarrot and I had a conversation about the Ammo reduction when upgrading the missiles, and he said 30 in the end was a good ammount, and I agreed with him. But if I bring in the Missile Capsule, I'll get 40 in the end, supposedly. Damn, Zarrot, I don't think anyone will mind if you add "ZarroTsu Thinks of Everything" on the TVTropes page. *clap clap clap clap*
Jul 18, 2014 at 12:37 AM
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Feel free to. I deliberately left all the mid-to-end-game spoilers off there for others to add in when the game's popularity picked up.

If you have the Super Missile Launcher, the Missile capsule increase ammo by 10;
It should only be +9? I'll double check it when I do the update.
Jul 18, 2014 at 2:09 AM
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Sorry... I read the code wrong. I looked carefully of the jump commands in Head.tsc. Here is the correct statement I should have said to Mistress Nemesis.
If you have the Missile Launcher, the Missile capsule increase ammo by 30; the Super Missile capsule increase ammo by 10.

If you have the Super Missile Launcher, the Missile capsule increase ammo by 9; the Super Missile capsule increase by 3.
I will edit the earlier post to reflect this.