Jul 14, 2014 at 2:38 AM
Join Date: Jan 4, 2009
Posts: 317
Pronouns: he/him
Now continuing to test in the new version. Why I am testing because it is to check for any abnormalities with the Snake -> Hydra with NG+ Snake Capsule and what is a possible bug is that when I give NG+ Nemesis capsule to the Little Man at the Cottage after getting Mjölnir but wanted the weapon back which requires trading back the Mjölnir and I agree to do so, it would say "Gave back the Nemesis". That is what I checked in the script. This bug is true.
New bugs listed below:
(More than two bugs, fix for Build 5)
● Mjölnir is not Nemesis when you give it back for the original weapon you gave the Little Man at the Cottage after the NG+ Nemesis Capsule. See this code:
It appears that it goes to event #0206 instead of #0203. To fix: Change <EVE0206 to <EVE0203.
● Look at the checklist to correct the oversight regarding the Save Disk in Outer Wall (JN102).
● May I suggest that on event #0300 in Outer Wall (JN102) that you also place a <AMJ command next to the <ITJ, for if you have Machine Gun it jumps to #0301. It is still possible to scale the Outer Wall with Machine Gun at Level 3 if used carefully. (But, then again, if Quote clears the Outer Wall, getting a medal would then be too easy... maybe it should be ignored??? Welp, let the voice do the talking.)
● See at the very bottom of the post about Crescent Medal.
● "What is this world coming too?" said by Tetsouzou Kumadani in Hermit Gunsmith. I watched live and spotted it. "too" should be "to".
● Surprise, surprise, surprise, SURPRISE! Now Curly Brace is infected with "Suprise" syndrome. Check the Yamashita Farm in Event #0095. "suprised" should be "surprised".
● "some time" should be "sometime". ArmsItem #6141
● Also, try replacing the letter o with an o that has a Diaeresis on top ( ö ) on every Mjolnir in the Little Cottage script and ArmsItem.
Testing finished.
Everything has been fixed in the checklist below except one which leaves an oversight (found an alternative to correct the oversight, see below the checklist):
Version predictions:
More than two bugs have been found so the version will be After testing the next version in the following weekend, the final version would be if absolutely no bugs are present AT ALL that will be bundled with the Walkthrough. Give it a few weeks or months without new bugs rising and a Japanese translation of the game can be considered. After all, Cave Story was originally in Japanese before translated to English by AGTP.
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Ah HAH! I found a way to get the Crescent Medal only on the first go at Underside!
Now that I discovered it, I will do this on my future playthroughs. You need to set a trigger below the first bat by copying the H/V trigger NPC from coordinates (21,8) to (25,21) to prevent getting the Crescent Medal on the second visit to the Underside using Booster 2.0.
New bugs listed below:
(More than two bugs, fix for Build 5)
● Mjölnir is not Nemesis when you give it back for the original weapon you gave the Little Man at the Cottage after the NG+ Nemesis Capsule. See this code:
<PRI<MSGReally?<NOD So you want your weapon
back instead?<YNJ0300<EVE0206
● Look at the checklist to correct the oversight regarding the Save Disk in Outer Wall (JN102).
● May I suggest that on event #0300 in Outer Wall (JN102) that you also place a <AMJ command next to the <ITJ, for if you have Machine Gun it jumps to #0301. It is still possible to scale the Outer Wall with Machine Gun at Level 3 if used carefully. (But, then again, if Quote clears the Outer Wall, getting a medal would then be too easy... maybe it should be ignored??? Welp, let the voice do the talking.)
● See at the very bottom of the post about Crescent Medal.
As Curly: If Quote leaves the Missile Launcher in Jenka's House after the Doctor manipulates him, any unopened Missile Launcher chests can be opened by Curly and if she has only one weapon that is not the Missile Launcher, she gets a Missile Launcher as a second weapon with 18 missiles (got one at Egg Corridor). Now here's the weird part: If Curly goes to Dead End in the Labyrinth and offers the Missile Launcher to Dr. Gero, he said "at the cost of the ammunition", Curly would get the Super Missile Launcher. BUT... the ammo went to 33, not down to 9? Even more weirder: When Curly picks up Quote's items, she has the original Missile Launcher with 99 ammo and the Missile items dropped from enemies can only fill the Missile Launcher weapon. Here's what can crash the game: Curly would have eight weapons but it can cause a adverse glitch in the weapon cycling system at the HUD and can lead to a CRASH! (If she does not have the Fireball which is traded away to the Little Man by Quote in the Cottage) To avert this weirdness & crash: Make Dr. Gero unavailable in the Dead End (as if he is gone for a moment to do something) until Curly picks up Quote's items in Jenka's house. Set 0x4000 (Disappear when FlagID is on) on Dr. Gero and give him a new, unused FlagID. At the Outer Wall script where you play as Curly, set a new, unused flag that matches the FlagID on Dr. Gero. Finally, at the Jenka's House script where Curly picks up Quote's items, clear the new flag. Here is a picture below of the glitch caused crash:
***Picture attachment removed to recover space***
***Picture attachment removed to recover space***
● "What is this world coming too?" said by Tetsouzou Kumadani in Hermit Gunsmith. I watched live and spotted it. "too" should be "to".
● Surprise, surprise, surprise, SURPRISE! Now Curly Brace is infected with "Suprise" syndrome. Check the Yamashita Farm in Event #0095. "suprised" should be "surprised".
● "some time" should be "sometime". ArmsItem #6141
● Also, try replacing the letter o with an o that has a Diaeresis on top ( ö ) on every Mjolnir in the Little Cottage script and ArmsItem.
Testing finished.
Everything has been fixed in the checklist below except one which leaves an oversight (found an alternative to correct the oversight, see below the checklist):
☑ 1. The vertical pipe in Pipeworks S has an X block below it. (Checked true, obviously it's...) - FIXED!
☑ 2. Refusal of Curly opening up the Machine Gun capsule makes Curly say "Well alright then." (Checked true, I'm positive players with NG+ Machine Gun capsules should not run into problems so it is now...) - FIXED!
☒ 3. The floating chest issue has been resolved as per my instructions. - FIXED WITH OVERSIGHT (Chest doesn't re-appear either closed or open when you load from a save disk nearby. It reappears when you reenter Outer Wall from Egg 00 if you still don't have the Booster 2.0.)
☑ 4. SRB2 Kart statue "Surprise" not "Suprise". - FIXED!
To correct the oversight:
Add within the event in Outer Wall (JN102):
Place a H/V trigger horizontal next to the Save Disk the same way you did at the New Game+ starting room (A Familiar Room), with event 0095 and no flagID. Movement of the chest will happen when you load. If you have Booster 2.0, chest movement will not happen and only the H/V trigger deletes itself.
Leave the oversight as is. Don't do anything to the map and script.
☑ 1. The vertical pipe in Pipeworks S has an X block below it. (Checked true, obviously it's...) - FIXED!
☑ 2. Refusal of Curly opening up the Machine Gun capsule makes Curly say "Well alright then." (Checked true, I'm positive players with NG+ Machine Gun capsules should not run into problems so it is now...) - FIXED!
☒ 3. The floating chest issue has been resolved as per my instructions. - FIXED WITH OVERSIGHT (Chest doesn't re-appear either closed or open when you load from a save disk nearby. It reappears when you reenter Outer Wall from Egg 00 if you still don't have the Booster 2.0.)
☑ 4. SRB2 Kart statue "Surprise" not "Suprise". - FIXED!
To correct the oversight:
Add within the event in Outer Wall (JN102):
<DNP0095<ITJ0014:0000 <MNP0500:0021:0177:0000<MNP0501:0021:0177:0002<END
Leave the oversight as is. Don't do anything to the map and script.
More than two bugs have been found so the version will be After testing the next version in the following weekend, the final version would be if absolutely no bugs are present AT ALL that will be bundled with the Walkthrough. Give it a few weeks or months without new bugs rising and a Japanese translation of the game can be considered. After all, Cave Story was originally in Japanese before translated to English by AGTP.
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Ah HAH! I found a way to get the Crescent Medal only on the first go at Underside!
Somehow you must interact with the statue then go right all the way. Next to the Sanctuary door is another moving block which said is the one you ride back and go to Sand Zone instead. BUT! This moving block keeps on moving left. Ride that thing and jump to the platform obstacles and keep following it. It will reach the spot where you go in the Hidden Room for the Crescent Medal.