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Jenka's Nightmare - Done. *mic drop* []

Jul 14, 2014 at 2:38 AM
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Now continuing to test in the new version. Why I am testing because it is to check for any abnormalities with the Snake -> Hydra with NG+ Snake Capsule and what is a possible bug is that when I give NG+ Nemesis capsule to the Little Man at the Cottage after getting Mjölnir but wanted the weapon back which requires trading back the Mjölnir and I agree to do so, it would say "Gave back the Nemesis". That is what I checked in the script. This bug is true.

New bugs listed below:
(More than two bugs, fix for Build 5)
● Mjölnir is not Nemesis when you give it back for the original weapon you gave the Little Man at the Cottage after the NG+ Nemesis Capsule. See this code:
<PRI<MSGReally?<NOD So you want your weapon
back instead?<YNJ0300<EVE0206
It appears that it goes to event #0206 instead of #0203. To fix: Change <EVE0206 to <EVE0203.
● Look at the checklist to correct the oversight regarding the Save Disk in Outer Wall (JN102).
● May I suggest that on event #0300 in Outer Wall (JN102) that you also place a <AMJ command next to the <ITJ, for if you have Machine Gun it jumps to #0301. It is still possible to scale the Outer Wall with Machine Gun at Level 3 if used carefully. (But, then again, if Quote clears the Outer Wall, getting a medal would then be too easy... maybe it should be ignored??? Welp, let the voice do the talking.)
● See at the very bottom of the post about Crescent Medal.
As Curly: If Quote leaves the Missile Launcher in Jenka's House after the Doctor manipulates him, any unopened Missile Launcher chests can be opened by Curly and if she has only one weapon that is not the Missile Launcher, she gets a Missile Launcher as a second weapon with 18 missiles (got one at Egg Corridor). Now here's the weird part: If Curly goes to Dead End in the Labyrinth and offers the Missile Launcher to Dr. Gero, he said "at the cost of the ammunition", Curly would get the Super Missile Launcher. BUT... the ammo went to 33, not down to 9? Even more weirder: When Curly picks up Quote's items, she has the original Missile Launcher with 99 ammo and the Missile items dropped from enemies can only fill the Missile Launcher weapon. Here's what can crash the game: Curly would have eight weapons but it can cause a adverse glitch in the weapon cycling system at the HUD and can lead to a CRASH! (If she does not have the Fireball which is traded away to the Little Man by Quote in the Cottage) To avert this weirdness & crash: Make Dr. Gero unavailable in the Dead End (as if he is gone for a moment to do something) until Curly picks up Quote's items in Jenka's house. Set 0x4000 (Disappear when FlagID is on) on Dr. Gero and give him a new, unused FlagID. At the Outer Wall script where you play as Curly, set a new, unused flag that matches the FlagID on Dr. Gero. Finally, at the Jenka's House script where Curly picks up Quote's items, clear the new flag. Here is a picture below of the glitch caused crash:
***Picture attachment removed to recover space***

● "What is this world coming too?" said by Tetsouzou Kumadani in Hermit Gunsmith. I watched live and spotted it. "too" should be "to".
● Surprise, surprise, surprise, SURPRISE! Now Curly Brace is infected with "Suprise" syndrome. Check the Yamashita Farm in Event #0095. "suprised" should be "surprised".
● "some time" should be "sometime". ArmsItem #6141
● Also, try replacing the letter o with an o that has a Diaeresis on top ( ö ) on every Mjolnir in the Little Cottage script and ArmsItem.

Testing finished.

Everything has been fixed in the checklist below except one which leaves an oversight (found an alternative to correct the oversight, see below the checklist):

☑ 1. The vertical pipe in Pipeworks S has an X block below it. (Checked true, obviously it's...) - FIXED!
☑ 2. Refusal of Curly opening up the Machine Gun capsule makes Curly say "Well alright then." (Checked true, I'm positive players with NG+ Machine Gun capsules should not run into problems so it is now...) - FIXED!
☒ 3. The floating chest issue has been resolved as per my instructions. - FIXED WITH OVERSIGHT (Chest doesn't re-appear either closed or open when you load from a save disk nearby. It reappears when you reenter Outer Wall from Egg 00 if you still don't have the Booster 2.0.)
☑ 4. SRB2 Kart statue "Surprise" not "Suprise". - FIXED!

To correct the oversight:
Add within the event in Outer Wall (JN102):
<DNP0095<ITJ0014:0000   <MNP0500:0021:0177:0000<MNP0501:0021:0177:0002<END
Place a H/V trigger horizontal next to the Save Disk the same way you did at the New Game+ starting room (A Familiar Room), with event 0095 and no flagID. Movement of the chest will happen when you load. If you have Booster 2.0, chest movement will not happen and only the H/V trigger deletes itself.
Leave the oversight as is. Don't do anything to the map and script.
Version predictions:
More than two bugs have been found so the version will be After testing the next version in the following weekend, the final version would be if absolutely no bugs are present AT ALL that will be bundled with the Walkthrough. Give it a few weeks or months without new bugs rising and a Japanese translation of the game can be considered. After all, Cave Story was originally in Japanese before translated to English by AGTP.

● ● ●

Ah HAH! I found a way to get the Crescent Medal only on the first go at Underside!
Somehow you must interact with the statue then go right all the way. Next to the Sanctuary door is another moving block which said is the one you ride back and go to Sand Zone instead. BUT! This moving block keeps on moving left. Ride that thing and jump to the platform obstacles and keep following it. It will reach the spot where you go in the Hidden Room for the Crescent Medal.
Now that I discovered it, I will do this on my future playthroughs. You need to set a trigger below the first bat by copying the H/V trigger NPC from coordinates (21,8) to (25,21) to prevent getting the Crescent Medal on the second visit to the Underside using Booster 2.0.
Jul 14, 2014 at 7:29 PM
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Fluff8836 said:
Somehow you must interact with the statue then go right all the way. Next to the Sanctuary door is another moving block which said is the one you ride back and go to Sand Zone instead. BUT! This moving block keeps on moving left. Ride that thing and jump to the platform obstacles and keep following it. It will reach the spot where you go in the Hidden Room for the Crescent Medal.
Now that I discovered it, I will do this on my future playthroughs. You need to set a trigger below the first bat by copying the H/V trigger NPC from coordinates (21,8) to (25,21) to prevent getting the Crescent Medal on the second visit to the Underside using Booster 2.0.
I see, so if I hadn't gotten Excalibar, I COULD have gotten the Crescent Medal. Ah well. So, secret rooms and medals. What and where can I get them? That's all Im missing.

Btw, what is the Hydra like? I'm probably not gonna be using it.
Jul 14, 2014 at 9:41 PM
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Dunc2403 said:
Hydra is really powerful at level 3 (like ridiculously so) and really underpowered at levels 1 and 2.

Describe it, please. Also, where are the 3 secret rooms besides First Cave and the Reservoir, and the medals. I'm a clueless dip :critter:
Jul 14, 2014 at 9:53 PM
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@Mistress Nemesis: Please do not reveal the spoiler in the quote. Keep the info between the spoiler tags.

As for Hydra, it is the same as the Snake but it possesses the true power that does not need ammo. You need the original Cave Story save in the Prefab House (for Hell) with the Snake weapon and copy it to Jenka's Nightmare for the NG+ with the Snake Capsule in your inventory.
To have that capsule open, after you come back to the First Cave from the Revolutionarium, go to Mimiga Village and proceed to the Town Hall and give Sue the keycards. Then go back to the Labyrinth Shop and now talk to Chaba one more time (in the Original Cave Story that is where the Polar Star and the Fireball were combined). Chaba will open your Snake capsule and it doesn't even matter if you have the Snake or not or lost it at the Underside. Chaba will give you an upgraded version of the Snake... the Hydra. All the Snake Ammo Augmentation chests will automatically empty out and appear open.
Jul 14, 2014 at 9:59 PM
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Fluff8836 said:
@Mistress Nemesis: Please do not reveal the spoiler in the quote. Keep the info between the spoiler tags.

As for Hydra, it is the same as the Snake but it possesses the true power that does not need ammo. You need the original Cave Story save in the Prefab House (for Hell) with the Snake weapon and copy it to Jenka's Nightmare for the NG+ with the Snake Capsule in your inventory.
To have that capsule open, after you come back to the First Cave from the Revolutionarium, go to Mimiga Village and proceed to the Town Hall and give Sue the keycards. Then go back to the Labyrinth Shop and now talk to Chaba one more time (in the Original Cave Story that is where the Polar Star and the Fireball were combined). Chaba will open your Snake capsule and it doesn't even matter if you have the Snake or not or lost it at the Underside. Chaba will give you and upgraded version of the Snake... the Hydra.

My apologies. So it's like the Snake in Genesis: Light of Revived... Then it'll be of no use to me. I'd rather take the life up from the Spur Capsule. Lord knows I need it. Any medals besides...

The Crescent Medal, which Zarrot clarified for me, and the Cat-Eye Medal from beating X?

And help on the secret rooms besides

The enemy bounce in First Cave and the Chimney entrance in the Resevoir?
Jul 14, 2014 at 10:28 PM
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In Sand Zone where you first enter, after meeting with the puppies in the Wine Cellar and you got the Dog Whistle, set the Mimiga and Gaudi teleporters to each other by feeding the puppies and take the Flower teleporter to Booster. Once there, use the Dog Whistle and take the teleporter. You'll end up in a new area (which would be from the Misery teleporter). Go ahead towards the building (which will be Misery's Abode) and because you did not have the Booster 0.8, you will instead wind up to the third Secret Room.

After the Revolutionarium, go back to Sand Zone and take the Mimiga teleporter to Labyrinth again, but this time use the Dog Whistle. Now take the teleporter and it will take you to an unknown location, in this case it will take you to the fourth Secret Room.

If you want the fifth plus any more medals, you must beat the boss in Last Cave and then do not leave the island with Curly & Balrog.
Jul 15, 2014 at 1:51 AM
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Fluff8836 said:
In Sand Zone where you first enter, after meeting with the puppies in the Wine Cellar and you got the Dog Whistle, set the Mimiga and Gaudi teleporters to each other by feeding the puppies and take the Flower teleporter to Booster. Once there, use the Dog Whistle and take the teleporter. You'll end up in a new area (which would be from the Misery teleporter). Go ahead towards the building (which will be Misery's Abode) and because you did not have the Booster 0.8, you will instead wind up to the third Secret Room.

After the Revolutionarium, go back to Sand Zone and take the Mimiga teleporter to Labyrinth again, but this time use the Dog Whistle. Now take the teleporter and it will take you to an unknown location, in this case it will take you to the fourth Secret Room.

If you want the fifth plus any more medals, you must beat the boss in Last Cave and then do not leave the island with Curly & Balrog.

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Sounds good. So, the 5th room and more medals. How bout those? And btw, I've beaten Tristitia, so spoil whatever you want. I want details.

Jul 15, 2014 at 3:25 AM
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Ya got it! Here it comes...

Look inside. Make sure you leave the Machine Gun in the hands of Balrog.

Once you take control of Curly Brace armed with a Machine Gun, head to Plantation and Level Up all the way to 3. From the Rest Area, jump and shoot downwards while holding the jump button. Go straight up to the ledge and reach the door that Quote could not enter. The door is unlocked for Curly so go in and it's the Fifth Secret Room. You must do this before picking up Quote's items in Jenka's House or the door will relock.

Once you have discovered all five secrets, proceed to the hole (fireplace) in Jenka's house. You will then be allowed to walk down the dark hall without being blocked. Welcome to the Super Secret Room! Enjoy!

Yes. There is only one more. As Curly, before you pick up Quote's items, go to the Conduit and ride the rocket up to the Egg Corridor. It can be difficult with only one weapon (better hope its the Machine Gun, otherwise you won't be able to climb above taller walls) but it can be done. Head to the backside of Egg Corridor if needs be and get through the ramshackle Observation Room. Go to Egg 00 (and fight the Sisters if Quote didn't beat them), reach the Outer Wall and a chest lies over yonder (where I reported the floating open chest issue which is now FIXED in It stays on the ground as it should).
Jul 15, 2014 at 3:41 AM
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Fluff8836 said:
Ya got it! Here it comes...

Look inside. Make sure you leave the Machine Gun in the hands of Balrog.

Once you take control of Curly Brace armed with a Machine Gun, head to Plantation and Level Up all the way to 3. From the Rest Area, jump and shoot downwards while holding the jump button. Go straight up to the ledge and reach the door that Quote could not enter. The door is unlocked for Curly so go in and it's the Fifth Secret Room. You must do this before picking up Quote's items in Jenka's House or the door will relock.

Once you have discovered all five secrets, proceed to the hole (fireplace) in Jenka's house. You will then be allowed to walk down the dark hall without being blocked. Welcome to the Super Secret Room! Enjoy!

Yes. There is only one more. As Curly, before you pick up Quote's items, go to the Conduit and ride the rocket up to the Egg Corridor. It can be difficult with only one weapon (better hope its the Machine Gun, otherwise you won't be able to climb above taller walls) but it can be done. Head to the backside of Egg Corridor if needs be and get through the ramshackle Observation Room. Go to Egg 00 (and fight the Sisters if Quote didn't beat them), reach the Outer Wall and a chest lies over yonder (where I reported the floating open chest issue which is now FIXED in It stays on the ground as it should).

You're fantastic. Funny, I didn't even realize that was exclusive to that part of the game. No wonder you made a big deal out of it glitching out. Lol, imagine if Zarrot just made a random empty chest float for no reason but to fuck with us. And with that, I will replay this mod after my marathon of Kirby games. Thank you very much.
Jul 15, 2014 at 3:52 AM
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Wow, I'm not done playing yet, but I think this would make a great sequel to Cave Story!
Jul 15, 2014 at 2:00 PM
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I don't see Little Man (Get Nemesis Weapon), Mimiga Mask(?) (Control Curly Player) and Turbocharge? (All Key Item)
I had items: Map System(Real), Whimsical Star, Air Tank and Munitionsis. And two secret items: Magic Journal and Rosehips.
I was finish this test game with your modding is very good and much hardest. (Normal Ending = After Beat Jenka's Nightmare)
I was confused this Maze in Devil's Garden.
If Little Man is only NG+?
Control Curly Player: Never mind I found after open 3 beated, I just play more time after Quote under control and Doctor is back!

I was finish once again with Best Ending. However...if take damage by 10 won't control any move and hit by big ball into fall? (After Beat Frenzy Doctor second time) Curly will die if have 6 HP with TAS to Final Battle? I wonder what happen?
Jul 15, 2014 at 5:58 PM
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Fluff8836 said:
ZarroTsu, A Crash Bug has been found. It is possible to get eight weapons but can glitch up resulting a crash. Read carefully in this post.

Yikes... I only needed 6 weapons.
Jul 15, 2014 at 6:55 PM
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Yikes... I only needed 6 weapons.
It is still safe and possible to have seven weapons but having eight weapons or more in a Cave Story mod can crash your game. Anybody who mods Cave Story should know this.

I don't see Little Man (Get Nemesis Weapon), Mimiga Mask(?) (Control Curly Player) and Turbocharge? (All Key Item)
I had items: Map System(Real), Whimsical Star, Air Tank and Munitionsis. And two secret items: Magic Journal and Rosehips.
I was finish this test game with your modding is very good and much hardest. (Normal Ending = After Beat Jenka's Nightmare)
I was confused this Maze in Devil's Garden.
If Little Man is only NG+?
Control Curly Player: Never mind I found after open 3 beated, I just play more time after Quote under control and Doctor is back!

I was finish once again with Best Ending. However...if take damage by 10 won't control any move and hit by big ball into fall? (After Beat Frenzy Doctor second time) Curly will die if have 6 HP with TAS to Final Battle? I wonder what happen?
Little Man & Turbocharge are NG+ exclusive. Copy the original Cave Story's Profile.dat with Polar Star & Little Man in the inventory and where saved in the Prefab House before Sacred Ground (Hell) to the Jenka's Nightmare folder with the game. Load Jenka's Nightmare with the copied profile and enjoy.

To get the Turbocharge:
Get all five Pignon notes and go to Pignon Hideout in the Cemetery. Fight the Pignons and get the Polar Star. Go to First Cave and enter Hermit Gunsmith. Fight Suto, then talk to Tetsouzou Kumadani. He will take away your Polar Star and upgrade it to a Spur and he will also open your Polar Star capsule. That capsule contains the Turbocharge.
Devil's Garden maze solution:
Follow the doors with red lights in the skulls, and through the possessed doors. Here is the maze solution:
● Left
● Right (where you came out of)
● Down
● Right
● Up

Then if you still have the Snake weapon, there is a chest at the far right. Go back to the door where you came out of and you wind back where you started but the door behind is blocked and the one ahead takes you to Once Sacred Ground.
Jul 15, 2014 at 7:00 PM
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Fluff8836 said:
It is still safe and possible to have seven weapons but having eight weapons or more in a Cave Story mod can crash your game. Everybody who mods Cave Story should know this.
How would you get 7? I only was able to get 6, and that was with skipping the Snake until after the Labyrinth!

Hmm, I suppose getting the Turbocharge would be useful since the Spur is such a useful weapon... But the Spur is such a useful weapon in the original game too, and I've never beaten the Undead Core without it, and I like the life-up from the Spur Capsule. How much faster does the Spur charge with the Turbocharge?
Jul 15, 2014 at 7:11 PM
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Trade away the Fireball weapon to Little Man in his Cottage at the Conduit for Nemesis/Mjölnir. (If not traded, the Fireball weapon gets broken later in the game and is the only weapon removed from play.) If traded away, you can have seven weapons. There is a trope called "Walking Armory". Read about it.

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Trading to Little Man can only be done with Quote.

Spur with Turbocharge charges a little faster than the Original Cave Story's Spur.
Jul 15, 2014 at 8:29 PM
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Fluff8836 said:
Trade away the Fireball weapon to Little Man in his Cottage at the Conduit for Nemesis/Mjölnir. (If not traded, the Fireball weapon gets broken later in the game and is the only weapon removed from play.) If traded away, you can have seven weapons. There is a trope called "Walking Armory". Read about it.

Hidden text highlight (or click) to view:

Trading to Little Man can only be done with Quote.

Spur with Turbocharge charges a little faster than the Original Cave Story's Spur.
Huh... I wonder if editing my save in the original game to have some more weapons would break this mod. Can the mod only hold up to 4 capsules? Also, is Nemesis in the game, or is Mjolnir it's replacement? I know they're identical besides the limited ammo.

EDIT: Alrighty then. My old save has all 3 Polar Star variants (Spur, Snake, and Original), the S. Missile Launcher, and the Nemesis. I tried the mod out, and it did not break. My only question is
since the Hermit Gunsmith opens both the Spur and Polar Star capsules
what happens?
Jul 15, 2014 at 8:52 PM
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Cave Story has up to five weapons so an NG+ Jenka's Nightmare can have up to five capsules.

Nemesis is in the game. You got to have the Little Man in your inventory (In Cave Story, do not bring Little Man to the house in Outer Wall), so load a Cave Story profile with Little Man in your inventory for an NG+ (make sure it is prefab house before Sacred Ground). For added fun, have a chat with the Little Man by examining him in your inventory in certain points and boss fights.

After the Labyrinth, the point where you are going to fight Genesis and Oblivion, go to the Little Cottage in the Conduit and bring the Little Man here ("I'm hoooooome!"). You will then trade for the Nemesis, it has unlimited ammo the same as the Original Cave Story.

Edit: By three Polar Star variants... Are you using CaveShark or any profile editor tool or trainers? ZarroTsu recommends not loading a Cave Story save with Jenka's Nightmare which has been modified by profile editors. He said so in earlier posts.

I think Tetsouzou can only open up the Polar Star capsule.