If there were a patch for Cave Story Wii...

Mar 24, 2010 at 2:51 AM
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...what all would you like to see patched? I was originally going to just make a list of all the things that are actually wrong with the game and could plausibly receive an actual patch, but feel free to add things such as what "should have been" in this port.

- Map System should not be glitchy and should have a position marker :<

- The "New" music should have whatever demon ran off with ALL THE PERCUSSION AND BASS promptly slayed. I'm actually starting to become convinced that this is an actual issue, and not just the 'direction' they 'wanted to go in' with the music; Pulse, for example, is complete silence for a long way into the song, the part that should have a heartbeat.

- Other nitpicky music stuff should be fixed, such as certain songs under the "Original" setting not looping properly (mainly seems to be boss songs, I know for sure that at least some of the songs DO loop properly); there's no reason that the music halts when the scene shifts; and lastly, the Item Received/Heart Capsule Received/Death tunes are super quiet in New mode only, for some reason.

- Curly Mode should have difficulties--I'd like to see her sprite recolors, and we get THREE save slots for her mode alone.

- I've heard about some nasty bugs involving the Little Man and using the map system, as well as random things such as using certain weapons at certain times on certain bosses causing the music to shut off. Stuff like this would be the most likely to actually be addressed by a patch if it does end up happening..

- Sound Effects should be like 4 notches lower by default. TINK TINK TINK TINK TINK TINK TINK TINK

- There should be a new option underneath "Graphics" and "Music" in the menu; "HUZZAH" or "OH YEAH"

- It's probably even less realistic than the above, but I swear the new modes should be unlockable by actually playing through story mode rather than being available from the start. I mean, seriously... Pixel was so adamant about new players just playing the game to find out about it for the first time instead of reading about it online, in the interview with him on the Nintendo Channel. And yet here we have Curly Mode (you're not even supposed to know anything about Curly for awhile); Boss Attack mode (allows you to use all the weapons and many of the items without even playing story mode, and obviously spoils the bosses, which in some cases is kind of a REALLY REALLY BIG DEAL I.E. TOROKO); and the absolute worst, Time Attack (access to ALL THE MOST POWERFUL AND HARD TO GET WEAPONS in the first room, you start with Booster 2.0, and ... it's playing through the Sacred Grounds, dammit!!) all WITHOUT HAVING TO EVEN TOUCH story mode. Something's just so wrong about that.. ;_;

What would you suggest to Nicalis if, say, they came here to ask us specifically what we think should be added to make the Wii version better and more well-liked in general?
(in b4 'go back in time and don't even make it lol')
Mar 24, 2010 at 2:59 AM
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I agree with all of the above, except:
ragnaroq said:
- There should be a new option underneath "Graphics" and "Music" in the menu; "HUZZAH" or "OH YEAH"
There should also be an option to switch to the unofficial translation. Because Aeon Genesis are simply better writers than Nicalis.
Mar 24, 2010 at 3:05 AM
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Captain Fabulous said:
Because Aeon Genesis are simply better writers than Nicalis.
You know, I'm pretty sure Aeon Genesis is just one guy....
That's what I got out of the About, anyways.
He translated Live a Live, too!
Mar 24, 2010 at 3:08 AM
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If they patched the wii version with this, I'd get it. I was starting to suspect that the precussiom was missing on accident.
Mar 24, 2010 at 3:14 AM
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An overhaul on the music would be nice. "Upgrading" the graphics while "downgrading" the music doesn't make much sense to me.

Oh, and could we please make the medals (among other things) useful for something?

...and can we return to the main menu at the endscreen without resorting to using the Home button?

I pretty much agree with what ragnaroq said. Major spoilers for those who didn't already beat the game with the good ending. (perhaps adding in a few more pointers on HOW to get to that ending in the first place?)
Mar 24, 2010 at 3:22 AM
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Captain Fabulous said:
There should also be an option to switch to the unofficial translation. Because Aeon Genesis are simply better writers than Nicalis.

I was sort of jokingly implying that with the HUZZAH thing. That line in particular seems to have the most CS vets' panties in a wad, though I don't mind "Oh Yeeeeaah", HUZZAH was kind of .. you know, one of those things that made Cave Story Cave Story for a lot of us. It makes me wish Nicalis had at least contacted Aeon Genesis or really looked at what the fans think of when they think Cave Story or something... it seems so strange that they changed that simple expression. And though there's not a lot else different in the translation, there's a few weird little textual errors (and the already-infamous "EXAMINATE" thing going on) that make me somewhat wonder why they didn't just ask to use Aeon Genesis' translation as it was... aside from, of course, Tyrone trying to get fans to fap over the fact that 'oh man pixel himself is gonna be right there with us as we do this translation its as close to what he wanted to convey as you'll ever get so this time when malco asks you to get that gum base you'll really know he meant it from the bottom of his heart!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'
Mar 24, 2010 at 3:31 AM
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Yeah, from what little I've been able to see so far, what really gets me is the translation. I guess I just loved Pixel's game and AG's storytelling. As for differences, I could pick out a lot actually. I may be overreacting but it almost feels like they went "Aeon Genesis said this so we can't use that".
Mar 24, 2010 at 3:37 AM
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ragnaroq said:
'oh man pixel himself is gonna be right there with us as we do this translation its as close to what he wanted to convey as you'll ever get so this time when malco asks you to get that gum base you'll really know he meant it from the bottom of his heart!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'

Noxid, Nicalis's translation was pretty close to AG's most of the time. Sometimes it was identical, and sometimes it was quite different. When it was different, sometimes it was worse (Misery's awkward line about Balrog's brain), sometimes it was better (Igor's line about a professor and the tests).
Mar 24, 2010 at 3:40 AM
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Captain Fabulous said:

Noxid, Nicalis's translation was pretty close to AG's most of the time. Sometimes it was identical, and sometimes it was quite different. When it was different, sometimes it was worse (Misery's awkward line about Balrog's brain), sometimes it was better (Igor's line about a professor and the tests).


Maybe it's just because the differences stood out to me so it seemed like there were more.
A hybrid translation would be pretty cool I guess
Mar 24, 2010 at 5:32 AM
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Heh, if AG and Tyrone got together for that, along with Pixel, I feel that would be best. Also I think that should be done fr a lot of the new CS, because I think that approach, along with fan input, may have made this port even better.

For now, I need to go fulfill an urge, be back later. *boots up Cave Story on his PC*
Mar 24, 2010 at 5:36 AM
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A thought just struck me. What if aeon genesis didn't want nicalis using their translation? It would all make sense, it would explain why balrog says oh yeeaah, why the jenka's fourth puppy says woof woof woof woof instead of the other thing it usually says (go check it yourself). o_O
Mar 24, 2010 at 5:39 AM
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Nicalis used a lot of AG's translation, and Aeon Genesis can't copyright it anyway. All they could do is say "plz don't," which I'm fairly sure they did not do. Nicalis wanted their own translation.
Mar 24, 2010 at 6:00 AM
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Why would they want their own translation? What purpose would that serve when you can get a better one for free? No extra work, no translators, nothin'!
Mar 24, 2010 at 6:06 AM
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cultr1 said:
Why would they want their own translation? What purpose would that serve when you can get a better one for free? No extra work, no translators, nothin'!

They wanted a full, true translation. Like there were some parts that AG messed up (that were fixed in the wiiware version), more or less mistranslated or localized. And since they were working directly with pixel that meant they could get the "true" meaning of each and every part.

However there were some parts that AG didn't mess up, and the Nicalis translation favored completely-true-to-the-original over let's-revise-it-slightly-so-it-makes-more-sense/reads better. I say that Nicalis should have strived to achieve more of a balance between the 2, but apart from the "Oh yeah!", the new translation was pretty decent.
Mar 25, 2010 at 6:04 AM
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Make the Gravekeeper have sound effects again >:/

How do things like this slip past.
Mar 25, 2010 at 8:43 AM
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cultr1 said:
A thought just struck me. What if aeon genesis didn't want nicalis using their translation? It would all make sense, it would explain why balrog says oh yeeaah, why the jenka's fourth puppy says woof woof woof woof instead of the other thing it usually says (go check it yourself). o_O

I think it was more Nintendo didn't want them to use the fan-translation.
Tyrone is considering adding Huzzah! again (thanks to annoying fans) people seems to forget, while he is very annoying, what moved him starting this project is that he is a fan like us. No one in business try to sell something is already free for just money, and early videos show the fan translation, without Aeon Genesis consent they wouldn't even did that.

Fan-translations are very associated with illegal ROM distribution, and Nintendo HATES free code (See more about SCUMMVM and Atari fiasco.) I'm still surprised they released Cave Story at all, but Money is everything in business i guess.
However Pixel is a free PC developer and Aeon Genesis, while he doesn't distribute the Roms himself, it's translations FOR Roms mainly.

Now do the math.
Mar 25, 2010 at 11:23 AM
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Has anyone else noticed that the item screen and map system no longer have the map behind them? It's sorta weird, and avidly pointless.
Mar 25, 2010 at 11:54 AM
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Lace said:
Has anyone else noticed that the item screen and map system no longer have the map behind them? It's sorta weird, and avidly pointless.

Pointless yes, as you pointing it out.
That does not make any difference whatsoever.
Why they did that? who knows.
Maybe it's the limitations of the Wii version engine.
Maybe just for the sake of it.

But in the end, this one really doesn't matter at all.
Mar 25, 2010 at 2:10 PM
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Jay City said:
Pointless yes, as you pointing it out.
That does not make any difference whatsoever.
Why they did that? who knows.
Maybe it's the limitations of the Wii version engine.
Maybe just for the sake of it.

But in the end, this one really doesn't matter at all.

Actually the issue with not showing the screen when using the map item and when opening the inventory kinda bugged me. It wasn't enough to make me rage or anything, but it was annoying.