Jul 25, 2011 at 10:25 PM
Join Date: Jun 2, 2011
Location: ancient history
Posts: 397
Age: 26
Pronouns: she/her
X-Calibar said:I believe JTE / enhidnatribe.org has created or has built a lot of the basics of a online multiplayer Cave Story engine.
She wanted to have deathmatch, customizable players, and talked about it being possible to use it in a Massive Multiplayer version or cooperative version of Cave Story or the like, where you can all play at the same time, and go off and do missions or team up and whatnot...
The last version I played had basic First Cave mostly working. But, I believe she might not finish it...
[I wanted to make my Cave Story mod using that cooperative multiplayer element, but she said something to the effect of, she doesn't trust herself to finish it. Despite that off and on years of work have been into the project... [she started over several times]].
I forget the type of programming language used... But, if one could get ahold of her and maybe continue her project for her... Most of the hard work is hopefully already done.
Then again, I don't know much about multiplayer in gamemaker, so maybe that will be much easier to work with. Just wanted to put this out there; in case you want a backup, or alternative plan available to try. She might let you take over, or maybe she won't... but it'd be definitely worth looking into imo
Oh btw it's called Agora's Legends if you don't know.
Well you certainly know where to look. This is AMAZING info.