Have You Actually Completed Hell?

Jan 6, 2010 at 9:45 AM
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Re: The video I promised...

@CaptainFabulous. Thank you! Yeah, Camstudio said: WaveoutGetSelectControlfailed(). Today I googled and fixed this bug, but yesterday I was in a hurry. Although I think this video is better with the new music.
Jan 12, 2010 at 5:07 PM
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Re: The video I promised...


I think I probably played hell almost an hundred times. I used to play it everyday actually. It was a time killer for me :p

Oh and, hi folks!
Jan 17, 2010 at 6:08 PM
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I need to surpass my slow 7 minute run...

Always wished there was a Mimiga Mask version of hell... So you can survive hell without a booster. The hallway run and ballos could be unchanged lol
Jan 29, 2010 at 8:42 AM
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Ah Hell, I have quite the obsession with you, always trying to do it in a harder way.

For those who don't want to read about my endeavors in Hell, please ignore the spoiler box.

I remember the first time I went through Hell, Spur and Nemesis in hand. Took me forever to actually beat you. But then I did, oh how excited I was! Then, I tried it with the snake, the run improved, but it was more than likely from my improved skills. The Machine Gun had similar effects on my time but Ballos was rather annoying in his second form. Then I tried it with minimal weapons, stripped of the best weapons the game has to offer, I faced off with hell with weakness. The blade was my friend, made short work of the second and third forms, with the second and third levels working. Although, the last form gave me quite the trouble, with the lack of missiles and other powerful weapons, I had to rely on Curly to kill any assailants whilst I tried to hit between the eyes. Eventually it was done.

I'm now in the process of trying to beat Hell with 3 HP with the Spur and Nemesis. Although it's really tough for me just cause of the second room, I usually take it slow with the bub and when the landscape stops being flat, rush forward sends some bubbles to my backside. Although I've only passed the room once. And when I did reach the third room, it lasted quite a while. I got to the part when there are two archers you have to time just right to get past and kill without killing yourself. When I thought of something, I jumped and hit a freaking spike. I have never been able to get that far since then.

I can usually beat Hell rather easily as long as I have 55 HP but when I can't get hit, some problems occur. But Hell can really be fun once you get the hang of it.
Jan 29, 2010 at 8:53 AM
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Yes, took me a while the first time.

After you beat it, it seems a lot easier. Now I can run through hell pretty fast, and Ballos feels like any other pattern boss.

Never tried it on 3hp before.
Jan 29, 2010 at 8:55 AM
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Hah yes, Hell was a challenge for me the first time, also, I was frustrated at the fact that I missed my opportunity to do it my first playthrough.

I didn't know you had to rescue Curly;)
Feb 16, 2010 at 6:35 PM
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just beat hell in 4' 42" 5, which is much better than my previous record or about 5 minutes 30 seconds. And especially good since I start out without the nemesis, use the spur, and start with about 15 missing rockets.
Feb 16, 2010 at 6:46 PM
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IAmSerge said:
just beat hell in 4' 42" 5, which is much better than my previous record or about 5 minutes 30 seconds. And especially good since I start out without the nemesis, use the spur, and start with about 15 missing rockets.

The missile launcher always bugged me...
Either I spam it to death.
Or I forget I have it.
I mean, the only thing I use it for is Ironhead (so much faster that way) and Ballos's second form (Sit in his eye and MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASH!).
I dunno.
Prolly goes back to my Doom 64 days when I'd never have enough ammo so I had to go all chainsaw 90% of the time.
From that I learned to conserve ammo.

Good on you for breaking the 5 minute mark. You're now in the catagory of "the best".
Under 4 minutes is "the best of the best".
Under 3 is +1 'of the best'
And add an extra +1 'of the best' if you do it with 3 hp, and yet another if you do it with minimal items.

So 3hp minimal items in 3 minutes = The best of the best of the best of the best of the best.

Feb 19, 2010 at 1:00 PM
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I have completed Hell in 3'05"7, and I'm trying to get it done in three minutes. I really want Sue to title screen. ;-;
Ballos' third form is where I usually fail, it's pretty hard to make it fast. I can't destroy the eyes before he... or whatever it is has made two or sometimes three rounds. Any advices for this?

Sadly I can't record my speedrunning, the game starts lag just too much at the moment I start screen capturing. I guess I have to buy new computer soon ^^'

If the WiiWare version ever comes, it would be possible to record that. I hope it comes soon, though not only because recording :3
Feb 19, 2010 at 1:05 PM
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Well, the only advice I can give you as a non-speedrunner is "Deal a shitload of damage as fast as possible". Use Curly's Nemesis and your stronger weapon and never stop shooting. The two eyes between which you pass under Ballos are easy, just shoot. Then try to learn how to shoot his eyes when he's up in the ceiling. Basically, you have to play the hell out of this boss.
Feb 19, 2010 at 1:16 PM
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If I couldn't see him my strategy was to fire randomly upwards, y'know?
Feb 19, 2010 at 11:21 PM
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I beat my old record which i made just a few days ago,

Im at:

4 37 now.

not much of a difference, but still.

Ive been using spur the whole time.

And... I can't go any faster, lest I die, instantly.


I should be getting the nemesis soon, when I play again.
Feb 20, 2010 at 4:21 AM
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My best time is still over 16 minutes.
For me it's either go slow as balls, or die.

I've still only beaten Hell that one time.
Feb 23, 2010 at 2:56 PM
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Yay, I made it. ^^


Well, that's it. I think I'm not going to improve that anymore. I got Sue in title screen and that was all I wanted.
Mar 18, 2010 at 8:10 AM
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Re: Have You Actually Completed Hell

trickybilly said:
I am playing Helll with invisible enemies, tileset and Ballos! Can you beat it THAT way?

I died between the 2nd/3rd form, but I will try again.

That is badass. Since you can see the spikes I think I could beat it after 20 or so tries, without spikes would be pure evil though.
Mar 21, 2010 at 6:15 AM
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Re: Have You Actually Completed Hell

Ugh at the beginning of thus thread I felt good, but not anymore (2:58, srsly?)
ugh I can barely manage 7:00 or so...
Mar 22, 2010 at 2:44 PM
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Re: Have You Actually Completed Hell

Not to make ya feel worse, but my record is at 2'54'95, or says my title screen. half suicide (10 hp, min weapons). Just lots of practice, and way too many failures.

Might restart and try a 3 hp run, min items from the start, though it's most likely been done already, why not join the fun little group of pain seekers? heh heh...
Mar 23, 2010 at 5:29 AM
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Yes, I finished it, in like 2007 for the first time. I'll never forget it either, I entered the Sacred Grounds for the first time on the 4th of July that year and as I was fighting my way through and reading all the powerful messages about Ballos' past I start hearing what sounds like bombs going off outside my house--until I remembered what day it was. It really helped the atmosphere, haha.

I haven't actually been through the Sacred Grounds in ages since I've been waiting for the WiiWare version to replay Cave Story. I foresee myself having quite a bit of difficulty considering I've already actually died a few times on Normal Mode, a couple times on normal enemies and once on Monster X...
Mar 31, 2010 at 3:20 PM
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As you can see in my sig, my best time is beyond 8 minutes. Not like I've tried improving it after beating Hell with the N. Counter, though.

What I find fascinating is how easy I now find the place. It is indeed one of the hardest levels ever created, and yet I can get trough long parts of it without taking any damage (stupid flying butes) and making it look more or less easy. I'm of course nothing compared to the speedrunners, and when it comes to the boss battles, I've got a real achilles' heel since I can't really beat them in a fast fashion.

Fun fact: if you have normal missiles instead of Super, the missile extension increases your missiles by 32 instead of 24. Some people know that you get 100 missiles if you're there without the Launcher altogether, but this little fact seems like something nobody knows about.