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Fursona Fun!

Feb 28, 2012 at 5:32 AM
daughter of chivalry
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Noxid found these lovely things, but he can't post them because he will be BANNED for DOUBLE POSTING

And something a little different: http://mrsasquatchstudios.deviantart.com/gallery/#/d4r8b4d
Mar 6, 2012 at 2:33 AM
In my body, in my head
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this is a new forsona its copywrite to MEEE plz no stealing


Name: Skydark Grimshadow

Age: 19

Species: Eagle/Wolf/Rabbit hybrid

Sex: Male

Sexuality: Bisexual

Appearance: ok skydark has mosty green and pink fur with BLACK spost on the left arm and ORANG spots on the right arm. eh has yellow stripes on right arm ONLY. ehs' got really long red hair but he keeps it in a braid so it doesnt get in his way when hed fighting his enemys. he has evil and good wings and it simbolizes the strugle against his dark self. hes left leg is robotic because it got cut of in a fite againts his nemesis HATEFANG when he was only two years old (thats when he swore vengeace on hatefag for cutting of his leg).

Apparel: skydark wheres a traditional wooden sandel on his good leg to remember his japanese heritage. his genes have mesh knees so he can have maximum flaexibility in battles and move faster. hes got a spiked armband and red gloves and cool shades to make him look really tough and scare away bad guys. his marajuana necklase gives him extra power when he smokes weed.

bio: skydarks mom was a half wolf half rabbit japanese american immigrant and his dad is an eagle and the president of the united states. His job is to protect his dad from the evil shadow government that wants to assasinate him - his mother died when he was just a baby when she riskd her life to save skydarok from an asasination atempt. he has FOUR differnet swords that he caries all the time but he only uses two at a time. The big one is really powerful and teh littl eone is fast so if he uses them together its super affective against everything. his cat is name is scruffles and its his only true friend - they always go everywhere together even on missions. skydarks favrit color is lime green and hot pink and his favourite band is korn

special attack: Angelic Demon Slice - his dark side and good side temporarily separate (each one gets two sords) and fly realy high into the air then fly real fast down and attack in an X pattern. It does the maximum amount of damage but he can only use it once a week and it drains all his energy so its very dangerous to use.

made with CREATE A FORSONA version third by *tony64
Mar 15, 2012 at 3:27 PM
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Found this little gem on Steam.

-♥-♥-♥-♥-♥-♥-♥-♥-♥-♥-♥-♥-[RP Info]-♥-♥-♥-♥-♥-♥-♥-♥-♥-♥-♥-
-Name:Skylar or Swift Lavistria
-Species:Human that can turn into an Eevee or a Flareon
-Gender & Sexuality:Can change genders and Bi-Sexual
-Pokemon Form:Eevee/Flareon/Victini
-Animal Form:Fox
-Mythical Form:Vampire Fox
-Moves: HyperBeam,ExtremeSpeed,Attract,Aura Fusion
-Enviroment:The Forest or a Beach,Mostly Urban
Mar 15, 2012 at 6:44 PM
Been here way too long...
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Human that can turn into an Eevee or Flareon.
Or Victini, or a fox, or a vampire fox.
Also, if it can change into an Eevee, can't it also evolve into... nevermind, why am I questioning the logic behind this.
Does this person have a drawing of their fursona, because I'd like to see it.
Mar 15, 2012 at 8:41 PM
In my body, in my head
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My question is, can it be all of those things at once? :0
Mar 16, 2012 at 12:19 AM
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I've yet to make a fursona, so instead of spending hours drawing one, I just used that fursona maker than Noxid linked.


This is my fursona. his named Hirouku Jisame and he is an warrior from Nohin wich is a country (its like japan but more robots) on the palent Zued and you can read about the world of Zued in my story that i will be pushblishing on da soon! Ok so he is a pink-furred wolf wigth a fox tail. His height is 6'3" tall and he weights 167 ponds. His really long hair (it reaches to his thighs) and tail and bread and chest hair and noose are all purple and his has red streaks and tips in his hair. Hirouku alos has red horns growing hout off his head. They are 10.8 inches long. One of hes eyes, the left eye, is gold, and his right eye is red. Eyebrows are red. He has gommaser fairy wings that are 19.1 inches long.

He wares the raditional warrior garb of Nohin and has many tatoos that show wich clan (te Evergrean clan) he bleongs to an dhow many other warriors he's killed. The tattoss are blue and he waers a glove on his right hand that is green because it shows his rank in the clan and green means hes an elitle warrior which is highest wrraior rank. he battles with chains fora waepons and he is relly good with them, he can kill a normal fur from five feet away with one whip of his chiens. Hirouku also has a raven compeanion that has been his friend since she was born because Hirouku rescueued her after her mother abandomed her. The raven is named Kusara and she will pack at the eyes of Hirouku's enemies for him.

Hirouku lots his arm in a epic battle with his nemeiss Hotan who is the cheif of a rival caln, the Sun clan. Its now a robot arm and it can shot fireballs that burm enemies.

Shit, I forgot to say that he wars a cannibus pandent around his neck because it is his clan's way of life and they smoke pot every day and it's a coming-of-age ritual or something.

Also he's pansexual, has a 9 inch penis and has fucked everyone in the clan and not gotten any of them pregnant somehow.

ONE MORE TING: he is a woman born in a man's body, but it's a woman that identifies as male.
Mar 16, 2012 at 4:26 PM
In my body, in my head
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your fursona an my fursona shood team up togethar ti would be rally cool and the could fite there enemies like this

ps mine can remove his wings when he has to fight becaos they mite get in the way
Mar 16, 2012 at 6:48 PM
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Thanks for giving me a new desktop background, Nox.

I mean, and den we yiff. =^.^= murr
Apr 11, 2012 at 4:52 PM
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Alright so apparently Lace needs me to expand on my bio. lets see wat hapens

k so im a sphynx made of a tabby cat with boosters head from cave story. ima HERM so thats why i have bobs and also im bisezual. im 12395 years old and 2137 feet tall and my parents are DEEAAAADDD. my favrit food is WAFFELS with alot of mapel syrup!! i am also REALY SMART and can riddle the fastest of any sphynx ever and i know everything about rocket sciense and computers. i live in egypt because i like sleeping on teh warm sand :) and im best frends with anumis and sometimes we team up to fite evil grave robbers becaus my special power is to turn sand into acid that the robbers fall into and die.

i was born as a normal cat that lived on the floating island but one of boosters experiments went rong and he got fused into me and also misery and a bird that hapend to be flying into the room. it also made me inmortal. i also love 2 dance and go to raves al the time (i can change my size to fit inside the room if i ned to)!!
Aug 25, 2012 at 4:16 AM
daughter of chivalry
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At the last minute, we decided to make some fursonas. I stumbled upon one of Dunc's creations and got some inspiration.

He's holding ramen btw.
Aug 26, 2012 at 3:48 AM
In my body, in my head
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I made one too that isn't quite so sparkletacular but is still pretty great. WD helped with some of the detel like the fox tail/ears and the background and I did the rest. This is a windsona and it's hybrid muskrat/dragonite/willy kitsune
Aug 27, 2012 at 4:22 AM
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Yeah Noxid, dunc doesn't support rainbows you asshole.
Aug 31, 2012 at 1:51 PM
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Don't laugh, this was my first actual real piece and I'm proud of it. I don't really have a story for her go ahead and make one up if you really want
And don't make fun of the way she dresses, she's upset enough without you bastards insulting her
Aug 31, 2012 at 4:15 PM
A Reluctant Balrog's Waifu
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Don't laugh, this was my first actual real piece and I'm proud of it. I don't really have a story for her go ahead and make one up if you really want
And don't make fun of the way she dresses, she's upset enough without you bastards insulting her

A neko type creature?
Aug 31, 2012 at 4:18 PM
Professional Whatever
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Yeah. Those are cat ears.
Aug 31, 2012 at 4:19 PM
In my body, in my head
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Needs more rainbows
Aug 31, 2012 at 5:54 PM
In my body, in my head
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I made some minor adjustments.