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Fursona Fun!

Oct 26, 2011 at 12:35 PM
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Did you diye your beard black as well?
Oct 26, 2011 at 12:44 PM
daughter of chivalry
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Noxid had lung black hair, and a looong black bread wiff red streakz in it.
Oct 26, 2011 at 9:38 PM
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WD said:
Noxid had lung black hair, and a looong black bread wiff red streakz in it.

Noxid, Noxid, Noxid... When will you learn that you're supposed to remove the bread from the oven BEFORE it turns all black? I don't even wanna know what the red streaksz are all about.
Dec 26, 2011 at 7:35 PM
daughter of chivalry
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Alright guys, so, this isn't going to be another facetious, made up fursona that pokes fun at all the cliches in the furry community or original characters in general.

I'm going to show you a REAL fursona that I made. A legitimate one I used 6 years ago as an 11/12 year old on Neopets.

When I was on the neopets community, I noticed people would make furry characters out of their pets. Of course, I jumped on this bandwagon immediately. As did all my friends in the guild I was a part of. As a 12 year old, I was rather angsty. I was overweight, people made fun of me, NOBODY UNDERSTOOD ME, and I wore all black (well, I still sorta do). I listened to rock music and nu-metal or whatever the fuck it's called all the time because I am so EPIC as I wallow in my angst pop music sucks, and I was so ttly goffik.

So, I came across my sketchbook from when I was 12 and found a drawing of my fursona. It was of my Aisha (basically an alien cat with an extra pair of ears). But she was totally an idealized self-insert of myself.

This, of course, inspired me. Since I now have a fancy tablet and an actually good drawing program several years later, I decided to redraw her and actually color her. I did so in the same art style I had back then. So it is very, very shitty and I don't need your dang critique because I know it sucks. And of course, she has a facetious yet accurate description and color palette to go along!

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Dec 26, 2011 at 7:47 PM
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I've said it once before but, Electric Black is a great colour.

And I have no idea how I used neopets for three years and never noticed this sort of thing. I guess probably because I only people I really interacted with were those that I knew in real life, and some guild about how to make shitloads of points.
Dec 27, 2011 at 3:10 AM
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What I have to say? That fella in my avatar is my fursona =x And obviously a mimiga.


Had him since circa 2006-ish. Fruit of a fanfic that I made out of extreme acquired fanboyism for Cave Story in the same year, and that I kept rewritting and retconning over and over since then. It still have no definitive version (due to LAYZEH), only a few bits and pieces that I decided to make official. And yeah it is as vague as I'm making it sound because, again, it's not finished :p

Also his parents are alive. Pops is a caravaneer by trade and mom takes care of home and of the crops in the garden, from which she makes a potato stew sauced with bay leaves and rosemary that's to die for.
Dec 27, 2011 at 3:27 AM
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I'm a Prinny.

A Prinny who dreams of winning Eurovision.

But I still think sexualized furries are sick.
Dec 30, 2011 at 5:45 AM
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MT, I remember seeing your character around FA a lot back when I used to actually go there, ees cute.

Ambient_Malice said:
But I still think sexualized furries are sick.
As a proud traffic cone enthusiast, I am offended by your statement!
Dec 30, 2011 at 6:32 AM
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Pretending to be part animal: cool
Wanting to fuck a part-animal: sick
This is just a matter of opinion, but you may not get far here with that attitude.
Feb 19, 2012 at 3:12 AM
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This is a fursona for sexplosive (content advisory warning dont look if your not old enouf)

he is a rally powrful dragon with ALOT OF MUSCLES and a lizard tong that has three prongs instad of two. he has GREEN spikes instead of nipples but his abs also have nipples he also has a spiek n his tail and two on his head. he has as ymbold of anarchy tattood on his chest from when he was in a devil cult because his parents were in it but they got killed in a sacrafice so he isn't in the devil cult anmore. he has sworn REVENGE on the devil for his parents dieing and he fights demons all the time also he can fly but he doesnt have wings he just thinks about it and hecan flu. sepxlosive is BIXEZUAL and everyone wants to have sex with him ebcos his [CENSOR] is SO BIg and if he ahs sex with a demon it turns into a SPIKE and kills it that is how he kills demons. his favourite food is vegetarian meat (thats meat that doesnt come from animas) and he listens to seether and three doors down.
Feb 19, 2012 at 3:22 AM
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Noxid start a FurAffinity account right now.
Now. Do it.
Feb 19, 2012 at 5:11 PM
In my body, in my head
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Feb 20, 2012 at 1:08 AM
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noxid i can't express in words how amazing that is.
d(; _ ;)b
Feb 20, 2012 at 1:18 AM
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There's something escapist about wanting to be/hang out with talking animals.

When I was a kid, I used to dream I had a talking fox friend. We'd run around in grassy fields in the moonlight.
Feb 20, 2012 at 2:40 AM
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this is my sonic OC and also a fursona for bobbyis

hes name is nails and hes the son of knuckels and tails. hes rally strong and can fly AND glide so hes the best character :p
he wares yellow gloves that he got from a fighting contest that he won when hes just a three years old and they give him super punching abilityes. he also has power over fire and can make his enemys burn up in fire if he looks at them. nails is rally kind and nice to is frends :mrgreen: but if your mean to him he isnt afraid to fight but he likes making new freinds and wood rather make frends than emenies!
i spend liek SIX HOURS working on this and its copyright to me so DONT STEEL or il report u :mad: :mad: :mad:
Feb 20, 2012 at 2:55 AM
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OK so his name is Raddow the son of Shadow and Rouge. Hees one baass mofo and likes to fight with Somic, the son o Ammy and Sonic,, He also does stuf like cut lines and and he can run fast because he has all the chaos emerald,s the Master emerald the seven soul rignts, and hes dark redd-orange cause he fell in a volcano! and then almoost dyied and got out. Also he killd his parents and took their studf for power and to show to Somic and Nails that he was tough and not somon ot mess around with.
I came up with this in like five ten minutes total, so the humour's a little rushed.

Made a new one for kicks. It's pretty self-explanatory.
Feb 21, 2012 at 4:09 AM
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He is Malicious Ambiance, the Cansravative Kitsuen Kings. His parets were kiled by libaralz when he was 2 yrs od, and teh libarz barnded him with the L of labralizm. He is sworned to destroy al of the lobrals, so he gto a kickass tat of the Consrevativeness. Tha libarlz also bunred line on him, that why prats of his faec is black. He haz a big monalolocle, to sohw off his "Dun fucks wit me" attittititidue. hiz nose can shot fire and boolets, and his niples are rockets. He svaed Bosster once time, so he can flu using his bosster .021. Nbody undrstrands hir him, excpt his frand Ambient_Malice. Tehy like to killed liberals in glassy fields inside the full mon. TOTALLY MINE GUIZ I SPENT A WHLE DAY WRKING ON DIS OC.

Pales in comparison to some of the other ones on here, but I'll do what I can.
Feb 21, 2012 at 4:34 AM
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He is Malicious Ambiance, the Cansravative Kitsuen Kings. His parets were kiled by libaralz when he was 2 yrs od, and teh libarz barnded him with the L of labralizm. He is sworned to destroy al of the lobrals, so he gto a kickass tat of the Consrevativeness. Tha libarlz also bunred line on him, that why prats of his faec is black. He haz a big monalolocle, to sohw off his "Dun fucks wit me" attittititidue. hiz nose can shot fire and boolets, and his niples are rockets. He svaed Bosster once time, so he can flu using his bosster .021. Nbody undrstrands hir him, excpt his frand Ambient_Malice. Tehy like to killed liberals in glassy fields inside the full mon. TOTALLY MINE GUIZ I SPENT A WHLE DAY WRKING ON DIS OC.

Pales in comparison to some of the other ones on here, but I'll do what I can.

Hey... Uh... Mind if I 'borrow' this image for my Far Cry mod?

In my mod, I've got 'the gallery of wanky and pretentious art', which includes pictures of my avatar and stupid swirly patterns I've made. Since the mod is kind of a monument to my own cynical self-importance, I'd like to use your picture.

Credited, of course.
Feb 21, 2012 at 4:51 AM
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Feb 21, 2012 at 4:53 AM
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this is dualhakc. he is a orage-fured mimiga with a green shirt with his initalz on it. he is trisexual, and has sex with every migma in migma village three times every day wit his 30 inch penid,ezpecially with his brother,tehmigmazak,hoo he has sex with FIVE times overy day :eek:
his paernts are DDDDDEEEEEAAAAADDDDD,cuz wen he was really really little the ASASINS came and killed them cuz they were there tagrets :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: