He is Malicious Ambiance, the Cansravative Kitsuen Kings. His parets were kiled by libaralz when he was 2 yrs od, and teh libarz barnded him with the L of labralizm. He is sworned to destroy al of the lobrals, so he gto a kickass tat of the Consrevativeness. Tha libarlz also bunred line on him, that why prats of his faec is black. He haz a big monalolocle, to sohw off his "Dun fucks wit me" attittititidue. hiz nose can shot fire and boolets, and his niples are rockets. He svaed Bosster once time, so he can flu using his bosster .021. Nbody undrstrands
hir him, excpt his frand Ambient_Malice. Tehy like to killed liberals in glassy fields inside the full mon. TOTALLY MINE GUIZ I SPENT A WHLE DAY WRKING ON DIS OC.