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Fursona Fun!

Feb 21, 2012 at 4:58 AM
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Yes, I'm serious. Batshit insane, but serious.

So, bobbyis...?
Feb 21, 2012 at 5:02 AM
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Uhh... Sure? I guess, if you really want it you can use it, I have no problem.
Feb 21, 2012 at 5:07 AM
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Uhh... Sure? I guess, if you really want it you can use it, I have no problem.
Cool. Now I just need to find a good place to hang it.
Feb 21, 2012 at 5:29 AM
daughter of chivalry
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Above your mantle in a really fancy frame.
Feb 21, 2012 at 5:32 AM
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a $15,000 frame on your fridge.
Feb 21, 2012 at 4:51 PM
In my body, in my head
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Beautiful, both of them. Bobby, I especially love the use of the spray tool to give the piece texture, I think it really brings out the highlights of the fur and adds ambiguity to the nose. It raises the deep question, can we ever truly know where our face ends and nose begins? Without observing it for ourselves, it is like the elusive electron: both everywhere and nowhere.
The unorthodox alignment of the head on his neck is initially shocking to the viewer, yet further introspection makes one realize the profound inner strength that is needed to carry on and live a happy, fulfilling life with such a disability.
The rocket nipples (not pictured) symbolize a powerful and passionate sensuality, but one that is destructive as well. It must be guarded, hidden, lest it be taken advantage of by those who would use it for ill ends.

And dunc, your depiction of dualhack is as touching as it is thought-provoking. The pained expression, coupled with a tale of relentless sexual conquest, speaks of trouble beneath his fluffy orange exterior. What host of venereal diseases wrack the body of this lusty beast? Copulation must be an act of agonizing pain, but in a fast-moving modern world there is no reprieve. He must continue to give of himself until it destroys him, turning the relentless gears of society while tragically spreading his misery to all those he contacts. Is this a metaphor for the rise of corporate civilization?
By having the most sex with his borther, dualhack reminds us that we hurt the most for those we love.
Feb 21, 2012 at 4:55 PM
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Feb 21, 2012 at 6:10 PM
daughter of chivalry
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I just wanted to say I love all of you, and seeing this thread updated every day brings a smile to my face.

Keep shitting them out, my fine fellows <3 They are truly works of art.

EDIT: Lace, I dunno if you noticed, but the descriptions of the fursonas in your gallery are getting cut off. Not sure if you can fix that or not.
Feb 21, 2012 at 9:50 PM
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It happened during the conversion. Haven't tried to fix.
Feb 24, 2012 at 1:39 AM
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lolololo i maed a fuzona


hiz naem iz supanorwalvamp cuz hes a norwall and a vapire ad SUPAR. ihs perants r DEEEAADD cuz he killed them with hiz vampire lips n teethc. then hiz eyes esploded en a car crash and c4 was attached to hiz eyes and BOOOM he went bloaw 55 milz per hour and teh c3 aploded. also he nevur had a horn at first cuz the urn was port uv da vampir powars. he alzo haz a pet stuvved baer called STEVE III cuz teh alienz took hiz body n made hiz head into a emo ghost and is DEEAD n eternul. da bear's perentz are also DEEEAAAAD. they goez on adventurs tugether but naow tey live in behind of the periodik taable of elementz currenly but they plan un movin to da BIG LEEGZ n win da SUPA BULL


also also look at ma 1337 gangsta blingee skillz

Feb 25, 2012 at 2:50 AM
In my body, in my head
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dat bligyy is ttly goffik n hardcore :awesomeface:

i mad a fursoona for hiino its called giino
giino is a transezual woof w/ pruple fur and blue hair and a goatie. giino has rally big bobs and a big pakage too :eek: but NOBODY UNDERSTANDS
giinos parents died in a trajic acident when they where having giino been born it was in the hozpintal and thats how giino became a transexual (she got his mothers boobys adn her dads junk) but theer was a accident in the operation that made both her his legs broken forever also. Ginno likes to lisin to celina gomez and katy perry adn HATES RAP markings: porple spots on arms, TWO horisontal lines on nose and triangle marks on chin porple stripes on tial and tipes of wings,
clyde is the name of giinos tail it has a face and they tell eacho ther secrits at night. clyde is alergic to peanuts.

giino is COPYRIGHT TO ME plz dont steal itsnot nice :toroko: :greydroll:
Feb 25, 2012 at 6:12 PM
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broken link is broken :(
Feb 25, 2012 at 6:32 PM
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no it isn't.
those bobs are terrifying.
Feb 25, 2012 at 6:40 PM
daughter of chivalry
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I created a fursona last night on Soul Calibur 5. I took suggestions from the IRC too, so let's just say this guy has a lot of love put into him!

It's hard to take photos on a TV screen so stfu.





Aiex is an almighty warror who has skillz in every single wepon type. He is also a master hunter and works out alot (thats why he has big beffy thighs). He is part horse part tiger part demom and nobody really knos where he came from. (as in, noone knows if he was created in a lab or had parents or not lol), his demom horn has magic powes and it acts llike a lighting rod, so it absorbs electricity and gives him lots of power

So neway, like is aid he is master hunter. he went back in time to wen dinosaurs were and dragonflies were xbox hueg. he lasso'd a gaint dragonfli and riped of its wings (lol like in god of war wen kratos tares the wings off harpies xcept Aiex is 100x more stronger then kratos). he absonred the dragonfl's flying powers so he can fly fast like sped of sond. he wus also secretly trained by wolveorin from xmen so thats y he has claw gloves. he earnd them wen he and wolverin went crocodile wrestling. Aiex killed it and made it into gloves. Aiex was too srong 4 wolverine so he got mad and kiked him out of his dojo thing. he's so good at figting that he was awarded a crystal lion belt (taht's what he's wearing in da pic) which is higher then gold and platinum!

o yeah, other things he has hunted. when he was explorin deep in the jangle of a farway place, he encounterd a rare beast. it was a rainbow buffaloo and was the last of its kind. it looked at him funy so he got pissed nd killed him with his bostaff. he made him into a vest. then some other time he encounterd a giraffcoon (which is a raccoon/giraffe hybird and comes in manny color) and kild it and used it's tail. the tail also helps him fly along wit his wings (lol sorta like tails frum sanic hegehog or even wen mario has the tanoki suit). finaly, he killed a legendary brid so thats how he got his shouldr pads.

o yeah and there s a reason he has skulls. its cuz he secretly lsitens to death metal and is kinda goffik but u wouldnt think! anyway thas his favrit shart. it's not made of ne animal tho

He stands 6'8", has a large gental, and noone knos how old he rly is.

EDIT: I 4got to add that if you steal my character or any of his stroy or anything u will be reporte. stealing isn't cool!!! dont make me sned aiex ater u
Feb 26, 2012 at 12:29 AM
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I took suggestions from the IRC too, so let's just say this guy has a lot of love put into him!
If you know what I mean.
Wait, it doesn't say anywhere that's he's bisexual, pansexual, asexual, or any other kind of sexual. Are you sure this is a fursona???
Feb 26, 2012 at 12:34 AM
daughter of chivalry
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Go screw yourself.

Aiex may have huge genitalia, but it pretty much goes to waste cuz he's asexual. He'd rather focus on FIGHTING and HUNTING. Too bad the ladies are all over him.

btw i typo'd his name on the name entry. it was supposed to be Alex but i typed Aiex. So his name is now AIEX. if you call him ALEX i will reoport you.
Feb 26, 2012 at 12:40 AM
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You must post a video of him fighting. I would pay money to see that.
I can't be more serious than that.

Oooo and Voldo claws. I must see the twirly action that he can achieve.
Feb 26, 2012 at 1:16 AM
daughter of chivalry
"Bleep, Bloop, Bleep, Bloop"
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Well I have him set to a fighting style that has ALL THE WEAPONS selected at random, so I can't guarantee that he will have Voldo claws when he battles. The ones he has now is just an accessory, really.

I'm still at my friend's, so hopefully by tonight we can get a video ( '-')

EDIT: Yes.

It has sound. So crank dat shizzles up. I know you wanna hear Aiex's manly voice and me and my friend's commentary.

btw the only reason Aiex lost twice was cuz he had a headache ok
Feb 27, 2012 at 2:30 AM
In my body, in my head
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I love that video.

Anyway today we have something a little bit different. I recently found "Deviantart Wolves" and decided to do my own!
Luckily deviantart has no shortage of inspiration

Original by: ~tears-of-blood911
Artist's reply:
Thank you so much! You made my day! I love it soooo much! I like the wrinkly style!
I was having a rough day and seeing this made me so happy! I can't thank you enough!
[fave] times a million :)