First video games you've had/played?

Oct 15, 2024 at 10:05 PM
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i cant really remember what my first video game was, it was probably some nintendo ds edutainment toddler shit, or maybe super mario bros?

it's been so long and i have shit memory so like yeah
Oct 15, 2024 at 11:30 PM
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richard scarry's busytown, one of those edutainment minigame collections... my parents had this thing about technology so for a long time the only screen we had in the house was this old PC, but mum found this game at a garage sale and i suppose went 'oh hey richard scarry popular children's author i guess i'll let my kids play this' - we were also allowed to play minesweeper and space cadet sometimes

i think sometime after that some close family friends let their kids play club penguin, so my sibling and i were allowed to as well (for 15 minutes each, on sunday afternoons, with semi-rural 20XX australian internet speeds... uphill both ways in the snow)

although if we're talking 'actual singleplayer games', i think it would've been the portal series, they're the reason i was allowed a steam account in my early-ish teens... or maybe minecraft? i forget which came first
Oct 17, 2024 at 10:20 AM
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Feeling a little nostalgic.
I'm not sure what my first video game was... But my parents collection of Intellivision games would probably qualify as the first console games I ever played.
(Attached a picture from the Intellivision collection I dug out of the darkest recesses of my closet!)

That Advanced Dungeons and Dragons game in particular holds fond scary memories. Simple graphics, but big imagination... Games from long, long ago.

First PC game hmm... We had an old DOS PC with a variety of oddities to choose from. No clue which would be the *first*, but I'd say 3DEMON was an especially memorable take on PAC-MAN, but in 3d. Scary stuff for a child back then xD
Other games in the collection... Bouncing Babies (you are a fireman, and you move around attempting to catch bouncing babies that fly out of a burning building lol, yikes); Spacewar, Trek, some Ski game, Declathon?... and more that I can't remember.

Finally as for what was the first game I personally owned...
The Sega Master System was my first console... Which actually has a "secret" game that can be played if nothing is plugged into it.

As for the first standalone game I owned...? I *think* the SMS came with the light gun and its game Marksman Shooting... What was I like 6 years old? Geez...

I can't recall if I got other games at the same time, like Out Run... Pretty sure that was one of the first ones... Now that I think of it Hang On was probably before?
Love the soundtrack xD
I don't know when I thought about this stuff last. Probably back when I was just a kid. :momo:

The SMS introduced me to Ys: Vanished Omens later on though, and Golvellius, and Wonder Boy in Monster Land. Those were very influential titles... But putting these on a timeline... not sure, exactly when I got them.
I did end up getting a Nintendo at a later date though xD

Kind of interesting to note, I started on games that can barely considered games nowadays, and feel like I have lived through most of the evolution of video games xD Yikes. Where does the time go... watch out or it might slip away from you too!