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Favorite retro games.

Feb 17, 2011 at 10:25 PM
Demon taming, headphone wearing, casanova
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Well many of you must love retro games yes?If so post you're favorites here.


1.sonic cd

2.sonic 3 and knuckles

3.sonic 2

4.sonic the hedgehog

5.megaman 6

6.super mario bros 3
Feb 17, 2011 at 10:53 PM
Tommy Thunder
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Marx said:
5.megaman 6

Sonic 2
Megaman 2
Pokemon: Gold/Silver
Milon's Secret Castle
Ghosts n Goblins
Super Mario World.

Those are just from the top of my head :mahin:
Feb 17, 2011 at 10:53 PM
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I used to have a Coleco Vision... those were the days... I was too young to care about quality, so I spent my time with Lady Bug, Gorf, and Smurfs :mahin:
Feb 17, 2011 at 11:17 PM
Demon taming, headphone wearing, casanova
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here are some more:

1.megaman 7

2.legend of zelda oracle of seasons/ages

3.tmnt 4 turtles in time (snes)
Feb 17, 2011 at 11:48 PM
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Tpcool said:
Megaman 2

In my opinion, this is actually just as bad as Megaman 6. (Go ahead, hate me) I personally prefer 5 or 3, but :J.

Also Sonic 3 & Knuckles and Sonic 2. Link's Awakening and Zelda II are also good. Would Majora's Mask count?
Feb 18, 2011 at 10:13 AM
Demon taming, headphone wearing, casanova
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Ollie said:
In my opinion, this is actually just as bad as Megaman 6. (Go ahead, hate me) I personally prefer 5 or 3, but :J.

Also Sonic 3 & Knuckles and Sonic 2. Link's Awakening and Zelda II are also good. Would Majora's Mask count?

I count anything pre-gamecube and pre-gba as retro.
Feb 18, 2011 at 11:47 AM
Tommy Thunder
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Ollie said:
In my opinion, this is actually just as bad as Megaman 6. (Go ahead, hate me) I personally prefer 5 or 3, but :J.

As long as we can agree 3 is good, I'm not complaining :)
Feb 18, 2011 at 3:03 PM
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Feb 18, 2011 at 3:33 PM
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Call Of Duty 4
Feb 18, 2011 at 3:57 PM
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Ocarina of time N64
Starfox SNES
Sonic (most of them) Genesis/Mega Drive/Master system/Game Gear
Mario (all of them) NES/SNES/GB
Feb 18, 2011 at 4:24 PM
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The Avernum series, if that counts
Feb 18, 2011 at 4:47 PM
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oh god yes sonic and knuckles 3
sonic 2 was ok too but sonic and knuckles 3 dear god. it's the height of great sonic games, and pretty much the reason that all the sonic fans are pissy now adays

megaman 2 was also pretty cool man
don't forget about super metroid, megaman x, and LoZ: LttP come on guys all the greatest games came out on the snes
Feb 18, 2011 at 5:19 PM
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Tetris, I stayed up until 1 AM playing it last night.
Feb 18, 2011 at 5:46 PM
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sexplosive said:
oh god yes sonic and knuckles 3
sonic 2 was ok too but sonic and knuckles 3 dear god. it's the height of great sonic games, and pretty much the reason that all the sonic fans are pissy now adays

megaman 2 was also pretty cool man
don't forget about super metroid, megaman x, and LoZ: LttP come on guys all the greatest games came out on the snes

:J You forgot Super Mario World. Also, Sonic 2 was more than okay. It was my favorite Sonic game for a long time, but that may be because I was unable to learn how to get past that stupid carnival level in Sonic 3. :l
Anyway, I do believe Sonic 3 & Knuckles is the best Sonic game for a few reasons, it's very long, it's got great music, huge and well designed levels (Except the carnival one). My favorite zone would be Ice Cap, Mushroom Hill or Doomsday. Wow, this post is longer than I expected it to be. Also, I believe this is my 300th, yeah.
Feb 18, 2011 at 6:15 PM
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Yeah I've played super mario world it's really fantastic.
Sonic 2 was also really REALLY good but it pales in comparison to sonic 3, and sonic 1 is just not that great, although it's a really great platformer

also I forgot to mention chrono trigger
Feb 18, 2011 at 6:21 PM
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sexplosive said:
Yeah I've played super mario world it's really fantastic.
Sonic 2 was also really REALLY good but it pales in comparison to sonic 3, and sonic 1 is just not that great, although it's a really great platformer

I agree with this all the way. The only thing Sonic 3 lacks is a good carnival level and Sonic 2 has better graphics. (More colorful and Sonic doesn't look weird)
Feb 18, 2011 at 6:30 PM
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Ollie said:
I agree with this all the way. The only thing Sonic 3 lacks is a good carnival level and Sonic 2 has better graphics. (More colorful and Sonic doesn't look weird)

Actually, all you need to do to get past those damned drums is hold down. Yep. For some reason, they never mentioned that is what you needed to do in order to get past those drums. One bad case of major minor oversight (small thing to overlook that caused one HUGE problem.) Beyond that, S3 was one damn good game. I've always hated S2 for that damn techno-waste level that has you zipping around. I somehow managed to spend 9 minutes going around in a circle until I somehow found my way to the exit. Most confusing level design ever.

Also, personal favorites are Metroid, S&K3, LOZ, and starfox 64. :)
Feb 18, 2011 at 7:11 PM
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Yeah yeah, the thing is that I found out about that just last year. O:
Feb 18, 2011 at 11:17 PM
Demon taming, headphone wearing, casanova
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I will be completely honest i never,NEVER liked super mario world as a kid with the gba version i just didnt like it and i still dont.But i digress.Have any of you played vectorman that game had some of the best if not THE best genesis graphic's and the gameplay was fun (if only i still had gems collection on the gamecube).