xristosx said:
most people know that curly is my fav character XD, too bad then i posted balrog in the poll as 1
but its definitely curly
i love that pic, i wish i could draw that good the best i can do so far is
Not bad! is it a little elongated though...? I really like her facial expression.
Keep it up!
Makes me want to try a sketch sometime ..
As for Curly, I think I found her kind of annoying at first

But, she quickly earned my trust. Its too bad there isn't a Resident Evil option in Cave Story

[You know play as another character to get the rest of the story

] [Play as Curly!]
Oh and finally the Sakamotos...
Sue and Kazuma were concerned for each other I think. Kazuma running away at the end just goes to show you he's... a pessimist, maybe a little fatalism too? Itoh on the other hand is just cowardly lol
I mean he saw Sue get taken away, Booster gets blasted away; no sign of Quote... all hope is lost... All he knows to do is continue the escape... The fact that he didn't leave means he might be waiting just in case someone made it back.
And the fact that Kazuma was hovering around the island and saved Quote and Sue goes to show you he was concerned.
Now was for Momorin... Eh... She seems like where Sue got her spunk. Momorin must care for Sue and Kazuma I think, but she's rock solid maybe lol I mean she's working her butt off to help you try and save the day... which may help Sue. So she's just kinda off, rolling off jokes about her near demise
I think it was because they had already established she was dead, the doc threw her off the edge of the island.. come to think of it, how the hell did she survive?
All that is said is :
"So he had me tossed off the edge of the island. Chivalary is dead, let me tell you. But, that's neither here nor there."
Nothing about her dying, just that she somehow survived getting thrown off. [must have landed on a ledge or grabbed ahold of something]
EDIT: Here's my favorite King pic :
by blu3fox