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Ever stole anything?

Aug 22, 2012 at 2:03 AM
Pirate Member
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Topic title. Just answer it. Share a story about stealing something.
Aug 22, 2012 at 2:36 AM
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I absentmindedly take and put on my friend's clothes/accessories while they're wearing them, particularly shoes, glasses, hair elastics, belts, ties, sunglasses, and hats, and typically from girls or italians.
Aug 22, 2012 at 2:47 AM
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I absentmindedly take and put on my friend's clothes/accessories while they're wearing them, particularly shoes, glasses, hair elastics, belts, ties, sunglasses, and hats, and typically from girls or italians.

*imagines Lace wearing a beret and a fluffy skirt*

I once stole a harmonica. I think...
Aug 22, 2012 at 2:51 AM
A Reluctant Balrog's Waifu
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Sorry to disappoint, but I don't think I've intentionally ever stolen anything.

I do own a few items that I was loaned and forgot to return, though, and I have no way of contacting the owners anymore. From the top of my head, the items are:

- A copy of Heart Of Darkness
- A copy of One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest
- A copy of Like Water For Chocolate (NOTE: I actually found this one abandoned around school with no name on it)
- A purple feathered boa
- A red tartan mini skirt
- A Nintendo DSi [My boyfriend's]
Aug 22, 2012 at 3:02 AM
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Well, I've never stole anything intentionally either. I don't know why, really, I could've gotten away with it when I was a kid.

I think one of my russian friends lent me a copy of Serious Sam and I didn't return it to him.
Aug 22, 2012 at 3:05 AM
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I like One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest. What's scary is how true it all is.
Aug 22, 2012 at 3:34 AM
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I stole a copy of Battlefront II from The Pirate Bay and I never gave it back.
Aug 22, 2012 at 3:42 AM
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Uh sort of? Anything i made in a certain art college course i did is technically propoerty of the college. Said college course i quit like 3/4 of the way through. I picked up the A2 college portfolio and it's contents (my work) and walked straight out. Like i say, not really.

Why did i leave? One or two of the tutors didn't understand the concept of constructive criticism. I was designing a poster for a music event and i drew a DJ made of lasers and soundwaves. The dude kept saying it "wasn't right". Every time i changed it and brought it back he'd say that. WHenever i asked what was wrong he'd say the same thing. I don't mind critique, but, expecially from a tutor, i expect some guidance to make it what they deem to be "better".

So yeah, I left and took with me a new portfolio, all my art and a healthy interest in flash animation.

Yeah, that turned into a bit of a rant. Other than that, nope.
Aug 22, 2012 at 4:14 AM
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I stole a full copy of StarCraft I from my high school's computer labs. Apparently the computer science teacher had a starcraft fetish.

But I did not steal StarCraft 2 and Diablo 3, since I paid for those (or will pay for them).
Aug 22, 2012 at 7:18 AM
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Lots and lots of internet piracy, if you count that.

Mostly stuff where the copyrights have (or should have) run out already, though, so it's a grey area.

Also, today begins a new era for my bbcode use! Italics! I haven't misused them nearly enough yet.

I will rectify that.

EDIT:ed for more italickyness.

EDITED again for wtf Lace why do you steal clothing from ladies and Italians? Let me peer into your mind. Or you could just tell a story; I'm a pretty terrible psychologist, I'd mostly just sit in an armchair and misinterpret Freud in whatever way I found funniest.

Seriously though, that sounds like a quirky trait that reveals your deepest, darkest desires would lead to some funny situations. Tell us stories!
Aug 22, 2012 at 7:47 AM
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When I was a kid, I traded something for two candies. When I handed over my part of the deal the other kid changed his mind and gave me one candy instead. So I "stole" my other candy out of his pocket :)
Aug 22, 2012 at 8:05 AM
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You magnificent pickpocket. Hardly theft, just a bit of shadier business practices to keep people honest. What kind of pocket are we talking about? Are you some sort of honorable master thief?
Aug 22, 2012 at 9:17 AM
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Lots of piracy, even some really expensive ones.
I also won a writing competition by basically plagiarizing a story on the internet,
Aug 22, 2012 at 3:26 PM
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I once stole the moon.
Aug 22, 2012 at 5:04 PM
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Some piracy with Quake III and Half-life... lol

Plus I didn't even realize it until my dad told me. D:
Aug 22, 2012 at 6:09 PM
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Some piracy with Quake III and Half-life... lol

Plus I didn't even realize it until my dad told me. D:

Doesn't that mean your dad pirated them?

Or did you think they were free at first?
Aug 23, 2012 at 3:20 AM
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When I was a kid, I traded something for two candies. When I handed over my part of the deal the other kid changed his mind and gave me one candy instead. So I "stole" my other candy out of his pocket :)

That's a tricky situation. Politicians make promises of fortune, they promise that men will get payed so they could feed their families. But they lie, and then men steal. Is it a crime, though?
Aug 23, 2012 at 3:52 AM
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Once when I was a wee lad I was playing Link's Awakening, and I accidentally walked out of the shop carrying a stack of bombs. I was a bit ashamed but I figured it was just a bug that I actually got them, since the shopkeeper normally yells at you to put it back if you try and walk out. So then I came back in the shop about an hour later and the shopkeeper said horrible mean things and killed me with lightning, I wanted to die and couldn't sleep for about a month. A while later when I had recovered enough to play the game again, I happened upon the built in premade pictures you could unlock for the gameboy printer. There was a fully drawn and colored picture of Link stealing that same stack of bombs. Then I wanted to die and couldn't sleep for a month again.

So yeah, that was the only time I ever stole anything.
Aug 23, 2012 at 6:40 AM
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Although I am not exactly proud of it, not was I happy with it, I DID steal something a few months ago. My favorite musician had been advertising a new beverage entitled 'Vita Coco' and I was dying to get it since she was the one advertising it. In case you're wondering, Vita Coco is coconut water.

Anyway, me and some friends went to the supermarket and they had a whole display of them in aisle three. I snuck one in my pocket and when I got home I eagerly opened it and took a big gulp.

..I will now say that Vita Coco is the WORST drink you can ever consume. Not only does it smell horrid, but the taste can be compared to rotten milk.

That was probably a sign that I shouldn't steal again. And I believe that I won't.
Aug 23, 2012 at 7:19 AM
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Honestly I've never stolen anything more than music and video games, but I've stolen a lot of those.

And hallowe'en candy from my sister, but it's not fair, I don't get any since I'm "too old" or whatever >:
It's Bullshit, you're never too old for candy.