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Eternal Chaos - Chapter 5 (20/01/08)

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Dec 16, 2007 at 5:26 PM
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xristosx said:
the snake weapons in the game?? i must of missed it, anyway nice mod except i dont like the fact there isnt a weapon selection just 1 weap, but beggars cant be choosers


It isn't there YET, it will be the upcoming chapter.

However, there IS a secret weapon in the game, currently.
Found in Blaze before the blaze and given by Blaze. ;P
Dec 16, 2007 at 6:45 PM
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ZTaimat said:
It isn't there YET, it will be the upcoming chapter.

However, there IS a secret weapon in the game, currently.
Found in Blaze before the blaze and given by Blaze. ;P
I think I know whatcha mean.
Kinda stumbled across a clue, albeit too late. Might check it out sometime.
Dec 17, 2007 at 3:14 AM
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I think it *might* be possible to keep the two characters' inventories separate (so they don't have to relevel after every switch). IIRC, the game stops looking for weapons after a weapon with a value of 0, so if you rearranged the order correctly and then put a value 0 weapon between them it you should be able to have the weapons existent, but unusable.
Dec 17, 2007 at 4:48 AM
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btw just a eh... hopeless question...

What is it an edit of? ._.?
Dec 17, 2007 at 5:06 AM
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Slife said:
I think it *might* be possible to keep the two characters' inventories separate (so they don't have to relevel after every switch). IIRC, the game stops looking for weapons after a weapon with a value of 0, so if you rearranged the order correctly and then put a value 0 weapon between them it you should be able to have the weapons existent, but unusable.

Can you define an instance in which this happens?
Dec 17, 2007 at 9:16 PM
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ZTaimat said:
Can you define an instance in which this happens?

The only way I've been able to induce it so far is by editing a profile.dat and changing a weapon's type to zero.

Whether or not it's possible to do in a mod really comes down to how much you can change the ordering of the weapon list. I'm not really familiar with how much control you can have over that (I've only dabbled in modding), so I don't know if you're able to do this practically.

Here's a profile.dat file which has only the machinegun available to the player, but several other weapons hidden in slots 3-5 (in a zip, since geocities hates not knowing what an extension is)
Dec 17, 2007 at 10:19 PM
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Slife said:
Here's a profile.dat file which has only the machinegun available to the player, but several other weapons hidden in slots 3-5
But then they're just "null"-weapons, some with ammo information. Hasn't the weapon you start with ("No Weapon") the value 0?
Dec 17, 2007 at 11:50 PM
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cookie said:
But then they're just "null"-weapons, some with ammo information. Hasn't the weapon you start with ("No Weapon") the value 0?
Each weapon slot stores the following information in profile.dat when you save:
weapon type (0=no weapon, any slots appearing after will also be empty)
max ammo (0=unlimited)
current ammo
Dec 18, 2007 at 2:51 AM
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cookie said:
But then they're just "null"-weapons, some with ammo information. Hasn't the weapon you start with ("No Weapon") the value 0?

Well, the slot 2 is a null weapon. The data on the other slots is complete. The game just stops checking for weapons as soon as a slot with "no weapon" is found.

Having checked, I can doubly confirm this is the case. If you get a new weapon the game overwrites the null slot and all the old weapons reappear.

Anyway, the general idea I had is:
Char 1 has one weapon, the sword, and is being switched out for player 2 (who, say, has two weapons, the bubbler and machine gun, which are recorded in the last two slots, 4 and 5 [it's possible that there's more memory in the profile.dat for weapons, but I don't know for certain]). The sword is swapped with whatever weapon is in position 5 in the weapons list. Then weapon 4 is swapped with weapon 2 (which should be empty ATM). This ends up with the following weapons slots:
Bubbler| Machine Gun| Null| Also Null| Blade
The blade isn't seen by the player because the game goes to slot three and says "Oh, I don't need to keep looking". Rotation between the bubbler and machine gun acts as normal, and the blade is never swapped in.

When we want to switch back between the characters, we do the same procedure, which ends us up with
Blade|Also Null|Null|Machine Gun| Bubbler.

The problem is I don't know how much control you have over the player's inventory from scripts.

EDIT2: A more elaborate method follows, which assumes you can duplicate the weapon shifting functions of the A and S keys.
Initial loadout (N is null) A|N|B|C|D
A is the currently equipped weapon
Give weapon 6 (which is a dummy non-functioning weapon)
A is still the current weapon
shift weapons two to the left
B is the current weapon, order is
Replace weapon 6 with weapon 0 (using <TAM0000:0000:0000) -

The main flaw is that you have to know how many weapons are equipped at each point.
Dec 18, 2007 at 4:25 AM
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Wow ZTaimat, you're gonna have a hard time with your mod =S

Good luck ><
Dec 18, 2007 at 12:56 PM
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Nah, I don't HAVE to keep the weapons level'd after the switches. Afterall, the characters were KO'd, and their weapon taken for the time being. =P
Maybe I'll use it later on.
Dec 19, 2007 at 6:32 AM
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ZTaimat said:
Nah, I don't HAVE to keep the weapons level'd after the switches. Afterall, the characters were KO'd, and their weapon taken for the time being. =P
Maybe I'll use it later on.
You probably need a cutscene, or something similar before the switches. If you play from the beginning (without a break between the chapters that is) you might find it a bit... odd. Because as soon as one gets KO'd, you begin with another. Even a oneliner would work wonders there.
Dec 19, 2007 at 8:36 PM
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Welp, I'm at a point where I'd LIKE to keep weapon exp, but I can't seem to be able to. <TAM only keeps track of ammo, not EXP, so I don't think I'm able to... Unless you could give me a script chunk to match what you said.
Dec 19, 2007 at 11:35 PM
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Slife said:
Well, the slot 2 is a null weapon. The data on the other slots is complete. The game just stops checking for weapons as soon as a slot with "no weapon" is found.
Thats what I said.

andwhyisit said:
weapon type (0=no weapon, any slots appearing after will also be empty)
Dec 20, 2007 at 8:51 AM
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andwhyisit said:
Thats what I said.
I was answering a slightly different question (about the profile.dat I posted). There was a very slight possibility that the game might resave the weapons after the first as being null. Fortunately, that's not the case.
Dec 20, 2007 at 10:30 PM
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Chapter 4 is out - download and play. (1st post)

Someone change the topic name to "Eternal Chaos - Chapter 4 (20/12/07)", please and thanks.


Pretty short chapter this time, but fun, nontheless.

Slife - Give me an actual script in which your idea works, I can't seem to figure it out myself. (Soooo... it might not be possible via script, unless you can prove it)
Dec 21, 2007 at 11:55 PM
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What I'd love to know is:.. how exactly did I put the fires out...?
Dec 22, 2007 at 2:30 AM
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After the fire, talk to Shades to assure the fire was real (And get the map system back), then go talk with you. (You'll also get a life-fragment)
Dec 22, 2007 at 8:44 AM
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omfg zt gave spoilers
omfg zeshiro is posting


I couldn't really test for much bugs since I loaded the game from Chapter 3 with my Profile.dat from the last time. So, was there any difference or changes made in chapters 1 to 3? And suprising is not spelt with a z (suprizing). :/ Nothing major.

Dammit, I actually planned to use the Character Swapping thing in one of my future plots. >: Then I told Metalogz about it, and then he said he had the same idea. >.<
Dec 22, 2007 at 1:04 PM
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jcys810 said:
Dammit, I actually planned to use the Character Swapping thing in one of my future plots. >: Then I told Metalogz about it, and then he said he had the same idea. >.<

I also use it, its nothing special :D
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