Okay well seeing as it's been a couple of days I figure I'll chuck up my usual notes, leaving out the stuff we've already discussed in the chat. Just taking these from what I've written down. Oh yeah,
-The Egg Corridor music returns after the convo with Pandi, not a bug as such, it just seems a bit out of place...
-I liked the use of the hidden/destructible blocks on the path out of the temple, moreso once I learned how to use them properly >.>
-Back outside once again, and things are looking decidedly browner than before. Hmm. Also the initial conversation with Ballog is skipped if you die and reset (skipflag?). I just though it odd because it hasn't happened anywhere else yet.
-Back to Blaze, where things are looking positively beachy. Also for some reason I can't jump on the roofs anymore

! Oh well, back to the temple... again...
-I liked the animation/story for the battle with Hykahl.
-Most of the difficulty difficulties I've written down are due to balance issues and the fact that I have 10 Health, which we've already talked about so I won't dawdle on that too much. Let's just say I tried every new level with Zarro and didn't make it x.x I got close-ish a couple of times, though...
-Going back through the temple was mostly the same, and then New Climby Area! 'Twas fun, and not too hard for its length. Hopefully it leads to another place I haven't been before in the next chapter...
-Which ends with a battle. Zeshiro does look cool, even if he's not especially threatening... yet. I also enjoyed his little speil, it was a nice and unexpected change of pace. I was probably thinking too harshly when I only gave it an 8/10... 9, maybe? Although some backstory at some point would be nice to describe why he goes all beserker on me. Also what jcys said about the character swap.
That's it then. The longest chapter so far, I think, and also the one with the most spelling mistakes >.>; I think I'll wait 'till the game is finished or near-finished before I try Hard mode, although I might have to play it again in the meantime so I have more than 10 life to work with x.x *sigh* Perhaps I should play through mods once for fun rather than doing a bug-run the first time, so I'm not spoiling the experience for myself...