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Dreams of Reality 2

Jun 2, 2014 at 8:48 PM
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Nadojin said:
While having the same person say conflicting things about their mod is no doubt the case here, it seems very shallow of Parkraft to completely disregard the intro for the game and be entirely convinced by the OP, which, I might add, is easier to miss than the intro.
I don't disagree with you, I just felt that the conflicting information was worth mentioning since Thatnamelessguy's reply was a little bit unnecessarily hostile.
Jun 2, 2014 at 10:03 PM
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Ehh, Nameless is usually kinda hostile toward 12-year olds. It's just his thing.
Jun 3, 2014 at 5:43 AM
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Just finished trying out the mod. The first spoiler is the notes that I took (be warned, it's wall-of-text worthy). The second is an excerpt from Skype of the rage from my friend who also tried this that I found humorous (I changed the names to Friend and Me just cause).

Write down something noteworthy about this game whenever a blue save disc is seen, and then post it in the thread.
(or just whenever)

"or nervious or even are playing this to prove that you cannot be scared by such things."
dat typo.

7 endings? Hoo boy this is going to take a while.

Mansion you say? At night? -sees cavern behind me- Gonna check that out.

Strong urge to check out the mansion? But cavern though.

No music... Dead end... I'm clenching inside...


Yeah, I probably shouldn't have done that.

... -sees new title screen- orly. Orly now.

Probably should have seen the floor-giving-away thing coming... curse you cracks.

Invisible maze please. Don't you start with dat. And now dead end. inb4 Sonic.

Or just the face of one of the forum users whose name I forget... Not as strong as the Sonic one, but still.

Ohhey, one of the bookshelves WAS different.

Waitwhat? Why'd the stairs stop scrolling? Oh, they're repeating... At least I can head back.

Save point? But I made, like, no progress. I can't help but wonder what? What was in the staircase? Yeah I kinda do actually. -goes back in-

Gonna hold right and see what happens. *On a side note, I'm having my friend play this as I'm playing it, and he just encountered Sonic. Good times.*

Okay, I'm rather convinced that this stairway is just here to troll me, what with having looped maybe 8-10 times now.

Spinning trinket you're a lie.

-goes into 2nd set of doors- I remember hearing from someone that this place had false floors... PARKOUR SKILLS GO! Or not. I think I'm going to save that part for last...

3rd pair of doors (not the ones with torches next to them). Seems like a normal library. Ohhey, a firepla- shadow. Pls. I now fear for my ingame life. -heads back to doors- Shadow. PLS. Wait, will he be back up top again? Nope. Guess I gotta go back. You know what, I'm going through the door he wasn't in. 2rebel4him.

Nothing seems out of the ordinary... Time for the next pair of doors (still not the torch ones). Sanic music. Nope. Nope. Nopenopenopenope. -dives into doors above entry-

Quote painting? I have a bad feeling 'bout this... -leaves- Also ow, spikes.

Y'know, I wonder what will happen if I go back out through the entryway? Apparently nothing. Time to Sonic room again.

Why do I have a feeling that letting the Sonic.exe music play out all the way is a bad thing? Oh, Sonic's just yucking it up to the side there.

Back to the parkour room because ragequit. Ohhohhoh, invisible platforms I see... Or not, rather.

PROGRESS! Wait why are there so many Quotes? Uh... uhm... Quote. I thought you were supposed to be the heroic mime, and thus show no emotion... faces pls no.

A physical blue disk? Oh come on, that spike is impossible to jump over, and I don't want to redo the previous jump room. Wait. Why is there a Quote hat bobbing on the bottom of the screen when I walk?

-sigh- You know what, fine. I'll play your game, you rogue. -jumps into spike- Dat death tho. Yeah I'm stumped. Nothing even changed from when I died...

Gonna say hi to my shadow in the library before getting Sonic'd to finish this for now... after I check all the bookcases. Nothing.

-patiently waits for Sonic-

Well that was lame. I didn't even get the Sonic title screen... :c

-chooses not to skip intro test-

It didn't even let me lie and say that I was going fullscreen when I wasn't... whut.

Come at me Sonic. My body is ready. DO YOU EVEN LIFT? Annnnnnd yeah I think I'm done for now. Actually wait, I just remembered a thing. Oh, the game doesn't reprimand you for fullscreening the game...

So yeah, pretty nice mod. I have to admit the Sonic.exe part got me a TEENY bit (just cause I wasn't expecting the tunnel to dead-end so abruptly). The little flash scare after you fall through the floor wasn't bad at all. The shadow made me stop for a moment. The stairs just confused me. The creepy Quotes also made me stop for a second, but quickly became humourous when I spammed down. Still have no idea how to do that spike part after said Quotes. The Sonic room with the spikes just is too hard for sleep-deprived me, what with both the spikes, the Sonic music, and of course him getting too close should you not stop in a room.

[12:28:21 AM] Friend: I dont care how good it is
[12:28:30 AM] Friend: if its going to be a dick about it
[12:28:31 AM] Friend: fuck the game
[12:28:31 AM] Me: u just are 2noob
[12:28:42 AM] Friend: I hate pinpoint platforming
[12:28:56 AM] Me: it IS kind of present in most of the mods
[12:29:04 AM] Me: but that's partly to make it more difficult at times
[12:29:10 AM] Friend: yeah well
[12:29:10 AM] Friend: fuck it
[12:29:11 AM] Me: though it gets annoying if it's spammed
[12:29:22 AM] Friend: do dickish things like dissapearing floors
[12:29:29 AM] Friend: but dont do things like you have to jump on pixel a
[12:29:55 AM] Friend: sen's funhouse is better than this
[12:30:00 AM] Friend: yeah the traps are a bitch
[12:30:03 AM] Friend: but once you learn the trap
[12:30:10 AM] Friend: you can get by it
[12:30:11 AM] Friend: thats how it should work
[12:30:35 AM] Friend: not be a strict ass motherfucker on jumps like its the goddamn jumpocolypse and you have to ration them
[12:31:04 AM] Friend: oh and fliptable

I can't help but feel that I missed a TON of stuff, and not just in the room that I ragequit on. Due to the fact that I'm at a loss, could anyone toss any hints in my general direction? Nothing that will spoil the spookiness, mind you. (I'm a little hesitant to read previous posts like I just did because now I know that
Demon Curly
Toroko somehow sacrificing you
exist, which will eliminate some surprise unless I forget 'em).
Jun 3, 2014 at 12:02 PM
Forever 12
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Well, I had the guts to play it, and Curly got me :(
Jun 3, 2014 at 3:13 PM
The TideWalker
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SeasonsOfDestiny said:
-lot of stuff-

Well, it looks like someone had lots of fun. :D

Parkraft123 said:
Well, I had the guts to play it, and Curly got me :(
Yes she did, it's one of the highlights of the mod.

And if anyones interested in what the seven endings are...

Origins (true/final ending)

Those are the official "names" of the endings
Jun 3, 2014 at 8:14 PM
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Well, it looks like someone had lots of fun. :D
Sure did! (at least as much as I could when on edge and up at 12 in the morning).
Well, I guess I should go try to get past that blasted ragequit room now that I'm not tired, though now anything beyond it won't be as startling due to it not being dark or quiet.

Oh, and one thing I wanted to say: while the things aren't that scary, the lack of sound other than Quote's footsteps sure create quite the atmosphere.

EDIT: Got some more stuff done.

Okay, here's another list of notes cause I'ma try and discover some more stuff. As such, I'ma try to avoid spazzing out about stuff I've already found. Expect some spazzing once I DO find things...
Same ol' Sonic music.
Same ol' Quote painting room.
Gtfo Sonic I'm busy.
Same ol' Curly painting room.
On a side note, I like how you have the blue disk pop up whenever you die. It's like you KNOW someone's gonna spaz about dying.
FFFFFFFF- so close to the third (what I assume is a) painting room.
HAH. SCREW YOU SONIC I GOT TO THE THIRD DOOR WITH YOU INCHES FROM MY FACE. Also who is that painting supposed to be cos I haven't played any Sonic games.
Hoo boy here we go...
...okay. How. In. The. Actual. Fuck. Does. You. Jump. Tha- wait. You expect us to jump on the very edge of the spike, Death Story-style... I HATE YOU SO MUCH, LINK. WHY. (no offense tho, this is pretty gud)
Well, with that newfound knowledge, back to the easier route (the parkour room).
Quote, grab onto the ledge please. The ledge. The. Ledge. GRAB IT. GRAAAAAA- ohmigod I did it. (How am I going to be able to do that with Sonic in my face I don't even why)
Juked the heck out of those cracked-floor-covered spikes. So much so that they didn't activate.
Torched door leads to torched room... Red petals... I smell a Toroko lurking somewheres.
OR CURLY. Hi. so i herd ur, liek, a demon. is dis tru?
So many elipses... Or braille... probably awkward silence.
Oh it was Quote speaking in Quote-ese.
(I love how you make Quote talk through silence. Even more of a Heroic Mime than (LoZ) Link himself)
so u sey ur fine... nope don't believe it.
oh by the way, typo: "DON'T LOOK AT ME LIKE THAT! I"M JUST FINE I'M-" (I"M)
Excuse me. Curly. don'tchu whip out dat gun at me. Also where'd I get the Polar Star? Did I have it in my pocket? Why wasn't I given the option to try (in vain) to shoot Sonic? So many questions.
what. I tried to peace out, and fell into death spikes while the moon was yuckin' it up in the background. Link. Pls.
Oh Curly... y u so instant game over head. Also, this isn't how I expected the Quote-Curly relationship to pan out.
Aw whut, no Curly-fied title screen? I am disappoint.
I wonder what happens if she touches you before you shoot her... Nothin...
I wonder what happens if her headless body touches you... Still nothin... (by the way, thanks for that. I can't imagine trying to dodge both an instant-kill body AND an instant-game-over head)
Curly is pepsi'd. NEXT. And in other news HELL YEAH POLAR STAR.
Ohhey, I can get up that cliff now. PROGRESS.
Wait what, I'm out of the mansion? -sees torch- I somehow have a bad feeling about this. -warms up firing finger-
A cave... mhmm...
Wait I escaped? How in the what. That's not how horror games work...
Black screen... I smell a scare. I SMELL IT. Or not.
Oh well, time to rage on the Sonic room more. (I don't see how I'ma be able to get on that ledge without a checkpoint)
OH MY GOD I MADE IT HOLY CRAP. Wait it's just a Toroko painting room...
Toroko painting. y u so self destruct? I'm sorry for dissin on you...
Oh, so THIS is how you get into the walled off torch room in the entryway.
Toroko, why are yo eyes red? Pls.
Why did you poof? pLs.
An altar... yeah nothx.
-sigh- Fffffffffine. -touches altar-
Red lightning. wot.
what. I mashed the x and z keys so hard.
nearly at break keyboard speed.
r u srs.
Made it again. First try, too. Gonna start mashing AS SOON AS the !?! box goes away. No. BEFORE THEN.
THAT'S HOW HARD- I don't understand. How does you even.
I quickly get the windows and outer walls to break, but nothing else... Screw it I'ma see if anyone else figured that out. I don't wanna break my keyboard.
... god you're evil, Link. Dat sense of false hope, as well as trolling Streamers... I gotta give you props for the trolling bit, though.
Well, time to try out those infinite stairs again and hopefully do something.
Ohhey wait, I just read something someone wrote and now instead I'ma fall into holes.
Several impaled Quotes later, and I've discovered that it's definitely not the first four pits. SUCCESS.
thx for the comfy fireplace, m8.
Blue disk... I have -2% trust of you. Or maybe it's just a reminder disk.
What in the name of... Spike maze? That requires you to tap? After coming all this way? ;-;
Random bed wat. And I died. FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF.
That bed has some importance. I can sense it. Wait, this is Curly's path...
I can't pass the barrier unlocked by the blue disk... GRAH WHY.
Wait, another torch outside is lit... So I'm guessing each torch lit means you've accomplished something. So I guess killing Demon Curly for the Polar Star means you light the first, and getting the Blessing of Flight lights the third... But what unlocks the second?
I guess I have to unlock the Curly path before doing the spike gauntlet with the BoF... fml.
Not a fan of the constant backtracking if/when you mess up...
Phew, just BARELY made the gauntlet that time. Wait what. Why is the path blocked again? I unlocked it...
Guess I gotta fight Curly as well.
This isn't going to go well. I just can feel it.
Oh wow first try. Please lemme go back now.
And the path is still blocked... Maybe I have to go back through the gauntlet?
Gonna check if more than one torch is lit.
Yup both the 1st and 3rd torches are lit.
This doesn't look like you can backtrack through it...
And dead end...
Yeah I'm stuck again. Annnnd died on the spike gauntlet. RIP in Peace me.

So yeah, found more stuff. Though I have no idea how one would find this alleged
White Cross, which I assume will light the 2nd torch somehow.
Jun 3, 2014 at 11:32 PM
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Bombchu Link said:
And if anyones interested in what the seven endings are...
Origins (true/final ending)
Those are the official "names" of the endings
The "Boring" ending?, I can picture the other six, but for some reason can't remember an ending like that...

Oh, and a bug I found in the Gravity ending *BIG SPOILERS*:
In the final map, it's possible to quickly duck back to the exit of the building before you start floating up. Not really a serious-mechanical bug, but it has some graphical issues from the player constantly being pushed into the overhanging ceiling.
Jun 4, 2014 at 1:01 AM
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EnlightenedOne said:
The "Boring" ending?, I can picture the other six, but for some reason can't remember an ending like that...

Oh, and a bug I found in the Gravity ending *BIG SPOILERS*:
In the final map, it's possible to quickly duck back to the exit of the building before you start floating up. Not really a serious-mechanical bug, but it has some graphical issues from the player constantly being pushed into the overhanging ceiling.
I'm pretty sure that the Boring ending is the one where you simply leave the mansion after fighting Demon Curly (or by just boosting to the exit should you get those first).
Jun 4, 2014 at 1:40 AM
The TideWalker
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SeasonsOfDestiny said:
I'm pretty sure that the Boring ending is the one where you simply leave the mansion after fighting Demon Curly (or by just boosting to the exit should you get those first).
That would be correct.
Jun 13, 2014 at 11:36 PM
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there is an ant on my table
I am also apologize
the monster cave with hoes for eys is really scary
I got spooked!!!!!!!!!!!!
this new title screen is 2 spooky or maybe even 4 spooky I do not have the appropriate scientificly calirbated measuring device to accurately guage the levels of spooky at this time so you will have to accept my best estimates 
regards, trickybilly

Gorgey bobiclis is the scariest ending so far because that mohterfucker has one fucked up avatar

what if night plains in the air sky were shooting stars - what I wonder

50 cent is an amazing musical performer and even though he vacations in the spook zone I think that doesn't make him any less of a great musician and I hope that he will come play at my nephew's birthday some day even though I know that I can't affor the kind of gig fees that 50 cent has.

dear diary: fire is fire

today I was blessed with the gift of flight. My prayers to michael jordan and the all-stars have been answered, I am lifted up upon wings of light and bugs bunny and whatever space jam bullshit just fill in your own fuckin references I cant think right now

spiritaga what the fuck I couldnt get through that room if I was cracked up on 100000mg of comlumbia's finest crack and wired to a computational thinking device that elevated my mental processing capabilities beyond those of the world's greatest supercomputers overall 9/10 dont' ever change

10000/01 fresh hashtag

are we hand
these are the real questions

Jun 13, 2014 at 11:37 PM
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the intro splash screen is awful
the title screen is even worse
most people just put a link for feedback in their readme
oh boy, I didn't know it would be a choose your own adventure
"the moon looks absolutely beautiful on this moonlit night" take my word for it, this orange circle is gorgeous
sonic = 2spooky
the cave and the front of the mansion both look like spooky monster faces
goerge bobicles' character could have been better developed, we barely spent any time with him
there was no tick-tock clock at the bottom of the infinite staircase, please fix this bug
you can't get past the infinite staircase by jumping backwards, please reinstate this bug
I wonder why you put this save point here
I had already masturbated to the giant Curly mural, which made it difficult to masturbate to the Silver mural. Subsequent playthroughs of that area put undue stress on my penis and as a result, I am typing this from the hospital.
help why am I upside down why do I have to press buttons what is going on
robots do in fact have souls, you are thinking of gingers
this game is too hard, please give the player a level 2 spur
I can't tell if this is supposed to be a giant moon that's actually made of cheese, or a dying sun that has grown a hundred times largter and is scorching the earth's surface. either of those would make for a pretty good plot and are definitely much spookier than a mansion haunted by sanic
now that I have a cross, the love of jesus will guide me through this mansion of 2spookz
it makes for a poor weapon, so that's unrealistic
jesus saved me from this bullshit dark room, he is truly my lord
is jesus into vore?
why has jesus cursed me with ducks
I think I will be jewish now
this is a terrible dating sim, curly's legs did not put out, neither did her head
Jun 14, 2014 at 7:12 AM
Its dark in here
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Captain Fabulous said:
goerge bobicles' character could have been better developed, we barely spent any time with him
I think this mod well illustrated my IRL personality.

I used to live in the depths of a dark dungeon, the only detail not here in this case is the sweet smell of yellow cake
Jun 21, 2014 at 10:56 PM
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My experiences.

Time:3 minutes - Saves:0 - Deaths:1 - Endings:1
I'm going to kill you after the whole sonic thing. Admittadly it wasmy fault for not going into the mansion but was that really what came too your mind you you made this.

Time:5 minutes - Saves:0 - Deaths:2 - Endings:2
So this is a horror game. You could have at least told me.

Time:8 minutes - Saves:1 - Deaths:3 - Endings:2
I admit that was legit creepy. "Why are there so many Quotes?!??!?!?!""AHHHHH THEY'RE SMILING AT ME!!!"

Time:10 minutes - Saves:1 - Deaths:4 - Endings:3
I give up.

I'm not very good at horror games........
Jun 30, 2014 at 3:01 AM
plant girl
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I tried but that chase thing was just awful so I stopped sorry.
oh pshh full screen is fine.
oh the moon is actually really beautiful. wow.
uhmmm, let's go left...?
an urge to go right, you say? let's go left then.
oh shit it's dark and scary in here ahhhh.
oh a dead end? that's not fair. 
let's go back then i guess.
CREEPY MUSIC SONIC AHHHH but that's a really nice sprite.
it's getting red this is not okay
and the music is faster and more red this is not okayyyy
jump over him WHAT NO NOOOO
oh you got me that's nice
no i shouldn't have done that sorry
oh hi sonic on top of the title that's cool. was he there before?
alright let's go right this time.
left door...
nothing in the bookcases...
oh okay the floor disappeared? 
did i do something?
this place is kinda creepy.
oh i fell through something.
oh wonderful a maze.
oh i can kind of see where i am...
an empty room. wonderful. 
what's in here?
that's bob or something i think?
oh and that one is done. 
let's try the right door this time.
the same room? something's gotta be different though.
try and jump over the pitttt and ugh fell down
yep same thing ugh.
try again... 
alright i made it. and doors? uhm i took the left one... 
it's a double door do both just do the same thing or does it matter?
there're fewer and fewer pieces okay.
oh they're actually just invisible? 
okay i made it? through the door.
oh that's kinda creepy. 
lot's of quotes.
oh how did you do that? they all move. that's really cool.
oh those are creepy smiles.
okay now we're all in doors...
and a room... oh that's not a save point... 
this is gonna be hard.
oh i actually made it...? through the door.
oh i'm just downstairs now.
let's go through the torch door.
oh that's creepy. red roses... 
let's walk over there...
oh hi curly...?
why were you worried...?
i don't know what i'm doing here...
yes, let's go back home.
lot's of dotsss? is that quote speaking?
quote what did you say to her?
i'm sure she's fine quote.
curly what's wrong you stopped midsentence
oh you're fighting me?
oh a new textbox?
oh her head woah
oh shit oh my that's actually pretty creepy.
can you not kill the body?
oh hi curly's face. that's actually really nice. not creepy imo though sorry.
'twas a great first date, dear.
that's actually kind of cool for an intro thing.
so that's three endings i guess?
back into the mansion.
how about the fireplace now?
nothing in therebut the booshelf...
oh i didn't nothing the door there in the booshelf.
okay so creepy room alright.
long hallway and staircase...
oh okay it's infinite? let's keep tryingggg
yep nothing there.
oh hi there save point, are you real?
what do i wonder...
okay let's go back.
okay yeah there's gotta be something here.
okay it might not be the stairs?
it's gotta have to have something to do with these two boocases that're taller...
okay i'm done with this.no i'm not
why is there nothingggg
fine. up the stairs i guess.
door with unlit torches.
boocase room. check everything.
oh hi shadow quote that's kinda creepy oh he's gone
nothing in the fireplace. time to go.
there's a creepy hole in the bottom right. can't get to it though.
oh hi there shadow quote again. i don't want to go through that door now.
okay i don't know where he went but there was a fireplace in there so i'm going back through the boocase.
nothing in there ugh. i guess the top top room.
music and platforming. wonderful.
do i have to do that again? goddamnit that pit.
okay i'm gonna get through this whole thing.
first room is a quote room.
second room is a curly room.
after trying for a while i finally made it to the third room of silver?
oh goddamnit. yeah this chase shit is pissing me off.
okay yeah i'm done that ruined it. sorry. i'll maybe try is some other time but that ruined it for me.
Jun 30, 2014 at 3:55 AM
The TideWalker
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/\ that is exactly why I went through the three months of blood sweat and tears to make this thing.

Thank you very much for the feedback. ( I laughed lots) :D
Jun 30, 2014 at 4:42 AM
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BLink said:
/\ that is exactly why I went through the three months of blood sweat and tears to make this thing.

I wonder if you're bullshitting us.
But yeah I wish I could try playing it again but like
I have better things to do
that being watching Truth, the Eye and the Beholder on Youtube
Jun 30, 2014 at 5:52 AM
plant girl
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BLink said:
/\ that is exactly why I went through the three months of blood sweat and tears to make this thing.

Thank you very much for the feedback. ( I laughed lots) :D
haha glad you liked it. I'll come back to it eventually but that bit just pissed me off a bit. Sorry. It's actually really clever though and I really enjoyed it. Good job with this one.
Jul 9, 2014 at 9:26 PM
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Hey,i'm stuck in the part of "someone´s coming".

What do i do after that? i can´t find any way!

And thanks for the Mod!
Jul 10, 2014 at 4:43 AM
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crasharthur said:
Hey,i'm stuck in the part of "someone´s coming".

What do i do after that? i can´t find any way!

And thanks for the Mod!
Move to the right side of the room.