Theeeeere we go... Alright, FROM THE TOP. Again.
-Like I said, the Air Fortress 'bridge' is a bit more of a challenge now. Amazing what adding a few spikes does... and having the monsters now summoned in clumps
-It's basically the same after that for a while, which is fine (although I'm still wondering what the Teleporter is there for in the Egg Corridor...). Then suddenly... IGORS! And Rabils omfg. They did slow me down a fair bit, but for some reason it wasn't that much harder for me... but maybe I'm just too used to fighting them.
-And then back at the Altar, where it finished last time... (the rightmost deathtrap is off-centre btw). And... BOSS FIGHT! YAY. Same old Core (except it's brown now

). It wasn't too hard, except that if you die, you have to work your way through that whole section again

Also, if you get too close to the right side of the arena, the core moves away and disappears so that you can't hurt it. It's not really a problem, and there's probably not much you can do about it, but I figured it was worth mentioning. Then you beat it, and...
-...You suddenly and inexplicably end up in Red Hell, with nothing but your Bazooka, which somehow now has infinite ammo, and has been reset to level one. :eek: I think at the very least it needs a cutscene, otherwise it just seems kind of random... But I do dig the new music

Very nice. As for the playthrough, it's a lot similar to the Egg Corridor, with the falling spikes and etc. The Will-O-Wisp things look damn cool, and the Igors look... the same. The Red Critters actually fit in very well here, since they hit hard and can knock you off the map, but still die easy. Not a bad level altogether, but I would have liked it better with some backstory. I lol'd at the ending though
So yeah. It's still very good overall, although I can't say I enjoyed this patch -quite- as much as I did the last one. But it's obvious that you're putting a lot of work into it, so I won't hold you back- keep up the great work!