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Discusion: Cave Story 3 ~ The Crowned Witch

When do you think the next demo comes?

  • In 1 - 3 Months.

    Votes: 1 1.8%
  • Half a year, atleast!

    Votes: 2 3.6%
  • Somewhere in this year.

    Votes: 2 3.6%
  • Next year I suppose.

    Votes: 4 7.1%
  • When it's done.

    Votes: 5 8.9%
  • Never.

    Votes: 21 37.5%
  • I don't know just, please finish it! ;__; PLEASE!

    Votes: 13 23.2%

    Votes: 8 14.3%

  • Total voters
Sep 30, 2006 at 3:36 AM
Bonds that separate us
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"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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(First post! Yay)

Right, I'll take things from the top.

-First of all, OMFG NEW MUSIC <3 The CS Theme and Living Waterway sound good and new, even though you didn't really change that much, and I LOVE what you did to Meltdown 2 at the Air Fortress. It'd be so great if you were to re-work all the tracks, but I won't push you or anything because I imagine it's rather difficult...

-I still like the intro, it's a very nifty way to start the game; only problem I have is that you have to watch the whole thing every time you restart, which might get boring after, say, the 10th time or so.

-OMG YOU TOOK MY MACHINE GUN AWAY ;_; I liked what you did with the sprites on it too... maybe we get it back later? ;) I found it a lot more challenging with only the Polar Star (or Handgun), at least until I figured out that there are hearts hidden basically EVERYWHERE. You still have that guy with you, but if you don't get the Handgun to Lv3 before you reach the Gaudi Waterfall (A Gaudifall!) then you're in trouble :|

-Nice job on the energy crystal sprites, and I guess the hearts too (green lol <3) Also I like how you use the computerized Map Systems to show where you are, it gives you a feel for what to expect. I guess your spelling could use a bit of work, though (not that important, but something).

-Something I've noticed about the Gaudi blade: It doesn't do damage by itself anyone. With original Blade, King's Soul would fly out and do something like 15 or 20 and then every slash would do 1, but I've noticed that the central Gaudi silhouette doesn't seem to do that (although the slashes might do more now, I haven't really checked). Was that an edit you did? I swear it was just like the blade in the last version ;)

-Super Missiles! Yay! Though I haven't really used them yet. I think you might be give a bit too much power a little early...

-Ah yes. The Egg Corridor. With good ol' Basil come back to shred you to bits^^ Is the teleporter active yet, or does that come later? I got to it but it didn't seem to work. Also the part with the spikes is hella annoying, I had to run it all slow-like so I didn't get squashed. I like a challenge, but an endless use of spikes to make stuff hard annoys me for some reason... meh, I'll get over it. And again with the hearts everywhere; I appreciate the concern for life but with only 15 health I don't think you need quite that many.

-Now what's Misery up to? Yeah I know, no telling, but it makes you wonder...

-After that part, it just seems to get easier for a while. Hidden Corridor and Outside both seemed pretty simple. Not that I don't mind a break, but I don't think you should have so many hidden hearts everywhere in such a straightforward level, especially one with a refill terminal at the end. Also, I would recommend putting a save point with that; I can understand if you didn't put one in now since it's near the end of the game, but otherwise you're going through three screens with no way to save. And I noticed that you broke Outside up into 10 different maps, is there a reason for that? (Yes I look at it in Sue's, don't shoot me ;_; )

-YIBBADEEBIP THAT'S ALL FOLKS! Why did it have to end so suddenly, I was just getting started :( Ah well. You've certainly got me hooked, I await the next version with much eagerness!

Geez... well I THINK that's everything, hope there was some helpful stuff in all that rabble. Sorry if I sounded a bit negative; everything else that I didn't mention was just fine. Overall it's a great mod, very original, and I hope to see more!
Sep 30, 2006 at 10:39 AM
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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Spoiler Warning!

Well it's only a normal missile louncher ^^ So there is no overpower. Well you tried to use it? *g* I think the damage is quite low for egg coridor 2 monsters.
Well iam going to fix sum things ure said.
And I removed the Machine Gun cuz I want to hack it, it will be a Spread Laser Gun (but i wont remove the fast Fire ;)) i also will hack some other weapons, if i finally figure out, where the weapon code is...
Ummm... The gaudi blade? O_O nope i didnt changed anything, only the image.
Well, thx iam still working on it ;) But i dont have so much time, cause of scool, girlfriend and i also want to talk to my friends... But this weekend i have more time ^^
Oct 1, 2006 at 12:51 AM
Bonds that separate us
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"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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Yeah, sorry 'bout that, I guess I thought they were the Super Missiles because they were orange x.x

Also I should add that I found it rather amusing how you spend all that time running west through egg corridor only to come back to the elevator from the east ;)
Oct 1, 2006 at 2:19 AM
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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Spoiler Warning!

Nope its not teh same elevator ;P
]There are 3 elevators ^^ and 1 secret one.
Well i also noticed Core fight is a bit hard with only Handgun, Gaudi Blade and Bazooka ;;
Well iam currently work'in on the Dangerous Route...
Ya get a Jetpack there ;P
Oct 2, 2006 at 3:16 PM
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"This is the greatest handgun ever made! You have to ask yourself, do I feel lucky?"
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Pretty big bug, I walked back out of the first elevator I came across, and ended up in a room with the guy who helps you out at the start. So I missed a lot of content there.

Also, having all the enemies just appear out of nowhere makes the game seem unpredictable. I found myself racing through the first level and outside with all the insects, as soon as I had leveled my weapons. Keeps you on your feet though, if you had some of those timer blocks like in Hell, the game might be a lot harder.
Oct 2, 2006 at 5:11 PM
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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Huh? What ure talkin about, thats not a bug thats the mod...
Also I'am not going to make a ridiculous mod like your one, it was a sheer debacle to play it, cuz it was such hard! ;) This mod is even a bit more hard now. (I remove some hearts) and i want to make a normal difficult mod! Not a crazy freak'in muddle ;) where not in the madhouse here X)

Well what ure talk'in about Oo
Unpredictable?? looooooooool
A roller coaster is unpredictable if its not safe enough. :(
Misery is summon that monster's, yeh that mod is suprising sometimes...
Hmm yeh youre right, ya can race it sure, but thats not fun. ^^
Belive in me, I tested this mod about 50 times, I NEVER raced through it...
I always killed all the NPC's ^^ Well, I make it also a bit more annoying to stop that people who think they can race through my mod >: D
Oct 3, 2006 at 7:52 AM
Bonds that separate us
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"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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Um yeah I figured out what the problem is with the Blade, turns out there isn't one ;) Apparently the central sprite for the Lv3 Blade only does the full damage if the whole sprite hits (same as with Lv2), which explains why it only does around 4 to small enemites like Gaudis and Critters. I guess I never really noticed before since I don't normally use the Blade that much, my bad. ;)
Oct 3, 2006 at 2:59 PM
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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lol, no problem. I'am working on it... Puhhhh, now I must do sum summon effects, hmmm hard part, but route is finish soon. ^^
Oct 3, 2006 at 5:34 PM
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"This is the greatest handgun ever made! You have to ask yourself, do I feel lucky?"
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S p o i l e r z

What I'm saying about the bug is that I walked through from the lower platform into the elevator, and walked back out to find myself in a strange room. It feels like a bug to me anyway.

What I mean by unpredictable is that when you play through grasstown, or first cave, you can see all the enemies before you engage them. The critters sit there and wait to be attacked. Here, everything appears in a flash of light, which I found quite suprising (not saying it's bad though, it's actually pretty cool).

I also was able to run past most enemies without fightning them in the flying fortress and outside. There really wasn't any obstacle other than my maximum movespeed and jump timing.

Another bug is that when running along the bridge of the flying fortress, the bridge is supposed to collapse. However, I think the events are all on the ground, meaning when I jumped over them I had to go back and walk over them. Most of the enemies seemed like this too.
Oct 3, 2006 at 6:23 PM
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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Ummm... thats impossible...? Oo
Well I will look for the bug. But if ya don't like the summoning of monsters ya dont have to play this mod ;)

Edit: I will insert some spikes - like i said =^_^=
Oct 3, 2006 at 7:09 PM
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"This is the greatest handgun ever made! You have to ask yourself, do I feel lucky?"
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Never said I didn't like it. Though it would be totally awesome if they appeared randomly (if that's possible).
Oct 3, 2006 at 8:03 PM
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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Also, having all the enemies just appear out of nowhere makes the game seem unpredictable.

Ahem it looked a bit like, ya dont like it. ;)
Well i think its rather imposible to make somethin as that ^^
Oct 9, 2006 at 3:44 AM
Bonds that separate us
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"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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Um yes, just something else I've noticed; sometimes when you look at the Map Screens, the background changes to show you back in the starting room (when you get the Handgun). It doesn't happen all the time and it still shows the right map, but just thought I'd mention it...
Oct 9, 2006 at 11:49 PM
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DoubleThink said:
Um yes, just something else I've noticed; sometimes when you look at the Map Screens, the background changes to show you back in the starting room (when you get the Handgun). It doesn't happen all the time and it still shows the right map, but just thought I'd mention it...

It goes back to a screenie of when you last opened the inventory.

Also: Falling to the next screen and dieing - not cool. I thought it was a cutscene, so I didn't press any buttons.
Oct 10, 2006 at 11:50 AM
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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I knu I'am going to remove this in next version.
Oct 14, 2006 at 10:28 PM
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"This is the greatest handgun ever made! You have to ask yourself, do I feel lucky?"
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Hah, a few .org remixes used in your mod. I like them!
Oct 14, 2006 at 11:06 PM
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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i will add some more soon ^^
Oct 24, 2006 at 11:41 AM
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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It was a MIDI I converted it:


1 Org File 1 MIDI File... ;)
oh and...
IT ROCKZ!!! <33
Oct 26, 2006 at 10:28 PM
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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Oh heck! tripple post Oo forgive me Skyewelse... He! Someone Should post ;)

Screenshot Time:


Red Hell - Part I



Why noone posts here? ;)