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Different names in CaveStory PC and Wii??

Dec 28, 2010 at 11:34 PM
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Hi, this is my first post and I am new to this website :D

So anyways, when I played CaveStory Wii, I noticed that Chaco's name is now changed to "Chako". I'm not sure if there is anymore diffrences in anyone else's name is changed, but thats something I realized when I played the wii version.

If there is another name that has been changed, let me know.

Dec 29, 2010 at 6:17 AM
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Re: Diffrent names in CaveStory PC and Wii??

The Wii version has a fresh translation, so I believe "Chako" was found to be a more natural translation.
I think the korons are now known as "colons" as well.
Dec 29, 2010 at 3:30 PM
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Re: Diffrent names in CaveStory PC and Wii??

yeah. In the DS version (the one I have) Chaco is still (I think) Chaco, but the mimigas in the Sand Zone are the Colons. Have to chack.
Dec 29, 2010 at 3:49 PM
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Re: Diffrent names in CaveStory PC and Wii??

I thought they were always the Colons. The PC version says "Colons/Korons", and from what I've seen, Koron means Colon.
Dec 29, 2010 at 7:51 PM
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Re: Diffrent names in CaveStory PC and Wii??

Ollie said:
I thought they were always the Colons. The PC version says "Colons/Korons", and from what I've seen, Koron means Colon.

They are indeed colons, since they are punctuation marks used in programming just like Quotes (") and Curly braces {}.

@FighterPilot: Lots of translations are different, since Aeon Genesis had no affiliation with Nicalis. Things like 'eggfish' you are bound to notice.
Dec 29, 2010 at 8:30 PM
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Re: Diffrent names in CaveStory PC and Wii??

wait wha???

Quote and Curly are named after punctuation marks??

I knew Quote, but Curly...

Just an 0_0 moment.
Dec 29, 2010 at 9:38 PM
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Re: Diffrent names in CaveStory PC and Wii??

Carrotlord you never seize to amaze me...
Dec 30, 2010 at 8:02 AM
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Re: Diffrent names in CaveStory PC and Wii??

Would that mean that Balrog is a demon, then? Because I think the name "Balrog" comes from some sort of demon...
Jan 13, 2011 at 4:12 AM
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Re: Diffrent names in CaveStory PC and Wii??

Does Jenka fall over a lot?
Jan 13, 2011 at 4:48 PM
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Re: Diffrent names in CaveStory PC and Wii??

Badnik96 said:
wait wha???

Quote and Curly are named after punctuation marks??

I knew Quote, but Curly...

Just an 0_0 moment.

Dude, Curly Brace... {}

Rose482 said:
Would that mean that Balrog is a demon, then? Because I think the name "Balrog" comes from some sort of demon...

Yeah, its Balroguu or something in Japanese, which means monster
Jan 13, 2011 at 7:28 PM
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Re: Diffrent names in CaveStory PC and Wii??

Rose482 said:
Would that mean that Balrog is a demon, then? Because I think the name "Balrog" comes from some sort of demon...

Not exactly.

In the Japanese version, Balrog's name is "barurogu"
Barurogu->royal bar
Pixel said that Balrog's is based off A BAR of soap.
He is literally the bar king.
Jan 13, 2011 at 7:37 PM
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Re: Diffrent names in CaveStory PC and Wii??

That is truly awesome. :J
Jan 14, 2011 at 6:53 AM
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Re: Diffrent names in CaveStory PC and Wii??

cultr1 said:
Not exactly.

In the Japanese version, Balrog's name is "barurogu"
Barurogu->royal bar
Pixel said that Balrog's is based off A BAR of soap.
He is literally the bar king.

And I used to think he was some kind of toaster....
Jan 14, 2011 at 6:28 PM
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Re: Diffrent names in CaveStory PC and Wii??

FighterPilot337 said:
I noticed that Chaco's name is now changed to "Chako".
You call that a name change? That's merely a respelling! :p

Yakkers said:
The Wii version has a fresh translation, so I believe "Chako" was found to be a more natural translation.
I actually think the C looks more natural, but eh. Doesn't matter, right?

Yakkers said:
I think the korons are now known as "colons" as well.
This one was an error on the part of whoever translated the Windows version.

Ollie said:
I thought they were always the Colons. The PC version says "Colons/Korons", and from what I've seen, Koron means Colon.
It's not that Koron means Colon. This error is like a round-trip translation problem (like what happens when you run stuff through Google Translate a couple of times), but there's no translation involved; the English word "Colon" written in Japanese katakana would be "コロン” (I think), and the standard way to transcribe that back into Roman letters is "ko-ro-n", Koron, because Japanese does not have an L sound.

Rose482 said:
Would that mean that Balrog is a demon, then? Because I think the name "Balrog" comes from some sort of demon...
Not exactly. The word "Balrog" refers to a particular type of fallen angel in Tolkien's Middle-Earth mythology, one who has taken on some kind of shadowy, fiery form. One of them appears in Lord of the Rings, so it's fairly well-known. However, it sounds like it is a mere coincidence that Balrog has this name, so all that is irrelevant.
Jan 14, 2011 at 8:23 PM
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Re: Diffrent names in CaveStory PC and Wii??

Celtic Minstrel said:
because Japanese does not have an L sound.

Technically it doesn't have an R sound either. If you were to pronounce it like a regular english R, the pronounciation would be off (you don't roll it as much in japanese). The japanese "r" sound is more like something inbetween L and R.
Jan 14, 2011 at 11:22 PM
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So...there's no such thing as Engrish, it would be more like Eng[l/r]ish?

And as for the Korons/Colons, I think it would be 'better' to call them Colons, since they are Curly's 'children' and all the robots are named after keyboard characters, so it seems natural that Curly would name them that. Korons is literal, but Colons is natural.
Jan 17, 2011 at 2:40 PM
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Technically it doesn't have an R sound either. If you were to pronounce it like a regular english R, the pronounciation would be off (you don't roll it as much in japanese). The japanese "r" sound is more like something inbetween L and R.
It does have an R sound. It's not the English R sound, but that's not surprising as not many languages have that. It's more like the Spanish R sound, which is indeed somewhere between L and English R (but Spanish, unlike Japanese, also has the L).

Oh, and English R is not rolled at all, by the way.