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Difference between Mods and Games

Can you call a game, a mod and the other way round?

  • Yes, you can call a game a mod and a mod, a game. No Difference.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Don't call a game, a mod but you can call a mod, a game.

    Votes: 6 16.7%
  • Don't call a mod, a game but you can call a game, a mod.

    Votes: 27 75.0%
  • No you can't, period.

    Votes: 3 8.3%

  • Total voters
May 29, 2008 at 4:27 AM
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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andwhyisit said:
Someone get Metalogz in here.

From what I understand from this thread so far is that a mod can be called a game but whether you should do so is still under question.

We would have to get the makers of games that get modded alot in here to answer that question.
May 29, 2008 at 5:13 AM
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S. P. Gardebiter said:
The thing is you don't understand why, thats why you call it unwarranted and unnecessarily. Argue with me again if you understand why I'm doing this. I stated it everywhere. Instead of calling me how unnecessarily and meaningless my posts are, you could try to understand me.

But I don't think you will that's why it accomplishes nothing as I stated before.
1. I wouldn't have said how unnecessary or unwarranted your rudeness was if I hadn't tried to understand you. And from what I understand, whether you really mean it that way or not, you're making yourself look good by making others look bad, and that's especially uncool since it's the newcomers you pick on. The fact that you're a moderator intimidates newbies further, so they can't ignore you either there.

2. That's what your thought is and you are completely entitled to it. :p

About the Metalogz question - if I'm not mistaken, the fuss you made over Chaddy's post was what confused him. That's what I read of the situation, anyway.

SP said:
Have fun arguing alone.

I doubt that'll be the case because soon enough when somebody says the 'g' word you're likely to slip back to being rude, and then either they'll bring this up or someone else will or I prolly will. -.-*

I don't want this argument on either, but if this thing crops up again, I'll sure be in it, not because I'm enjoying it or because I wanna prove you wrong, but because I know you're being unreasonable to other members. I couldn't care less whether a mod is a game.

And if you still think I'm doing this to mess around with you, have fun playing with your imagination. ;)
May 29, 2008 at 7:43 AM
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andwhyisit said:
Someone get Metalogz in here.

Eh hi yeah what huh going what on?


Edit - btw I feel real tension building up behind that smiley-loaded argument ._.
May 29, 2008 at 8:04 AM
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Eh hi yeah what huh going what on?
Your hole needs to be penetrated!
May 29, 2008 at 12:50 PM
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Roonil Wazlib said:
And from what I understand, whether you really mean it that way or not, you're making yourself look good by making others look bad, and that's especially uncool since it's the newcomers you pick on.

Total bullshit. You understand nothing. Seriously, are you just trying to troll me or are you just plain stupid? :p

Roonil Wazlib said:
That's what your thought is and you are completely entitled to it. :p

Says the right one.

Roonil Wazlib said:
About the Metalogz question - if I'm not mistaken, the fuss you made over Chaddy's post was what confused him. That's what I read of the situation, anyway.

Of course it have to be that, because you don't agree with the other thing, you try to kill it off.

Roonil Wazlib said:
I doubt that'll be the case because soon enough when somebody says the 'g' word you're likely to slip back to being rude, and then either they'll bring this up or someone else will or I prolly will. -.-*

Yes, yes, yes, rude, rude, rude.
Thats all about you care? Hell, did you even read most of the posts? Just because I was rude sometimes. You don't act like you are a nice person too.
I know I sound harsh, but it's not what I'am trying.

Roonil Wazlib said:
I'll sure be in it, not because I'm enjoying it or because I wanna prove you wrong, but because I know you're being unreasonable to other members.

I don't get how someone can cry that much over some posts, man, these are just like fucking 20 posts at all, then you blame me for being offtopic, but yourself was offtopic enough, you posted more than 20, you act totally hypocrite.

Roonil Wazlib said:
I couldn't care less whether a mod is a game.

Thats your opinion, you don't care about mine, I don't care about yours. Just because you don't understand why I'm doing it. In fact you give a shit about it, because you don't agree, you just care about the rudeness, which isn't there most the time anyway. You are interpreting something in my post which isn't there.

Roonil Wazlib said:
And if you still think I'm doing this to mess around with you, have fun playing with your imagination. :p

I'm more thinking that you try to either trolling me, make fun about me or you are just ignorant.
May 29, 2008 at 1:12 PM
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S. P. Gardebiter said:
Total bullshit. You understand nothing. Seriously, are you just trying to troll me or are you just plain stupid? :p

Says the right one.

Of course it have to be that, because you don't agree with the other thing, you try to kill it off.

Yes, yes, yes, rude, rude, rude.
Thats all about you care? Hell, did you even read most of the posts? Just because I was rude sometimes. You don't act like you are a nice person too.
I know I sound harsh, but it's not what I'am trying.

I don't get how someone can cry that much over some posts, man, these are just like fucking 20 posts at all, then you blame me for being offtopic, but yourself was offtopic enough, you posted more than 20, you act totally hypocrite.

Thats your opinion, you don't care about mine, I don't care about yours. Just because you don't understand why I'm doing it. In fact you give a shit about it, because you don't agree, you just care about the rudeness, which isn't there most the time anyway. You are interpreting something in my post which isn't there.

I'm more thinking that you try to either trolling me, make fun about me or you are just ignorant.

1. Neither. If you look at what others say in this maybe that'll open your eyes.

2. Oro? k

3. No. It's because your argument doesn't make sense. You seriously think he got confused when he himself said game?

4. I'm rude to you in this thread because that's how you treat others. You are a Senior member and a moderator, and therefore I need not hold back on what I think because you are well equipped to endure it. A new member is not. And I don't see where the 'sometimes' crops up from either, because you do it all the time.

5. It's not the offtopic that concerns me - that's your area. It's how you barge into threads and, I have to say this, bully new members. Whether you mean to do it or not, I have expressed what I think of it, and you have, what you.

6. It wasn't your opinion I said that about. It's the whole discussion. If you notice, the thread is about whether you can call a mod a game, not whether it is a game.

7. Think what you want, I can't break into your mind and change stuff and you don't seem to want to change your stance even when you have to dodge most points of our argument with lame replies and stuff that have nothing to do with the topic.

And in case you haven't noticed, the topic would have died if you hadn't made that post. I had to make this because you're accusing me of playing around about a stupid subject when I have mutch better things to do.
May 29, 2008 at 1:20 PM
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If I say game instead of mod and that was my preference then by definition I am not wrong. And who gives a damn about whether it is morally correct or not, as long as it is by definition correct then I have the right to say it and you do do not have the right to tell me otherwise.

I swear SP that you compete with Kageryushin for the highest number of flaming threads. :p

Roonil Wazlib said:
6. It wasn't your opinion I said that about. It's the whole discussion. If you notice, the thread is about whether you can call a mod a game, not whether it is a game.
Sorry, I am mostly focusing on "whether it is a game". That deviation was most likely my fault. :p

Roonil Wazlib said:
7. Think what you want, I can't break into your mind and change stuff and you don't seem to want to change your stance even when you have to dodge most points of our argument with lame replies and stuff that have nothing to do with the topic.
This is true.
May 29, 2008 at 1:22 PM
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It depends who starts the flaming <_<

People pick on me too D:

Maybe because I'm just plain stupid -_-"

Kageryushin trolled me 2 times actually.
May 29, 2008 at 1:34 PM
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S. P. Gardebiter said:
People pick on me too D:
Sorry to hear that. :p

..wait a minute...that is not counting this thread right? :p

Look on the bright side, our post counts are going through the roof with this topic. :p

S. P. Gardebiter said:
Maybe because I'm just plain stupid -_-"
You are not stupid.

S. P. Gardebiter said:
Kageryushin trolled me 2 times actually.
What was the other one?
Where did Kageryushin go anyway? Haven't seen him in over a month.
May 29, 2008 at 1:47 PM
"Heavy swords for sale. Suitable for most RPG Protagonists. Apply now!"
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S. P. Gardebiter said:
It depends who starts the flaming <_<

People pick on me too D:

Maybe because I'm just plain stupid -_-"

Kageryushin trolled me 2 times actually.
1. Sure does. O_o
I'm not villifying you or anything, and I in no way hold a grudge.

2. Me sorry to hear it too ._.

3. Course you aren't, you're just a bit stubborn. *not an insult :p*

4. The first time he might have had a case.

The second time he was asking for it. >_>

andwhyisit said:
Look on the bright side, our post counts are going through the roof with this topic.

ZOMG I'm racing you and ris XD XD
May 29, 2008 at 7:52 PM
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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S. P. Gardebiter said:
Total bullshit. You understand nothing. Seriously, are you just trying to troll me or are you just plain stupid? :p

As long as we are on the subject of "new members" getting confused.

You really shouldn't make a post like that then put a smiley behind like "oh I am just joking", it may leave the impression that someone can come in and call someone "insert a number of demeaning words here" and then put a smiley after it like "I was just joking, don't take what I just said seriously rofllmaololhaha ;P".
May 29, 2008 at 9:05 PM
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Other people doing it too! D:


Again me, why always me! Pick on Roonil or andwhyisit <_<

Seriously. D:

May 29, 2008 at 9:15 PM
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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I know other people are doing it too, I was just using your post as an example because I was too lazy to go look for other posts like it.

There all over the forums anyway. lol
May 29, 2008 at 10:00 PM
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Absolute Zer0 said:

What's on-topic or off-topic is in the eye of the beholder, no?

The whole point of forums is to talk about many different subjects.
May 29, 2008 at 10:09 PM
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Sorry, couldn't resist, it was a funny picture (From Star Wars where he says "Stay on target!") so I had to caption it and post it. :p
May 30, 2008 at 12:01 AM
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S. P. Gardebiter said:
Again me, why always me! Pick on Roonil or andwhyisit <_<
Hey Roonil, wanna start up another "Cave Story's world is / is not Earth" topic? :p
May 30, 2008 at 12:41 AM
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JacobX891 said:
You sure? Okay then. :p

JacobX891 said:
In Cave Story it states that the surface is, in fact, the Earth.

I win.
Topic over.
As what was stated before, it is not uncommon for a pseudo-earth to be called Earth, doesn't mean it is Earth though. Someone else made this point earlier.
May 30, 2008 at 3:08 AM
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andwhyisit said:
What was the other one?
Where did Kageryushin go anyway? Haven't seen him in over a month.
First one was regarding SP's "hypocrisy", second was bitching about The Crowned Witch.
He left shortly after the Forum Mod thread died. He only joined to show off his writing skills anyway (no seriously, go back and read his first/second post), and once realized he couldn't be a dick to everyone he probably just got bored and left.
andwhyisit said:
As what was stated before, it is not uncommon for a pseudo-earth to be called Earth, doesn't mean it is Earth though. Someone else made this point earlier.
Yeah that was me. (Hi there! :p )
Earth is used a lot simply because it creates a more recogniseable setting. I'm pretty sure it isn't this Earth, you seen any floating islands lately? Although it could easily be a fantasy-type version of it. Also the term Earth itself is used kind of loosely. I could go scoop up some dirt/mud in my hands and say "this is earth/this is the earth" and you can't tell me I'm wrong because I'm not. It's just as often a term for ground/soil/solid surface as it is for planet.