• Hey everyone happy Christmas Eve we're aware of what's happened with the source code so to keep this simple absolutely don't post it on the site or use it to make mods with (it's not particularly preferable toward this end anyway) and tread lightly in general until we see how this settles, thanks to all and have a great holiday season -DT

Curly's Adventure!

What would you rate Curly's Adventure?

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Feb 15, 2012 at 2:36 AM
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Leave rape9 alone. Before you judge I suggest you fix the large errors in your own mod. Also don't troll, it looks bad on your macho image.

EDIT: 1375 posts. Yay new pic thing/Sonofabitch I have to change my sig
Feb 21, 2012 at 11:02 PM
Mrs. Policewoman
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The new version is taking too long...
Feb 21, 2012 at 11:19 PM
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Just played the new version. This mod still really needs some work. Most of the glitches from version are still here. Still, nothing happens when you talk to Toroko in the shack. And the door still doesn't open, just you go to the next room. If I exit the first cave, then I still end up in the Yamashita farm with no fading in. I see that place up to the right in the mimiga village is now accassible, but if I go too far, then I will be trapped, and have to reset the game to get out. Also, I think that in the graveyard you should set a flag so that if it's not your first time taking Arthur's key, then it goes straight to "You should probably leave that for Quote." so that you won't go through the "Found Arthur's key!" every subsequent time you go up to it. I'm glad that you filled in the ditch at the beginning of the Sand Zone though. If I get the polar star from Hermit Gunsmith, then the cutscene takes place with Kazuma on the computer. The dialog with Jenka is identical to before, and you collect her puppies like normal too. So if that was on purpose, then that was lazy game design. At least the aquisition of the machine gun works now. Also, the dialog with the Colons is very weak.

Here is a suggestion of mine: Test this mod, and fix any glitches you find before you upload it here.

That way, we can much better critique your work. Also, the first post says that version is the latest, but the folder is named

(200th post)
Feb 22, 2012 at 3:42 PM
Mrs. Policewoman
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I'm trying to make this a mod that starts after the core fight, with quote not saving curly, and curly escaping through a hole to the outer wall, but everything just does the got weapon script, i promise that this version ( will be better.
can you help me with weapon and boss editing?
Feb 22, 2012 at 9:39 PM
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The very first thing you should know about modding is that nobody is going to make your mod for you. Second, this mod really doesn't interest me that much. The only reason that I'm consistenly providing feedback on this mod is that since there's so little work put into it that it is very short, I don't have to free up a lot of time in order to play it and give it feedback. For the last thing, weapon and boss editing requires assembly hacking. I currently do not know very much assembly at all, even if I were to put the time into helping you beyond pointing out glitches and making suggestions. There is a beginner's guide to assembly, but I highly recommend that you get a firmer grasp on modding without assembly first. If you've watched these two videos:

And read this tutorial, then I probably don't know much more about Cave Story modding than you do.
Feb 23, 2012 at 7:59 PM
Mrs. Policewoman
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Feb 24, 2012 at 1:18 AM
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hate9 said:

Anyway, you've made enough changes to this mod for a re evaluation
Storyline: 6/10 Fair. You did a fair job of making it apparent for anyone who plays Cave Story what it continues off of. Three points taken off for your poor execution of it, and one point taken off because the cutscene in Cave Story with the island falling shows Curly still dead, so this contradicts Cave Story.

Dialog: 4/10 Bad. "Ohhhh, shiny!" doesn't seem much like Curly.

Gameplay: 3/10 Poor. The falling blocks at the beginning were not good, and only starting me out with one HP, then tossing me to the outer wall where I'll die if I only get hit by one thing?

Custom Music: 3/10 Poor. You only used one instrument track in that whole title screen music. Minimal effort was put into it.

1) At the title screen, I hear a constant text sound. You must've called the wrong event.
2) At the title screen, it waits for me to press fire or jump before going to the main menu.
3) The left edge of the map for the title screen is clearly visible.
4) Blocks begin falling immediately as I start. Why is this bad? Because you can get killed by a falling block before you get the chance to move. This has happened to me several times.
5) The falling blocks' sprites need to be repositioned so that it looks natural.
6) If I die in the core, it fades out keeping the die music going, fades into my start position, back out, THEN back in.
7) When the outer wll loads, I hear the text sound.
8) When I get the sparkler, it fades out then back in.
9) When I go to the storehouse, the room never shows my character, EDIT: Ah, snuck v in while I wasn't looking. The "Uwah!" from Itoh plays when I enter the storehouse. Nothing happens when I go up to either of the doors. It would be good for you to at least have a "You'er stuck." message for them. and I'm stuck.

1) Fix all of the glitches mentioned above.
2) Reposition bits of prtalmond.bmp so that the falling blocks will look right, if you choose to keep them.
3) Use the <PRI command at the beginning of your script for the hor/vert trigger to get from the core to the outer wall.
4) Improve the level design of the tunnel leading from the interior of the outer wall to the outer wall. All you did was erase the solid tiles to make a path for you, which is lazy level design.
5) I suppose that basically the demo has ended once you get to the outer wall? It would be good to make some ingame indication that it's the end of the demo, like make it fade out and display a, "That's as far as it goes for now!" message when you open a certain door. EDIT: Snuck version in when I wasn't looking. Good, glad you added such a room.
6) That empty tile in the storehouse is not too well-executed. When I jump in, I have to the ngo to the side to enter the next room.

Overall Score: 2/10 Pathetic. While no modder would like getting this score, you've come a long way considering what this mod used to be. You've managed now to make this mod do what you want it to do, to an extent. The real issue with all of your releases is that it really looks like it hasn't been tested. I can't stress enough how important it is to test your mod, and make sure you don't encounter any major glitches. I also fail to understand why you start the player out with 1 HP. Now know this: even though your score only improved by one point, it actually improved by two points because my system gave this mod a zero originally, but since there's no zero, and I had to round it to one it looked like you had scored one before. So actually, your score has improved by two points.
Feb 24, 2012 at 12:18 PM
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I'm going to outline the part that confuses me less subtly this time

Storyline: 6/10 Fair.
Dialog: 4/10 Bad.
Gameplay: 3/10 Poor.
Custom Music: 3/10 Poor.

Overall Score: 2/10 Pathetic.

Feb 24, 2012 at 4:09 PM
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Because somehow this mod adds up to be less than the sum of its parts I guess?
Feb 24, 2012 at 5:05 PM
Mrs. Policewoman
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Sorry, I'm fixing it right now.
Feb 24, 2012 at 6:46 PM
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I'm going to outline the part that confuses me less subtly this time
You're looking at this the wrong way. There are other factors in this as well that you deleted from the quote.
He's not avereging it, he's rating the mod as a whole.
Getting warmer.
Because somehow this mod adds up to be less than the sum of its parts I guess?
Getting even warmer.

Here's what my mod rating system is:

Rate it by all applicable categories: Storyline, Dialog, Level Design, Gameplay, Custom Graphics, Custom Music.
Each of these aspects if rated on a scale of one to ten.
1 = Abysmal
2 = Pathetic
3 = Poor
4 = Bad
5 = Mediocre
6 = Fair
7 = Good
8 = Great
9 = Excellent
10 = Amazing

Following the rating of each category, I make a brief description of it, if applicable. Not every category may be used based on how widely customized the game is. After rating each category, I point out every glitch I can find, and every improvement I think the modder can make. The first listed improvement is always "Fix all of the glitches mentioned above" as the first if there were any, and list any other improvements. Then, I take the average of the scores of the categories to make the overall score. One point is subtracted from the final score for every five glitches I find, and for every five improvments I have to suggest. The final score is followed a brief description of what I think about the mod overall. If the final score is less than one, then it's automatically rounded up to one.
Feb 25, 2012 at 9:35 AM
The Eternal Darkness
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Well. That's a good rating system. I'm going to rate the rating system 10/10. Just because it's great, and now I know what system may possibly be used if one of my mods (in the future, once I find a way to enable them to be played) is played or tested or whichever word can be used.
Feb 26, 2012 at 8:31 PM
Mrs. Policewoman
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Feb 26, 2012 at 9:09 PM
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So, you still haven't fixed the glitch with the text sound being played during the title screen. But I see you added dialog for when Curly wakes up. The problem is, she knows Quote's name right then and there? I thought she's not supposed to remember until she's fed the ma pignon. But I'm glad you fixed the falling blocks. When you go from the core to the outer wall, I still hear a text sound. When you go back to the core from the outer wall, it would be better in that case to use the <PRI command instead of the <KEY command. I see you changed the dialog for finding the sparkler, good. You have conveniently modified the outer wall so that you can reach the little's house, but nothing happens when I try to open it. I gotta say, that was pretty creative what you did with the save point, but there are two problems with this:

1) There is an unecessary extra <NOD at the save point's script.
2) Someone could jump off the edge of a map, and save in midair just before they reach the horizontal/vertical trigger, so that they'd immediately die every time they load their game.

That place outside was interesting, but the level design could be less repetitive, and have more pizazz.
Feb 27, 2012 at 8:30 PM
Mrs. Policewoman
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ok, sorry!
I'm fixing everything that i can but i can't find what the problem is on the title screen
Feb 27, 2012 at 8:40 PM
The Eternal Darkness
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Tried downloading version, but it didn't work. So I tried again. Still didn't work.
Feb 27, 2012 at 8:53 PM
Mrs. Policewoman
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Feb 27, 2012 at 8:55 PM
The Eternal Darkness
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Ah, finally! Thanks, hate9. I'll play it tomorrow, before rating it. Is it alright if I use Cave Editor to see if I can't find the problem on the title screen?

I've just extracted it, but what's with the "Thumbs.db" file?
Feb 27, 2012 at 9:00 PM
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That won't help. If it's a problem with the title screen, you'll need to look at title.pbm/bmp and see if something's wrong, or sneak around in the assembly code of the game. I haven't seen the title screen issue, but CE will only help if you expect to fix an intro glitch (ie the scene that appears before the title screen).