First of all let me say that I think all of them have something to offer and have grown on me after multiple listenings. One issue I had with a lot of them, however, is the instrument balance, usually because they (in part or full) tried to fit too many tracks/changes in at once. The ones that don't do this tend to be missing a little something elsewhere. I still don't know much in the way of music terminology either so try to bear with me
Catmonthastrophe - The buildup in this great and one of my favourite parts in any of these, but I don't like the second half so much. It switches straight to an upbeat come-down and isn't nearly as clean and solid. While the general quality of production is evident throughout, it's too offputting for me to give a vote to.
Egnellahc anif - Those grinding chords didn't need to be quite so harsh. It then moves into the finish of the loop rather abruptly; aside from that it invokes a castle-dungeon-type theme very well and I rather like it.
Little Lion Boss - My favourite part of this is from bars 28 to 44, some nice rhythm and well-supported melody there. The rest meanders a bit and often sounds more loud and crashy than tuneful, particularly the opening.
Stridulity - I don't mind the main melody at first but it never really develops. Could have done with some much stronger percussion too.
A gaze towards a-something something! - This is an interesting one actually. I think it genuinely achieves the awkward feel it was going for (if that
is what it was going for) with the changeups coming at just the right times to avoid it dragging. You could maybe do more with the drums but I'm not sure what; I think it might even sound better with them off. It isn't the bossiest or most engrossing track here either (although it's got the best name
Bridge Demon - Again I feel this strictly probably tries to do a bit too much in one song. Having said that, I do like all of the segments, and it shows off plenty of fancy technique. You really have an astounding ability to get any effect you want out of OrgMaker. Also suits its own name reasonably well.
Tpboss - Very nice classic Genesis-y (?) sound you've produced. Definitely not aesthetically or technically bad, but suffers from a few issues the others have had (weaker second half, doesn't really go anywhere, short). Would definitely fit a boss, though.
Fear Pulse - I'd describe this is as in the same vein as Egnellahc anif but more solemn and (even) more like a dungeon theme. Solid track but I'd feel odd fighting to it.
Finale of a kind - I like me
Idk I think it's alright. The compilation video did make it sound a bit limp (an impression unimproved by the lack of volume). Still I think some parts could've been less plain, particularly the opening segment and the lead-ins starting at bars 28 and 36. Time was getting on though and I didn't want to spend forever on it. Considering I basically cobbled it together from a single tune and have barely touched my keyboard or drumset for the best part of a decade I can't complain too much.
Epyx - This might be my favourite stylistically. Unfortunate that you were rushing to get it finished as it does sound a little unpolished. It's also another one I'd rather use for a level than for a boss fight, meaning provided I'm not too late I'm still not sure what I want to pick from this bunch
I might give it to ColdCloppy because this is easily the most competent thing I remember him ever doing, but if I have to pick one of the most popular two I'm going with Bridge Demon.