Ehhh ok... I have an idea!
Why not make the game from whole different point of view!
Make it such that you are playing the role of either Misery or Balrog and you could make your opponents Quote, Curly and all the rest of the good people
And i have ideas for their weapons too!
Equipment for Misery
1) Magic jump: You can hold the jump key while in the air to levitate for a short peroid of time.
2) Staff: Allows the use of magic
3) Psychic: Map system (lol)
4) etc.
Magic ball
Lv1: Shoots out while balls of magic (same appearance as Misery's normal attack). Maximum 3 on screen at a time. Small amount of damage and low range. No area of effect.
Lv2: Shoots out grey balls of magic. Maximum 4 on screen at a time. Medium damage and long range. No area of effect.
Lv3: Shoots out black balls of magic. Maximum 5 on screen at a time. Good damage and long range. Wide area of effect.
Magic bolt
Lv1: White lightning balls. Strikes nearest 1 enemy with low damage.
Lv2: Light-blue lightning balls. Strikes nearest 3 enemies with medium damage.
Lv3: Black lightning summoned from the sky. Strikes 5 enemies all around you with high damage.
Equipment for Balrog --> Similar to Quote's items. He's a robot too, afterall...
1) Wings...?: Press jump in mid air to hover for a peroid of time. Arms become wings (lol)
2) Steel armour: Reduces weapon energy loss (Arms Barrier)
3) Oxygen Tank
4) Sonar: Map system
5) etc.
Lv1: Small yellow missile. 3 shots on screen at a time. Fires in a straight line one at a time.
Lv2: Small orange missiles. 3 shots on screen at a time. Fires 3 missiles that spread.
Lv3: Fat red missile. 3 shots on screen at a time. Fires 5 missiles that spread.
Are they good?

Again, I don't know if they are really possible. But if they are i'm sure it'll need alot of hard work. Also, for the lightning bolt for Misery, maybe this could help:
You know, when you fight Misery at the end of the game, she produces 3 black balls of lightning that strike down when you're below them? You could do something to the hex code or something (frankly, I don't know lol. I'm just giving ideas) to make it such that the lightning strikes when an enemy is below it instead.