tommy631 said:
miakid (Mee-a-KiD)
the bearer of the demon crown before the docter
NO WONDER! it seemed so familiar

Oh yeah I just came up with an idea! You know Booster always runs out of fuel after boostering in the air for a few sseconds? And it wouldn't be fun if you could keep boostering for ever. So, maybe you could change the booster thingy into like... A motobike? QuoteMobile! I got that idea from another thread... the "3 word story time" thread.
So... This is how it would work. Its an equipment item. You can go at the same speed as booster or maybe faster forever, that is, only on groud. Now that would make it less cheatish, cause you can only speed on ground. But the motorbike has a speed booster? To activate the speed booster, you press the jump button in the air after you have jumped once off the ground. When you jump off the ground, the motorbike would face skywards at a 45 degree angle. When you press the jump again, the motorbike would speed higher into the sky at twice the normal speed.
Light cannon
I was thinking. Maybe in this mod, the main character can use enemy attacks. This is one of my favourite
Level1: Shoots out small little blobs of yellow light in a straight line. 2 on screen at a time. Limited range.
Level2: Shoots out medium sized balls of blue light in a straight line. 3 on screen at a time. Further range.
Level3: Shoots out large balls of light blue light in a straight line. 3 on screen at a time. Far range. Goes through walls.
Sniper Rifle
So... this long gun would be the most accurate weapon ever! And the bullets travel really fast, so you wouldn't miss your target from afar.
Level1: Shoots out a short and thin length of laser at a very high speed. 1 on screen at a time. Limited range. High damage (like between 15 to 20, damage increases with distance)
Level2: Shoots out a short and thin length of laser at a very high speed. 1 on screen at a time. Less limited range. Moderately high damage (between 30 to 40, damage increases with distance)
Level3: Shoots out a short and thin length of laser at a very high speed. 1 on screen at a time. Unlimited range. Very high damage (between 70 to 90, damage increases with distance)
How does it sound?