1. I thought he was going to come off as too goofy, not too serious

2. Should be or shouldn't be? I thought I removed all of these.
3. The challenge for that area is to complete it without using the Booster 0.8
4. Will (try to) fix
5. I forgot about that. Welp

Not much I can do about it because the whole area is dependent on it.
6. Eh. I could add some sparkles to the first statue to make it clear they should be interacted with, but I think it's pretty obvious to talk to the one down in the hole seeing as it's the only thing there.
7. I couldn't think of a way to fit Zangetsu in any earlier plot-wise, so I guess consider it more of an atmospheric area.
8. You mean fade out? It's necessary for all map changes/teleports, and if someone wants to keep sleeping beyond that then good for them.
9. Yes it is will fix
10. Will try to fix/figure out
11. It appears that I used the wrong version of that tile by mistake; like I said, tired
Could you be more specific about what you mean regarding trial and error? The Fall shows you where you'll drop (the first time at least - I could remove the skipflags but I didn't want the scenes to become tedious), and The Trench is pretty easy after the part where you reach the Booster 0.8. I could up the starting HP to 6, but the player would still be screwed if they took a spike to the knee and then had to get through the part with the enemies without getting hit.
Yeah, the Rest station is basically a puzzle area, but I wanted to do something vaguely interesting with the life caps. I decided 18 (with 21 as a bonus) was a good balance for the middle four areas, because that's roughly what they were originally designed around (only ToT and BMMJ had a lot more). The only other part I can think of that's memory-heavy is the first Grit Zone wind section, but once you pass the first part it's rather easy to cheese it, especially with the Legs Shield.