VoidMage_Lowell said:
When have I ever bragged about my post count? I was merely pointing out how active I've been, how helpful and contributive, in the short time I've been here. {That's something big, considering how many members we have that haven't been contributive at all, in the entirely that they've been here.}
And several 'senior' members find me helpful and accept me as an equal, wither you believe it or not.
Now if that isn't bregging. "Look at me I'm more contributive and better than members who are longer here than me!" I'm kinda fed up with your arrogance.
If I wouldn't be an admin, you would be the first one on my ignore list.
VoidMage_Lowell said:
No mod demos!?
Jeeze, you're not a very good admin if you don't know what's going on in your own forum.
I believe this is what you'd call a good demo of a mod. And the demo for this one's getting close to finishing.
I'm also helping around the Hacking/Modding forum often, very often.
You should go check around the forum more often, if you're going to use such claims.
I'm checking the forums often enough, thank you.
I know that mod, but I have a different taste, thank you again.
I know how you help around the forums, like debating over everything and tell newbies that they can screw theirselfes and go to search a little bit.
VoidMage_Lowell said:
And you heard what Sky said about those images ;D
He only said that one image wasn't suitable.
But now that you're talking about that, I think I will talk about this with him again in the admin forums some time.
VoidMage_Lowell said:
Have more respect for the other gender
Oh really? My gf has never complained also noone of my female friends ever had. What has porn to do with respect? You should respect the artist of the image and the image as a work of art.
VoidMage_Lowell said:
Um, I help 'newbs' all the time, some even joined because of things I've done.
People care, if you don't
First you flame all the newbies and now you're acting like you're their biggest hero. I'm really getting sick of this. Next time I will see you flaming a new member you will get atleast a warning.
VoidMage_Lowell said:
And you wonder why I don't have much respect for you....
I was just pointing out possibilities.
You should show some respect for the authorities, otherwise you're kinda asking for it.