There, you've been officially flamed.
You're right it does do a lot for you but so does any good editor. Remember, this is being designed to be an editor not a hacking tool. You're not supposed to have l33t skillz to use it. Even so, you still need to understand a bit of what's going on to use it. I mean, the reason anyone designs an editor in the first place is to make hacking the game that much easier. The only thing it does is organize and translate game data into useful information for you to use and modify. Ultimately when the NPC and weapon behavior editing portion is complete you'll still have to know assembly to use it. I don't plan on writing a miniature compiler to convert pseudo code into hex for you or anything.
I agree though the GUI could definitely use some work but you get what you pay for.
Hell, I didn't learn any of this crap in school its all basically self taught. I'd love to use OpenGL for the graphics, and add some keyboard shortcuts but I'm still figuring all that out. Regardless, everyone has their preference in how they want to do things.
-I can't seem to reproduce your freeze/crash when editing events greater than 1000. Does it happen when editing the script after the event number or when exactly?
-Wow a 30,000 character script. That's crazy. I thought I read somewhere that there was a 14,000 character limit, oh well. I'm still working on that right now. It'll open the script from WTF story now but it won't allow any additional characters to be added. I need to figure out why.
-I fixed the 24-bit tile set issue. Silly bit of duplicate code I didn't copy. (I'll upload a fix by the end of the night.)