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Cave Story: The Story That Never Happened Demo (REALLY BAD MOD DONT PLAY)

Sep 5, 2016 at 10:51 PM
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"Fly, Fly, Fly!"
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Hey guys! Here is my first mod, and I hope you like it.
I will answer any questions when I have time. :)
This is only the first portion of the game, so don't judge me for how uncompleted it is.

I will answer questions by replies, so don't check all over the place up here for them.
EDIT: Alright people! TSTNH is going to get another demo! Don't expect it this weekend, I'm planning on finishing this one by October ninth, so don't count on it coming soon.
Sorry, but I was unable to finish this on time because of bare time, and works on other stuff. BUT I did do a small modification of the game for a start. Here is a screenshot:
EDIT 10/30/16: I am sad to say that it is becoming too difficult to work on this with schoolwork, Minecraft, music composing, and other stuff in the way, so this may not become finished. From now on I'm just going to upload mods when I complete them, so people don't have hopes high. This mod was just me trying to test my modding skills and an attempt to create a fully fledged story (which unfortunately, didn't happen). Sorry guys. I might work on this on my free time slightly more, but not much. Anyways, for those people who enjoy playing Cave Story (and those mods), keep on playing, and goodbye!
~ CavestoryLOL
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Sep 5, 2016 at 11:35 PM
beep boop
Bobomb says: "I need a hug!"
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Time to do something! Yay!
Screenshot (1104).png
Alright, basic title intro. Could be worked on, but not that high a priority.
Screenshot (1105).png
Nice new title screen.
Screenshot (1106).png
It may just be me but that jump is hard.
Screenshot (1107).png
I'm pretty sure that jump may be impossible, even though it leads to a dead end. I wanna read that sign though.
Screenshot (1110).png
There is a lack of a <NOD so the end message doesn't stay. Also nice org, could use some work, but pretty good.
Screenshot (1109).png
And there's no <KEY here.
All in all, decent for a first attempt.
Sep 6, 2016 at 12:37 AM
The "C" in "college" is for "crippling debt".
Bobomb says: "I need a hug!"
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@Bionicobot basically pointed out everything that needs fixing EXCEPT the awkward opening dialogue. I'm not sure who is talking to whom or where in this mod, you can make it more clear with more facepics or some animating for a talking character.
Sep 6, 2016 at 1:19 AM
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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This mod looks like a neat concept so far. The issues I've had are pretty much the same ones that Bionic and Jaws posted here, too. I can't wait to see what happens next!

I'm pretty sure that jump may be impossible, even though it leads to a dead end. I wanna read that sign though.
I know that it was an impossible jump, but I actually first thought this was like the gap you could just walk over in the TMNT NES game.
Sep 7, 2016 at 12:43 AM
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"Fly, Fly, Fly!"
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Time to do something! Yay!
View attachment 3266
Alright, basic title intro. Could be worked on, but not that high a priority.
Aw, shoot. I completely forgot about that. Well, I'll fix that in the next demo.
View attachment 3267
Nice new title screen.
Thank you!
View attachment 3268
It may just be me but that jump is hard.
Actually, that jump is possible. It just is really difficult if you haven't played Cave Story before (I'm not saying that you haven't).
View attachment 3269
I'm pretty sure that jump may be impossible, even though it leads to a dead end. I wanna read that sign though.
If you look in the code, it actually leads to an unused ending.
Haha! I trapped you!<NOD<CLR<FAC0032
Oh shoot, I'm stuck!<NOD<FAC0000<CLR<CLO<FAO0004
And so you were never seen again...<NOD<CLR<CMU0026
~ The End ~<END
View attachment 3270
There is a lack of a <NOD so the end message doesn't stay. Also nice org, could use some work, but pretty good.
I know. While I tested the mod after I uploaded the .zip, I noticed that.
View attachment 3271
And there's no <KEY here.
look above.
All in all, decent for a first attempt.
Oct 1, 2016 at 1:24 AM
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"Fly, Fly, Fly!"
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@Bionicobot basically pointed out everything that needs fixing EXCEPT the awkward opening dialogue. I'm not sure who is talking to whom or where in this mod, you can make it more clear with more facepics or some animating for a talking character.
The mimiga in the beginning will not play a major role in the game except for the beginning, but if you think I should add a facepic, sure.
EDIT 10/2/16:
Actually, I don't have enough time and won't do it because I'm lazy =P so no.
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Oct 1, 2016 at 6:16 AM
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"Fly, Fly, Fly!"
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Oct 2, 2016 at 11:08 PM
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"Fly, Fly, Fly!"
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You can quote multiple people in one post, no need to double post.
I made the post above yours more recently than the one above it. Please pay attention to dates posts were made.

EDIT: yay for 2 years after revisits. Excuse me, this post was way more rude than I remember. Goodbye person browsing old threads! Don't look at this thread ever again.
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