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Cave Story ~ The Eternal Chaos

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Mar 16, 2007 at 7:19 PM
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SkyeWelse said:
This is a proposal for now and not what I'm setting the rules for at the moment. I wanted to get feedback on this first. Perhaps I'll create a poll later and people can decide on the whole of the community as the best means of handling this issue.


As far as I know just using it is illegal...
Maybe its because the german "Urheberrecht" is somewhat different from english.

Edit: I like the idea better to ask and credit the author...
C'mon it isn't that hard just ask one question. lol

"If you develop a Cave Story mod and use your own graphics and decide to allow visitors to this site the ability to view and play your mod, then you understand that your mod, effort and artwork therein is at risk of being used by someone else. In the event that you believe someone has taken without permission, ideas, artwork and code from a mod that you have originally created, no one is liable but yourself, the author of the mod who made the decision to allow people to download it in the first place."

lol that's a invitation to protect my work and don't let the Screenshot key for windows work in my mod...
I could build in, if I want to but it's dumb, its more work for me just to get something protected, which can be protected with a simple rule change :p
But thats my opinion :p
Handle it how you wan't, you're the admin and I'm acutally pretty sure I'm the only one who has got that opinion, so I have to hook up with the majority...
Mar 16, 2007 at 7:31 PM
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Protecting your own files is actually a pretty good way to solve the problems if you are able to do it. Perhaps if that is something that is effective in making it difficult for people to just rip work out of a mod that belongs to someone else, perhaps you can explain how the process is done so that others can protect their files as well.

Mar 16, 2007 at 8:20 PM
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SkyeWelse said:
Protecting your own files is actually a pretty good way to solve the problems if you are able to do it. Perhaps if that is something that is effective in making it difficult for people to just rip work out of a mod that belongs to someone else, perhaps you can explain how the process is done so that others can protect their files as well.


So you don't disagree with that idea?
Well, I can try to make it with assembler, the thing is the game loads bmp's you have to rework that file format, bmp's are easy to get, anyhow maybe you can store them in the exe and then compress it...
I will look into it ;)
It will surely protect people's work so no one can use it without the source files... (so they have to ask before they can use images e.t.c.)
Mar 16, 2007 at 8:30 PM
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Zeshiro said:

Whoa nice...

Haha for Zesh you shoulda used a black(edit: White) background, he practically blends in with the black background ;)
Mar 16, 2007 at 10:49 PM
Starbound sucked sadly
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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Chaddykins said:
Whoa nice...

Haha for Zesh you shoulda used a black background, he practically blends in with the black background ;)

dont you mean white?
Mar 16, 2007 at 11:23 PM
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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Well but you can't use white in Cave Story, because it's background colour is 0,0,0 and thats pure black ;)
Mar 16, 2007 at 11:29 PM
Starbound sucked sadly
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just mentioning his mistake,
and you can place things in front of the background right?
that means you can put something white like a object to atleast cover it..
Mar 16, 2007 at 11:32 PM
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xristosx said:
just mentioning his mistake,
and you can place things in front of the background right?
that means you can put something white like a object to atleast cover it..

Well, I mean transparent colour with background colour. :D
That's the colour the game replaces with "nothing" ;)
Mar 17, 2007 at 12:44 AM
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Speaking of replacing things with 'nothing', the same goes for star-blocks. if you change the gfx to nothing, the block you set to be breakable will just have the actual gfx, rather than the block's... so, you can easily make walls like those in the underside.
Mar 17, 2007 at 1:38 AM
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I totally Agree with SkyeWelse and ShInInG PhAnToM! If you're gona copy something, It's not that bad, and usualy ok. But what you should do is credit the person doing it. It's easy for you, and very very VERY nice and respectful to them.

SP: I know I'm kinda new here, but I have delt in multiple misunderstandings in forums and games. Emotions are lost in letters... I totally understand what your getting at. I agreed with you... and then SkyeWelse said your a Mod, then OMG I agreed with you! YOU ARE A MODERATOR. IT'S YOUR JOB, AND YOUR DOING IT. If someone has a problem with someone doing their JOB, they should go back to playign their silly XBOXs!

*pant pant*

Um... heh heh ;)
Mar 17, 2007 at 3:47 AM
Starbound sucked sadly
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i agree with the 2 but
Mar 17, 2007 at 4:00 AM
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xristosx said:
PlayStation still gets a YAY.
No Way!
Is Gay!
I won't say!
Gets Pepper Spray!
(Full in theBlankedy Blank)

IM(not)HO, XBOX is a system that came along and suddenly was like "REAL gamers play us". But NINTENDO is all WTF (which it deserves to say),cause it is the REAL gaming system. IT knows the ups and downs of Video Gaming, and now this "Console" comes along and says "Oh, if your a real gamer, its all about graphics" which is a load of crap! And any Cave Story player knows that! Graphics are good, but they come in last.

And most importantly... well... I... am rambleing. But yeah, thats what I think. The facts are true, and the opinions are based on those facts. Pretty much ;)
Mar 17, 2007 at 5:25 AM
Starbound sucked sadly
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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oh i like nintendo as well ;) see my siggy...

and i like xbox at lets end it at that because its off topic!
:p :p

and i know about it isnt all about grapics!! i play old dos games that have awesome story lines, i care mostly about story and gameplay not so much grapics at all, thats why i like cavestory because of the gameplay style.

so dont tell me about graphics isnt everything because i know that.


ps: i dont have a smart funny comeback for ps2
plus it has dragon ball z budakai tencachi 2 :p
Mar 17, 2007 at 10:45 AM
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Lol you guys offtopic :p
Post and vote here (all member's should vote at last) :
Anyhow I think the results of it will be kinda concisely.

ShInInG PhAnToM said:
So I think we should left it to the author's how it will be, they release it under rule 1 or rule 2 ;)
Rule 1 is you don't have to ask or credit just let it go...
Rule 2 is something like asking and crediting.

So none of the sides have a disadventage... :p And I think that's best.
And look: How many people are modding and still updating thier mods? 3? 4?
Anyway not much...

I think that would be the best :p
Mar 17, 2007 at 8:45 PM
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just delete the broken star block gfx and make a pass-thru map object under the star block entity.
Mar 20, 2007 at 11:52 PM
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ZTAIMAT、どこに! あるか。私はずっとあなたに話すことを試みている!!

Because I've fallen out of contanct with you, ZT. I figured I would just post this here for you to get. It's progress. I suppose. You should also put ZTaimat's frames back in, because I changed a few things with the shading. And I also changed a thing or two with Zeshiro's frames, as well as adding several new ones. I'll try to contact you again some time.
Mar 21, 2007 at 12:10 AM
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ZTAIMAT は日本じん ですか?
こまるなっていましたら、Zeshiroだけに, ZTAIMATのEMAILをあげます。でも、それはひみつです、みんんあさんに。


Mar 21, 2007 at 1:22 AM
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Zeshiro said:
ZTAIMAT、どこに! あるか。私はずっとあなたに話すことを試みている!!

Because I've fallen out of contanct with you, ZT. I figured I would just post this here for you to get. It's progress. I suppose. You should also put ZTaimat's frames back in, because I changed a few things with the shading. And I also changed a thing or two with Zeshiro's frames, as well as adding several new ones. I'll try to contact you again some time.

Thanks... Sorry you couldn't contact me, My computer died. A horribly painful death at that. It seems I've lost EVERYTHING. (literally, and seariously)

Luckily I didn't do too much to the script after I sent you that "recent" version mid-late March Break (for me). I have a LOT of sprite editing ahead of me now @_@...
Mar 21, 2007 at 9:41 AM
Starbound sucked sadly
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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died!!!!!! :D
just kiddin :o
you need to learn from nator
he knows how to back up his
mods :D
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