Mar 16, 2007 at 7:19 PM
Join Date: Dec 30, 2005
Location: Germany
Posts: 3218
Age: 33
Pronouns: No homie
SkyeWelse said:This is a proposal for now and not what I'm setting the rules for at the moment. I wanted to get feedback on this first. Perhaps I'll create a poll later and people can decide on the whole of the community as the best means of handling this issue.
As far as I know just using it is illegal...
Maybe its because the german "Urheberrecht" is somewhat different from english.
Edit: I like the idea better to ask and credit the author...
C'mon it isn't that hard just ask one question. lol
"If you develop a Cave Story mod and use your own graphics and decide to allow visitors to this site the ability to view and play your mod, then you understand that your mod, effort and artwork therein is at risk of being used by someone else. In the event that you believe someone has taken without permission, ideas, artwork and code from a mod that you have originally created, no one is liable but yourself, the author of the mod who made the decision to allow people to download it in the first place."
lol that's a invitation to protect my work and don't let the Screenshot key for windows work in my mod...
I could build in, if I want to but it's dumb, its more work for me just to get something protected, which can be protected with a simple rule change

But thats my opinion

Handle it how you wan't, you're the admin and I'm acutally pretty sure I'm the only one who has got that opinion, so I have to hook up with the majority...