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Cave Story - Redesign v0.50.6

Feb 4, 2013 at 11:32 PM
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Dunc2403 said:
"old hell time:6'52"6 (aw no new title screen =( )
NEW HELL TIME (CS+):6"18"8""
And memorization skills are not video game skills.
You know, i am not obligated to change my signature whenever i get a faster hell time.
Feb 5, 2013 at 1:39 AM
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wtf it crashes whenever i tries to starts it wtf mannn
Feb 5, 2013 at 2:59 AM
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Dunc, I am going to have to side with Liammillay here. That terminal was very cryptic. I was stuck at that part myself, and I would NOT have gotten past that if I hadn't read an earlier reply to this thread. One thing that really annoys me is when people on these forums get condemned for saying a puzzle or secret in a mod here is too hard to solve or find, and be told that they're either stupid, or suck at video games. I saw a bunch of people getting chewed out for complaining the puppy puzzle in Jenka's Nightmare was too hard. Well you know what? It was too hard. I was stuck at it too until I looked through the thread, saw people saying they got stuck, and then got told how to do it followed by being chastised for not having respect for Shmitz for making such a clever puzzle. It was clever, very clever, but that doesn't mean the creator should ignore repetitious complaints that their puzzle or secret is too hard.

When you've gotten past that part, you're on the other side, and now since you know how to do it, you won't take as long to get it done every subsequent time you play the mod. Let me just ask anyone reading this: how many people with the mentality mentioned above figured this or the Sand Zone puppy teleporter puzzle out on their own without reading up on how to do it? When I played WTF? Story for the first time, it was one of the first releases to feature chapter five. When I first played it, I thought the treasure chest memory part, and signpost puzzles were the absolute perfect difficulty levels. I had the perfect amount of time wondering how to do it, the perfect amount of time spent figuring it out, and quite a sense of fulfillment in having figured out how to do it on my own. I later found out that both of those used to be harder. Any harder than what they were would have been too hard in my opinion. People who had been playing older versions of the mod, if I recall correctly, were saying stuff like: "What? That puzzle was too hard for these people? Oh come on, is it that much trouble to check every chest?" And my answer is yes, yes it would have been too much trouble to check every chest. I was glad to have that blue robot there to help me. Having him there my first playthrough really optimized my first experience with WTF Story.

When people say this stuff is too hard to find, it's for a reason. Please stop condemning the newcomer for not being able to solve a puzzle. This goes back to a very good point Matt brought up in his thread. When a player tells the creator there's a problem, that he can't get past this part, that it's too hard to figure out, sometimes the creator, or in this case people who have been clued in on how to do it, tell the player that they have a problem, and that they're stupid or bad at video games. They know all the ins and outs already, so the idea that it's too hard is either lost, or nonexistent in their minds.


There is nothing wrong with the fact that you weren't able to figure out where that last terminal was, Liammillay.
Feb 5, 2013 at 4:52 AM
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It wasn't the fact that he couldn't get past it. If he'd simply asked for help I'd have let it be. It was him saying "this is what makes mods suck im a better gam makr den u lololol" that ticked me off.

And regarding the puppy puzzle I never even saw what was hard about it in the first place! Especially once you find the Booster, it all makes sense then.
Feb 5, 2013 at 4:41 PM
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Dunc2403 said:
It was him saying "this is what makes mods suck im a better gam makr den u lololol" that ticked me off.
He wasn't referring entirely to this mod alone. Yes, mods in general are bad, there's only a select few that are actually good. Even with CS Redesign being the intended target, people are entitled to their own opinions. It is rude when a person repeats himself over and over again bashing the mod, or even writes a huge wall of text flaming the mod maker, but did you really need to jump down Liammillay's throat for just a minor comment? It's generally reasonable to make a secret that you have to get in order to get the most powerful weapon, or get the best ending, but when it comes to progressing through the game, a secret that hard to find can be quite frustrating. And bringing that issue to the attention of the mod maker and explaining how it influenced his experience playing the mod is what I call legitimate criticism. Another thing that annoys me is when people get condemned for criticizing a mod, and get told to try modding for themselves and see how easy it is, or get accused of claiming to have better game design skills than the creator of the mod they're playing. The fact that the critic couldn't make something better himself/herself is never a valid argument against constructive criticism.
Dunc2403 said:
And regarding the puppy puzzle I never even saw what was hard about it in the first place! Especially once you find the Booster, it all makes sense then.
Good for you then.
Feb 5, 2013 at 8:20 PM
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Dunc2403 said:
"im a better gam makr den u lololol" that ticked me off.
And uh... WHERE did i say that? I didn't.
Just because i say that stuff that the player couldn't guess makes a game worse, doesn't mean i am implying that i'm a better game maker.
Feb 6, 2013 at 5:52 AM
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The thing here is that the corridor hint(s) was too obvious for us who have played metroid games (considering the big influence the metroid franchise has over this mod)

But for those who are alienated with metroid, I gotta admit they might run on circles for hours before figuring it out
And running in circles for hours in the FIRST dungeon is a sign of bad design

Please don't forget that this game is in a beta stage, so voicing out such complains are actually a good feedback for the creator to notice how many people have trouble with it and decide to whether do something about it or not

Let people complain even if it sounds harsh, it helps evolve the mod in the right direction
Feb 6, 2013 at 6:08 AM
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I can't beat WTF Story on normal mode. Hell, I can barely beat JN. That doesn't mean they're bad mods, it just means I need to try harder. Difficulty is a good thing in games to an extent. If the game is too easy, what's the point? (I am not a hypocrite VNs are a different story don't hurt me please)

The problem is that you're being pretty aggressive here, Liam, and taking it out on Polaris and Dubby. They didn't do anything wrong - in fact, Polaris tried to steer you in the right direction and you still yelled at him/er. It wasn't really necessary for Dunc to pull you into the "12-year-old BEST MOD EVER group", though.

And complaining isn't exactly the same as giving feedback. The modder will more likely be inclined to listen to you if you give purposeful feedback instead of trying to hurt their feelings. I'm not saying sugarcoat the details, just respect the modder a little. They worked hard for this mod.
Feb 6, 2013 at 12:22 PM
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MagicDoors said:
They didn't do anything wrong - in fact, Polaris tried to steer you in the right direction and you still yelled at him/er.
Oh no, it's fine. Liam basically complained that I wasn't specific enough, which given his thoughts on the terminal wasn't really bad enough to count as yelling at me at all. I'm not really in this argument ;)

I'll admit to taking nearly thirty minutes wandering around the egg observatory room before I found the terminal. I believe a hint somewhere says it's in the room, but I still didn't quite know what to do. I was quite happy when I finally figured it out.

As for the infamous puppy puzzle...well, I already knew what to do since I had read nearly the entirety of the JNR thread, and for a minute or two I was still confused ^_^;

The puzzle was clunky, slow, incredibly confusing, and made getting around Sand Zone very annoying. I'm honestly not sure why Shmitz, cool guy he is, thought it was a good idea.

Sometimes puzzles are meant to be very difficult, so you have to actually think a bit. You feel like a boss when you finally complete these. But there is a line that shouldn't be crossed, and if a necessary puzzle is too confusing, nearly impossible to figure out by yourself, or hurts other parts of the game, then perhaps the creator could consider giving a few more or better hints, making the puzzle more intuitive, or making the puzzle more logical to figure out to get it back in the cool zone.

All the Egg corridor puzzle needs is perhaps another hint or making the entrance a bit more noticeable. Not making it easy per say, just a bit better in the long run. If Dubby comes back, he could fix it - no need to fight over it.
Feb 9, 2013 at 3:39 AM
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Egg corridor... "puzzle" problems could be solved by simply making that crack in the wall a damn missile block. You know why? Because this is the same damn room you get the missile launcher. Since this is a new (from my perspective) idea in using the missile to break special blocks, it shouldn't be the player's fault that they aren't used to it immediately. Hell, I was running back and forth through the damn egg corridor for FOURTY MINUTES trying to find the fucking terminal that was in the same damn room, until I caved and opened the mod in Booster's Lab.

And I'm the guy who can beat Hell in under 4 minutes with 3HP/Minimal Items.

It's pretty simple damn game design: When introducing the player to a lasting concept, do so as bluntly as possible, then GRADUALLY make it more obscure. The way the mod goes about it is in the most immediate, uncaringly obscure manner possible. We're expected not only to know to shoot certain blocks to show missile blocks, but to ALSO shoot missiles at blocks with cracks on them, when in some cases it works but other cases it doesn't at all. Point goes to bad game design.
Feb 16, 2013 at 10:03 PM
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I'm working my way through this mod for the first time -- just made it to grasstown.

My initial thoughts
- Combat difficulty requires you to slow down and think a little bit. This contrasts with the original game where you can pretty much just blow through everything. I like this most of the time but sometimes the enemies seem spammy. Particularly when you have a ton of those little blue critters jammed into a jagged narrow passage (wtf?)
- Maps are huge and exploration is a big part of the game. One flaw I think might be that sometimes the map is *too* open, as in it is sometimes possible to get to some places that you probably aren't supposed to get to until later, or places you are supposed to get to via a different route. There are some places in the egg corridor, and in the cave between mimiga village and grasstown, where you can get to a place or take a shortcut that would normally be inaccessible, by jumping up and intentionally getting hit by an enemy to boost you up an extra block. I find myself going "against the grain" sometimes
- Bosses are challenging but good
- I am beginning to despise those blocks that crumble underneath you. Especially when they look like regular blocks at first
- The solution to the egg corridor room needs to be less obscure. I found it by myself but I spent way too much time trying to figure it out until I got lucky. The clue from Chthulu was important but I think there needs to be something else

- The game majorly glitched when in the area where you activate the wind tunnel, I dropped to the bottom before activating it. Basically I wasn't able to move and had to reset
Mar 5, 2013 at 11:19 PM
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I don't know if your around or not, but I'd like to ask you of something. In a mod I'm making, I wanted to have a grappling hook gun. Can you please tell me how you did it. If anyone else knows, please tell me how you accomplished it! I need this badly!
Mar 5, 2013 at 11:32 PM
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Mar 5, 2013 at 11:58 PM
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Sorry, I asked and you gave me some info, which at the moment I'm going to resort to, but Hayden said this mod used it and I wanted to contact Dubby directly and find out how she did it, so I already knew consciously that. So now this does look stupid. I'm sorry about that!
Mar 8, 2013 at 3:25 AM
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It pains me greatly to say this, but after a few MONTHS of playing this, I finally beat the demo. Fabulous game, and I love it. I really hate the fact that this will PROBABLY not be finished, but oh well, such Is life. I will be waiting eagerly for any updates that might wander by (But after a year, I seriously doubt it).
Mar 9, 2013 at 2:27 AM
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This Mod is a Masterpiece.
It successfully beats the original game both in all aspects and everything Pixel went for.
Well Done.
Aug 5, 2013 at 10:42 PM
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HARDEST MOD EVER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :balrog: :muscledoc: :momo: :pignon2:
and I thought the hell was hard!
Aug 9, 2013 at 4:42 AM
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Plz come back
I want more of this thing ヽ(●゚´Д`゚●)ノ゚
Aug 11, 2013 at 5:50 PM
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I'm stuck, can somebody help me please?
After i finished grasstown and get the
I can't find the entrance of the ravine (to go in sand zone) and:
Jack says the entrance is under Arthur's house and bricked in
but I can't find it...