May 26, 2010 at 8:57 AM
Join Date: May 17, 2010
Posts: 14
Well then let's try to get the rest of the story. I don't know the point of a contest but we can finish it for him if he doesn't want to do it. Schwobe said:Well then I will try to convince him, but I highly doubt I would be able to do it alone. First, tell me exactly how to get in touch with him, I'm new to this whole forum thing. Second, after I give him my word, everyone else should too. If he sees that more people appreciate his work then there is a better chance that he would come back to finish it. We all loved this mod right? Well we can't sit around and let it go unfinished.
Shadow the Past said:Everyone asks because it's a stupid puzzle. You aren't even aware that there's a puzzle.(This applies to the door puzzle in the Labyrinth too.)
carrotlord said:Since a lot of questions have been posted already, I'd like to point out that someone has done a full let's play of Jenka's Nightmare. It has everything you would need in any video walkthrough.
Let's Play Jenka's Nightmare Part 1
carrotlord said:Since a lot of questions have been posted already, I'd like to point out that someone has done a full let's play of Jenka's Nightmare. It has everything you would need in any video walkthrough.
Let's Play Jenka's Nightmare Part 1
EDIT: Crap, where did brightroar go? His LP seems to be down...
h7u9i said:So I'm gonna put all my questions and comments in one post.
Thanks for all the help! =D
carrotlord said:Answers:
There is absolutely no way to get to the center area (that has a door) of the Sand Zone.
There is one life capsule in the sand zone that requires damaging yourself in order to get it. You have to bump into an enemy, run through -127 spikes, get the capsule, then hit some -10 spikes, rush through the same -127 spikes again, then leave. If you got that already, you're good.
44HP seems like a lot, but I don't remember the exact maximum.
It is not necessary to trade the map for the remote, though it might be helpful. The remote control allows you to open certain "panels" in the world of Jenka's Nightmare (hint: one of the panels is in the Grasstown power room). Opening panels will give you certain items. I don't remember if those items are useful or not, but they aren't necessary.
It is not possible to make the spur, since the mod is unfinished.
The Arms Barrier is somewhere in the watery zone of Genesis.
After going up the chimney, you will find a very large map. That map is the official end of Jenka's Nightmare. There are no ending credits or anything else, unfortunately.
Shilag said:Alright, I'm on the verge of a breakdown here..
I've been playing this over and over again, restarting everytime I notice something I've missed, because I want to get an as close to perfect save as possible.
I had just got back from the labyrinth and gotten the Air Tank, when I came to think of the missile upgrade in Grasstown. I had taken the chest on my first visit, hoping it would "carry over" to the Missile Launcher once I got it. It didn't.
So I figured, alright, I don't feel like restarting my entire game for 5 missiles, so I decided that once I was able to go back to grasstown, I would use Caveshark and add the 5 missiles I rightfully deserve.
Little did I know that if you edit your profile in any way, the game apparently resets, and refuses to acknowledge that you've done anything at all.
And so there I was, in the sand zone, with 30 missiles and 43 hearts, among other things. But all the heart containers I had once taken are back, and it seems the game has unflagged every single event.
I really do not feel like redoing hours on hours of work, so could anyone tell me if there's any way to fix this?
Is there some way to edit what flags should be checked, or something like that?
Because this is just too much for me. I love this mod, it's truly been a lot of fun, and I had hoped to keep playing, but if this isn't solvable, I don't think I have it in me to repeat everything yet another time..
Vercci said:I don't know how cave shark works, but from what you're saying, I think you're screwed. That missile upgrade in grasstown's supposed to be unobtainable without the booster, so getting it (and the glitched one) will mean that you can't get it back later, due to some bad scripting on shimitz's part.
As for the parts about the flags, unless someone else does more work to find out what flags do what in this mod (which would take MUCH SO EVER INSANELY MUCH more time than it would to play through the mod again)
All I could suggest is to next time, use save editor.