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Cave Story: Jenka's Nightmare

Aug 13, 2010 at 9:27 AM
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alterego1092 said:
Thankyou Tau. Works A-OK now. I have been playing this game for about 3-4 hours. One question, after you beat Shadoe Barlog, you exit the building... whatever... the ground breaks, you fall... there is a chest on the left side towards the end... can you get that chest? I decided to stop trying to get it just because I was getting impatient.

If anyone if wondering, I'm at...

I need to make my way towards the revoultionary thing, trying to find the critter juice.

Just to answer your question, yes, you can get that chest, and you have to get it during your first time in Grasstown.
It's a bit tricky, but there are a few hints along the way.
Oct 17, 2010 at 11:42 AM
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Shilag said:
Just to answer your question, yes, you can get that chest, and you have to get it during your first time in Grasstown.
It's a bit tricky, but there are a few hints along the way.

well that sucks. but if its suppose to be gotten on first time falling, then the script needs to be fixed so that when we come back to grasstown, the floor doesnt break when we exit that building again.
But since it currently does, i now need to restart the game from the beginning.

Reason why: i finished the labyrinth, got jet pack 2.0 and was re exploring grasstown. entered that building, left and floor broke. while falling, got the chest and then i saved at the next map. T_T after continuing, got to the sand area, but when i go to the second map (the one with the dogs) the area where i appear at is covered by a block and i am unable to move.

"cries" hmm, if it needs to be gotten first time, then perhaps somehow make a clue? cause unless theres another one or another method to get it later, no one will have it, and if its needed to continue the story at some point, then people will get pissed when they find out they need to restart just to get that item. but if its not needed for story then nvm i guess.but a clue would still be nice.

well since im posting, ill just note the weird things i've seen or errors i encountered.

1) back in mimiga village. after going though labyrinth. the 2 chests on left side above the reservoir. after getting them and leaving and entering map, top one appears as an unopened chest again, and bottom one completely disappears. no open chest sprite on bottom one.
2) first time in grasstown. to the right of the main building (the one that has npcs in it) has a chest on top of a column of breakable stones with top non-breakable. when i picked it up, it said i got missile expansion 5 (i think) but i didnt have missile launcher yet. and the missile launcher appeared as a usable weapon.

those are the main issues i can think of right now.

things that could be helpful.

for labyrinth b (the one that needs to be entered many times) perhaps a prior note giving a hint? i got stuck at that part for a long time. spent at least 30 mins in game running around, (back to sand area, back to the gaudi shop, etc.) then i spent like 1-2 hours online trying to find something about what to do there. didnt find anything, when back to game and somehow pressed the map button, and noticed that there was mult-rooms. So a note or clue for that spot would be nice.

well thats about it for now. ill post anything else i discover
thanks in advance.
and thanks for the great mod.
Oct 17, 2010 at 4:17 PM
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Lucard said:
well that sucks. but if its suppose to be gotten on first time falling, then the script needs to be fixed so that when we come back to grasstown, the floor doesnt break when we exit that building again.
But since it currently does, i now need to restart the game from the beginning.

I figured out how to get it.
Remember that Cthulu that says, "Are you just going to leave all the fans on? The Grass will blow away!" or something? Yeah. Fiddle with the fans. The computer that says Construction ventilation, don't turn it on. Leave it off.
Oct 17, 2010 at 6:46 PM
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sixtyseconds said:
I figured out how to get it.
Remember that Cthulu that says, "Are you just going to leave all the fans on? The Grass will blow away!" or something? Yeah. Fiddle with the fans. The computer that says Construction ventilation, don't turn it on. Leave it off.

ah, is that so, thanks. ill fiddle around and see if i can get it lol

lets see, other things that i remembered that could be fixed.

(sorry if they have been posted before, i kinda skipped a few pages in this topic)

1) i can remember where exactly where, but it was in the sand map with the dogs, or some map after it for sure. one of the Cthulhu will tell me something, but when i try to talk again, all i get is "Empty". is he like a living chest that only contains information once? (lol)
***EDIT: Ok i found him. it was actuality the one in grasstown. the one that gives the hint to turn off the vent fans.

2) boss Monster X. i only did/tried this once, but i somehow got the boss to keep the attack section open while he's moving.
what happened was, that i got sick of dieing, that i decided to try and kill him at the start location first and see what happens if i do. so i got passed the first part (the one with the 4 green orbs that needs to be destroyed) during the second part ( one where you shoot the big panel) i fired my rockets as fast as i could, and well he never closed the panel but started moving again.

well thats it for now.
Thanks again
Oct 17, 2010 at 9:25 PM
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Lucard said:
well that sucks. but if its suppose to be gotten on first time falling, then the script needs to be fixed so that when we come back to grasstown, the floor doesnt break when we exit that building again.
But since it currently does, i now need to restart the game from the beginning.

Yes, I agree. A lot of people have commented that.

Lucard said:
"cries" hmm, if it needs to be gotten first time, then perhaps somehow make a clue? cause unless theres another one or another method to get it later, no one will have it, and if its needed to continue the story at some point, then people will get pissed when they find out they need to restart just to get that item. but if its not needed for story then nvm i guess.but a clue would still be nice.

Well, you did get a clue..
Like sixtyseconds said, The Cthulu asks you if you're "going to leave all those fans on". This does not mean that you only have to turn off the construction fans like sixtyseconds said, though. At least, it didn't when I played.
You have to go all the way left and turn off the fans for the West sector before fighting Poh Black, then turn off the construction fans as well and you'll be able to get it.
Oct 17, 2010 at 10:14 PM
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Shilag said:
Yes, I agree. A lot of people have commented that.

Well, you did get a clue..
Like sixtyseconds said, The Cthulu asks you if you're "going to leave all those fans on". This does not mean that you only have to turn off the construction fans like sixtyseconds said, though. At least, it didn't when I played.
You have to go all the way left and turn off the fans for the West sector before fighting Poh Black, then turn off the construction fans as well and you'll be able to get it.

ya. i didnt realize till the second time trying to get to the end. silly me >_>
another thing i didnt realize till second time was...
for the labyrinth maze room. the guadi in guadi shop does give a hint. the "someone didnt get lost . some item thing" dont remember exactly what he said. but the map item does help show the different rooms lol

well all this means is that the game is alot more in-depth then i originally thought. Which of course is awesome.

another error:
the map where you get the fuel cell, and then fight the 4 guadi brothers. After you beat them, if you try to check whats in the chest again, the event starts again, but no guadi appears. so one can get stuck there lol

Another error i believe, is the door in the water way that leads to water genesis (map 1 left of mimiga village, the reservoir i think).once i enter the door to waterway, if i try to leave to go back to reservoir, it takes me to genesis:water instead.
Oct 18, 2010 at 6:10 AM
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I played this mod so long ago, but yeah the reservoir glitch is annoying.
Nov 18, 2010 at 7:25 AM
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Hi!, Im having problem with this mod. Everytime I go to door under life-up thing at first cave some random text appears and crashes the game.

Any known solution?
Nov 18, 2010 at 8:08 AM
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Redownload? I'm guessing you have a missing file.
Nov 18, 2010 at 2:08 PM
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Vercci said:
Redownload? I'm guessing you have a missing file.
I have redownloaded it like 10 times with every version of cave story.

Error log says this:
C:\Users\Rocker\Desktop\jenka's nightmare\data\stage\PrtWhite.pbm,1
C:\Users\Rocker\Desktop\jenka's nightmare\data\stage\PrtMimi.pbm,1

I checked, and the both files are in correct places.
Nov 18, 2010 at 2:53 PM
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I remember that happening to me too.
Dunt remember how I fixed it, but it sounds like the (C)Pixel Error so you can either patch the exe or replace those two files w/ ones from your copy of CS.
Dec 6, 2010 at 12:06 AM
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i cant get the sand zone :o freacking dogs

any halp plz?

PD: idk what means the clues.
i mean, i feed the "mimiga dog" and "insertothername dog" but i dont feed the "redflowers dog". im doing it worng?
Dec 27, 2010 at 4:07 AM
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You have to set "Gaudi" to "Flower", which means those two teleporters have to correspond to each other. Each time you feed a puppy it changes up the teleporter 'path'. Then, take "Mimiga" so take the teleporter with the sign Mimiga next to it.
Dec 27, 2010 at 11:45 PM
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yeah this part is annoying as hell, I'd just recommend editing the map with CE.
Dec 27, 2010 at 11:56 PM
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I actually worked this out on my own, took a long time though :rolleyes:
Andd awww no fun WoodenRat :(
Jan 7, 2011 at 4:42 AM
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Is there a reason the program shuts down when I get out of First Cave?
Jan 7, 2011 at 7:41 AM
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magic9mushroom said:
Is there a reason the program shuts down when I get out of First Cave?

I don't know if this helps or not, but I got an error message after leaving First Cave when playing it on my notebook. So instead I try it on the computer, and - boom! - it works all of a sudden.
Jan 7, 2011 at 11:37 AM
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Shadow Major said:
I don't know if this helps or not, but I got an error message after leaving First Cave when playing it on my notebook. So instead I try it on the computer, and - boom! - it works all of a sudden.

Well, yeah, I'm playing it on my laptop.

Hmm. Maybe compatibility mode will solve it.
Jan 7, 2011 at 11:52 PM
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It's missing a few pbm files if I'm correct.
Jan 8, 2011 at 11:51 PM
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Shadow Major said:
I don't know if this helps or not, but I got an error message after leaving First Cave when playing it on my notebook. So instead I try it on the computer, and - boom! - it works all of a sudden.

I also have this problem where as soon as I exit First Cave via the door on the top right, I get an error message that is(at least what is to me) gibberish, then CaveStory shuts down.

I am currently playing it on my computer, it's Windows 7. I've tried doing different compatibility options, playing in a window version, but nothing works.

If somebody could help me out with this I'd be very grateful, I played this mod maybe a year ago and really enjoyed it.