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Cave Story: Jenka's Nightmare

Jan 21, 2009 at 8:46 PM
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Hi there BrightRoar :D
Tis me, Harisonbescoby from youtube.

Anywho, got stuck at the gauscateers, and lucky found a +1000 health capsule

Got stuck in a few places, like Genesis Sky, so I had to put teleports back to the village... after I got the blade that is.

Got stuck in the Egg chamber... WITHOUT an air tank. With just the booster v0.8 I managed to get into the egg coridor without the air tank. Make it so there is a block in the way unless you have the airtank, simple FLAGID work there.
The Egg chamber is obviously a dead end, checked on Sue's workshop.

Can't seem to find an end for Genesis... Some one mentioned genesis: creation? Can't find that. The Oblivion looks good. Plantation ftw.

Loving everything so far. Few glitches untill you reach the end of the demo.
Wish I could help :) I've just joined the team that did Cave Story: Ashes to Ashes, but they are quite busy with other things, and we are completely redoing it. While they have been doing nothing I have taught myself baisic coding.

Anywho, when are we expecting an update? Can't let the best sequil to Cave Story end unfinished can we :D
Jan 22, 2009 at 5:09 AM
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HazzaB said:
Anywho, when are we expecting an update? Can't let the best sequil to Cave Story end unfinished can we :confused:

There will never be an update, as the forum member who made this has long died (by that, I mean he has not posted for A REALLY LONG TIME, years or something.). Unless someone takes on the responsibility of finishing this mod, it will remain incomplete.
Jan 24, 2009 at 2:23 PM
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So I'm guessing it ends at Oblivion? Because I went down the outside wall (It was the normal Cave Story) and went to the Egg Corridor. I beat the Sisters in a new-looking room, and got stuck. I know he's never gonna work on it again, but I just wanna know if that's it.
Jan 25, 2009 at 1:10 AM
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That's it. Oblivion isn't finished, the Chimney isn't finished, and I don't think the old areas were updated in the last release to change when you return to them.
This really is all mentioned back in the first post D:
Jan 25, 2009 at 2:01 AM
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Hey, HB. Good to see ya.

Still though, it really is a shame that it just stops so abruptly like that as it was picking up for the finale. Maybe one day it'll be finished, even though I'm sure this has been said numerous times before.
Jan 29, 2009 at 5:37 AM
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Hey guys, I'm new here, but I'd say fairly good at Cave Story... except for the fact that I can't figure puzzles out that well!

Anyways, I've done Jenka's Nightmare, and followed Brightroar's Tutorial on YouTube. I think it ends right before fighting in Genesis: Source, I've beaten that boss, and now I'm back at Mimiga Village via the Genesis:Water teleporter place with Balrog.

Now... where do I go from here? I've been through the Graveyard, the Waterway seems to end up back at Genesis:Water, and I can't figure out the Egg Corridor at all...
When I go through the Chimney, I can get to the very bottom, but then I don't know where to go from there...

Any help?
Feb 16, 2009 at 12:36 PM
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Ok, i got a new question.

Alright, here it is. I am currently playing Jenka's nightmare, and i want to have a booster 2.0 and the spur, or blade. Can someone help?

The Joker

EDIT/ Nevermind, I have solved the problem.
Feb 16, 2009 at 3:42 PM
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I am in the sand zone but am having a problem, I talk to the professor and he says to get the fuel cell form chubla or what ever the hell his name is. The problem is that I cannot get out of the sandzone. Help!
Feb 16, 2009 at 5:10 PM
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Hey, wait a minute, why is this thread in the Cave Story Discussion Forum? Shouldn't it be in the Mod/Hack Showcase?
Feb 16, 2009 at 5:17 PM
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wedge of cheese said:
Hey, wait a minute, why is this thread in the Cave Story Discussion Forum? Shouldn't it be in the Mod/Hack Showcase?

Yeah, it should be.
Feb 16, 2009 at 5:19 PM
graters gonna grate
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Well, anyway, about your question, think about the clues you get from the Cthulhus (if the flowers are red, Gaudi/Mimiga eat each other, and good dogs wag tails instead of bark).
Feb 16, 2009 at 5:20 PM
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wedge of cheese said:
Well, anyway, about your question, think about the clues you get from the Cthulhus (if the flowers are red, Gaudi/Mimiga eat each other, and good dogs wag tails instead of bark).

I saw those, so I gave a treat to the dog that did not bark, but what about the flowers?
Feb 16, 2009 at 7:32 PM
graters gonna grate
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Instead of getting giving a treat to the tail wagger, go through its teleporter.
Feb 16, 2009 at 8:00 PM
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wedge of cheese said:
Instead of getting giving a treat to the tail wagger, go through its teleporter.
I can't find the dog now. But I have gone through the dogs teleporter, it takes me to the top, I need to get the fuel cell, for booster.

EDIT/ What do I have to do with the teleports in order to get the good dog?
Feb 17, 2009 at 5:43 AM
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There are three dog teleporters. At any given time, two of them are linked and one is not. Feeding a dog changes which teleporter its teleporter is linked to, and going through seems to screw with it too some of the time (or so it seems--this puzzle definitely doesn't have as clearly visible of a cause-effect relation as it should), and it's frustratingly hard to predict what a given action will do to the arrangement, but the important point is being able to recognize when you've got the right arrangement so you can stop messing with it, since getting there is just a matter of time. The goal is to mess with it at random until you finally create a situation in which you can walk from one of the linked teleporters to the unlinked one, which you'll know because the other two will just keep sending you back and forth between each other. At that point, stop feeding the dogs and get to the unlinked teleporter to teleport to somewhere outside the loop, which is where you need to go. At first only one of the teleporters can be reached from another on foot, and after going that way and getting the booster a second will, and after the sunstones are moved the third will. Cthulu hints tell you the names of the two teleporters you need linked for the next step in the puzzle.
Feb 17, 2009 at 11:23 AM
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Ok, I will try to do that.


Alright, I got past the labrynth, but what do I do in the waterway?

Ok I am past the waterway, how the hell do I solve the fire puzzle???
Feb 18, 2009 at 2:48 PM
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Could someone, ya know... lock this topic, and tell people how to use the 'search' button? I'm pretty sure all the hard parts of the mod have been answered at least 3 times each now, and really don't need to be asked again. On top of that, the mod is long since abandoned anyway, and is only being bumped by idiot-traffic of the same questions.

If the mod is revived, they can just ask an admin to unlock, or simply start a new topic. At the moment, I truly doubt the mod would be revived. Let it RIP.
Feb 25, 2009 at 9:59 PM
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ZarroTsu said:
Could someone, ya know... lock this topic, and tell people how to use the 'search' button? I'm pretty sure all the hard parts of the mod have been answered at least 3 times each now, and really don't need to be asked again. On top of that, the mod is long since abandoned anyway, and is only being bumped by idiot-traffic of the same questions.

If the mod is revived, they can just ask an admin to unlock, or simply start a new topic. At the moment, I truly doubt the mod would be revived. Let it RIP.

Sucks but I believe I'll have to agree. The maker hasn't been here for so long... I mean REALLY now.

This is the thread that got me here though. I do believe my first post at Mirai gamer was at this very thread...so many memories because of this mod. Sadly, thats over and done with now. With the creator gone for so long I do believe it should be locked too.
Feb 26, 2009 at 5:25 AM
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Whew! Finally got the chance to post here. Excellent mod! I must have played through about twenty times already. Gave up for a couple months, for various reasons, but I finally made it to Erosion. Only problem is, I somehow wound up back in Genesis: Air, almost fell into the frickin' sky, and now the only way out is through the Sand Zone... of course, i keep getting stuck in the wall. I'm guessing I've exhausted all options available in the unfinished version yes?

Oh, and thanks for breaking my heart, Shmitz. I was crestfallen when I lost my beloved Polar Star... Think you could do a guy a favor and somehow work it [or better yet, the SPUR] into the game again? Pleeeease?
Mar 26, 2009 at 3:04 AM
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this mod was so hard i had to hack and mod my way throught the game. (depressing isnt it)