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Cave Story: Jenka's Nightmare

Oct 23, 2008 at 9:42 PM
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Does anyone know a way out of the Genesis: Sky (where you lose all your beginning weapons) or Sand Zone (the first one) without going through the the door leading to the Sand Zone (the one that leads to Labyrinth), 'cause now I'm stuck. If I try to go through to the Sand Zone part 2, I get trapped where there should be space. I cannot go back to Grasstown or go anywhere except Sand Zone and the Blade place (which leads to Sand Zone). I don't feel like restarting. Thanks.
Oct 24, 2008 at 6:31 AM
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I think this might have been the problem the last guy was having too (might have got myself confused x_x)... AFAIK this isn't meant to happen, so you might have to edit the map yourself in order to continue. Been a long time since I played, but I can't remember it happening to me... it seems kind of random :|
Oct 24, 2008 at 7:03 AM
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That happens if you go there a second time. You're not supposed to be able to get to Genesis: Sky again through Grasstown after you do once. If you saved in there, you're stuck unless you edit the map like DoubleThink said.
Oct 26, 2008 at 7:34 PM
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I beat the labyrinth without fighting monster x (I h4xed) I also h4xed on Genesis sky to get through the door at the end. I went to egg corridor like curly said, but I didn't get anything and I couldn't get in the save room. I went back to the graveyard, and I am now in the Genesis spirit part with the lanterns and you go FWOOOM and reappear at the door. How do I get out? A straight forward answer please. Where do I go? Also, the gaudisketeers appeared as random squares that looked like ballos' face.
:eek: :( :mad: :(
Oct 26, 2008 at 7:37 PM
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eh, I'll just H4X that part too. But still tell me how please.
Oct 26, 2008 at 8:25 PM
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Please do not double post. Use the Edit button
Oct 28, 2008 at 2:24 PM
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I had that problem too so I just used sue's workshop to fix it
Oct 31, 2008 at 3:00 PM
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Yeah, what are you supposed to do in egg corridor? And I went through genesis llight and source and it looked really f'd up.
Nov 7, 2008 at 4:31 AM
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Bah. Is there a guide somewhere? I can't get past sand zone, and I have no clue what to do. I have the booster 0.8, but now what? Also, how do you get that health up surrounded by those solid blocks?

EDIT: Guh. And now that I've finally made it out of there, I can't find the critter juice. Wonderful.
Nov 7, 2008 at 6:36 AM
Bobomb says: "I need a hug!"
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I am quite sure most of the latest questions you guys have have been answered in this same thread. "search" button comes to mind. I remember it helped me a bit here and there.
Nov 7, 2008 at 7:40 AM
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(EDIT: Critter Juice so other people wanting to know can find it with search)

freezit4 said:
I am quite sure most of the latest questions you guys have have been answered in this same thread. "search" button comes to mind. I remember it helped me a bit here and there.

Tried. I got a large number of mentions of the critter juice, every one of them either some guy like me asking where to get it, or some person giving an answer that doesn't help me.

I know you get the critter juice from the "great white critter". I know you have to do a certain combination in the loop door room.

Problem is, I've already been trying that before I amended my post regarding the critter juice. There just plain isn't a straight answer regarding this in the topic right now!

So yeah. I need a plain answer of explicitly what to do to get past the "Door Sequence" rooms and to where the great white critter is. Trial and error is a horrible game mechanic, and I'm not just going to try random combinations until I hit gold, I've already done that long enough. It just isn't fun.

EDIT: Okay. I contacted ZarroTsu on IRC, and he told me how to do it...

Left at Lab B, Right at Lab W, Right at Lab B, and you'll be at Lab H.

The hint from the robot ought to be more explicit.
Nov 7, 2008 at 11:42 AM
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I think you mean... explanatory?
Nov 7, 2008 at 12:04 PM
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Well, I appear to have found the end of the demo. Details in spoiler tags.

I found my way through genesis: spirit, and got the nemesis, but even though I took that path, for the hell of it(and to see if another one of those item panels was back there) I went through the reservoir. Go into the waterway, then just use the door again. You'll be at Genesis water. Pretty sure that's a bug.

In addition, if you go back to grasstown and enter the construction room, and come back out, that script that has the floor crumble happens again(and while this is probably necessary to some point to get the chest in the shaft you fall through, the fact that entering sand zone puts you inside a solid block means that saving in genesis: air means you have to start the game over. Thankfully, I had a backup save). Also, what use is the explosive?

I never reached a "demo ends" cutscene or anything, not even a locked door, unless you count the one in the egg corridor, and I was just checking the area before scaling the chimney. Anyways, once I was in Oblivion: Erosion, there was all sorts of scripts from the original cave story still in place, as well as doors that go places in the game that clearly aren't intentional(yet)... Even one that goes to a room from the original cave story(where you find the scientist who was transformed into a mimiga), from which you can go to the original outer wall, and original egg corridor, and glitched Dragon Sisters room. Seeing that, I basically took the hint that I had reached the end of the content.

Though I have to wonder where the third reagent for the gunsmith is... I have the lens, and the autocharger, where is that last thing hiding? Or is that just another thing I have to wait for in the final version :)

Also, the area Genesis: Light, and the accompanying boss were epic.
Nov 8, 2008 at 7:52 AM
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No, you're not supposed to go through Grasstown again to get the Explosive. There's a way to turn off the fans that keep you away from it on your first time through. You've just gotta experiment.
As for what to do with it, take it to the Hermit Gunsmith.
Nov 10, 2008 at 2:16 PM
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Noob Question

Is there a way to get this working for the PSP?

I'd love you forever.
Nov 10, 2008 at 8:03 PM
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I'm sure there is a way, but it'd be a pain and require time and skill.
Nov 11, 2008 at 5:51 AM
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1) Wait for it to be done.

2) Inquire Pixel on his stance on CaveStory mods. We COULD convince him to add downloadable content to cave story WiiWare. Generally, I doubt we the creators would be attaining money from this notion, but I'd assume it depends on how greatly Pixel enjoys the experience.

As of current, BossRush is really the only completed mod, in my eyes. Schism is well on it's way to being complete too. This mod to my knowledge is abandoned, so... I generally doubt something as buggy as this would take existence on an actual console.
Nov 11, 2008 at 10:58 AM
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Schism is ages away from being completed... unless it's either quite short or Xaser hasn't slept for a few months. And while Pixel has been generous in terms of fan-modding, he doesn't necessarily encourage it. Cave Story is still a stand-alone game, and it will most likely remain as such, unless its reception on Wii is totally unprecedented in terms of popularity.
As for getting it on PSP, I don't see why the normal method of porting Cave Story wouldn't work, it's not like that much has been changed in the executable.
Nov 11, 2008 at 11:45 AM
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I haven't been on the website in a very long time, and this Mod still hasn't been finished or updated.

Nov 17, 2008 at 11:55 PM
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Bekefel said:
I haven't been on the website in a very long time, and this Mod still hasn't been finished or updated.

Shmitz hasn't even visited this forum in over a year. Not much you can do about that really.