Oh hi everyone, don't know if these glitches have been posted yet, but I might as well just to make sure...
1) In the Chimney, there is a slope that if climbed too far, will cause Quote to glitch though the wall and get stuck, forcing the player to exit out of the game.
2) In the Destruction area above Chimney, there is a door in the lower right area that, if entered, will cause the player to end up in the original area of the game, connecting to the Outer Wall, Egg chamber 00, and the Egg chamber? (when the dragons hatched). The clock room is also in this area, but players would need to have some insane speed to get here in time to open the chest.
I love the game, and hope to see it finished sometime!
So far, the game seems 100% possible to do with only 3hp. If you think the Chimney requires you to get hit, go do the Genesis: Spirit first, and you'll receive your answer.
Also, the flame maze was easy once I figured out what was going on there, but the only part in the game that gave me the most frustration was the Gaudi Amigos, mostly because of how you can only kill one at a time, and if he's sitting on top of his buddies, you can't kill any of them.