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Cave Story: Jenka's Nightmare

Jul 27, 2008 at 10:47 AM
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Ok thanks everyone I just made a door that takes u to mimga village so im ok THANKS A MILL
Jul 27, 2008 at 11:06 PM
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Allehelgens said:
Thank you Orangedawg, im in labyrinth now. :)
No problem ;)
Jul 28, 2008 at 3:15 PM
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Ohay guys. I just got instructions to find Chaba. Where is he?
Jul 29, 2008 at 1:02 AM
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woah, woah, woah!

"fight with Genesis"?
Did I miss something when I played through my first time. I do NOT remember fighting anything called Genesis. I stopped after I came into the nothingness after the Chimney!

I'm currently on my second playthrough. Mabye I'll find something this time around.
Jul 29, 2008 at 1:09 AM
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Ummmm.... is it just me or does the game end abruptly? I tried to go through the Egg Corridor door, which I thought required the explosives to blow down, which I got, but no. I tried going through Waterway, but nothing there. I tried going through chimney, but all I got were.... odd.... doors that lead to places I've gone to before, and one even lead to Itoh's house, then to the Outer Wall, then to Kazuma! I stopped there, I didn't even feel like continuing. Otherwise, it's a very good mod, just needs to be finished and edited some more. Also, will there ever be a Spur in game? OH SHOOT I just remembered something, what items does the gunsmith ask for again? I've got the lens and the auto thing, but what's the third?

P.S. i just went ahead from itoh's place, i went to the littles' house, and guess what? The Address Chip is really Mr. Little! The picture showed the Address Chip saying: I'm hoooome! And when I entered the place... glitches glitches glitches. The map name was ''i_egg'' or something. I went to the right of the map and had to reset because my character probably fell into the abyss ;)

P.P.S.: ... I went ahead and beat the Sisters in a... weird... manner. I got 5 extra missiles, woo, but WHERE is the super missile, I wonder. Couldn't go out so tried to save at the save point near Egg #0... but it sent me to Genesis: Water.

P.P.P.S: I'm officially stumped. I have NO idea where to go at all now, either the game has just ended or I'm missing something? Someone help please! These are my items:
Missile Launcher (Regular) [30/30]
Machine Gun [120/120]
Life Pot
Remote Control
Curly's Air Tank
Focusing Lens
Booster V2.0
Arms Barrier
Super Missile Launcher (Unlimited, woo!)
44 HP

BLAHHHH i'm so stumped...
How do I get the Pulser Core??? How do I get the Critter Juice (I gave up looking for the Great White Critter and instead just passed Monster X and used the spikes.)??
And most importantly, WHAT DO I DO???
Jul 29, 2008 at 2:53 AM
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The mod is in fact incomplete. Genesis: Water is supposed to take you eventually to Genesis: Light and the fight with Genesis. Egg Corridor goes nowhere. Chimney goes nowhere. I don't -think- the Pulse Core has been implemented yet but I'm not sure; I know I haven't found it no matter how hard I looked. The Great White Critter requires some going in circles in the Labyrinth; there's a room that -appears- to be the same room each time... but it's -not-. It's something like you go around once and then go in and you're in a new place, at the end of that is the fight with the Great White Critter.

Oblivion: Erosion appears to be for all intents and purposes just a testing room; it's definitely not done in any sense of the word.

I do wish this mod would be finished... =(
Jul 29, 2008 at 12:04 PM
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He's... in... the... shop...?
Where would I go to get to the shop?
Jul 29, 2008 at 3:38 PM
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jcys810 said:
Where would I go to get to the shop?
Through... the... labyrinth...?
Jul 29, 2008 at 3:44 PM
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Never mind.

I didn't know how to get to the labyrinth. I just read a few posts back and found out.
Jul 29, 2008 at 8:37 PM
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Lyger said:
Genesis: Water is supposed to take you eventually to Genesis: Light and the fight with Genesis.

Um... I think I killed him? He's a big blob of light, a spinoff of Ironhead, right? I don't remember his name being Genesis.

Lyger said:
The Great White Critter requires some going in circles in the Labyrinth; there's a room that -appears- to be the same room each time... but it's -not-. It's something like you go around once and then go in and you're in a new place, at the end of that is the fight with the Great White Critter.

Hm... so you're saying I should go through the first door, follow that to the end door, go back through to the first door, and so on (like a circle of doors) until I find the room? I never thought about trying that.

Lyger said:
Oblivion: Erosion appears to be for all intents and purposes just a testing room; it's definitely not done in any sense of the word.

Yeah, definitely. It was possible to go back through all the way to the room with the Sisters / 5 missile expansion and go back. :)
Jul 31, 2008 at 11:57 AM
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Hey guys, when does this mod end?
And I never fought the Great White Critter D:

Just got out of the Waterway place, where I fought something that flew around like a maniac, whihc is in NpcPress.pbm. But it doesn't act like Heavy Press. o_O
Jul 31, 2008 at 12:03 PM
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Was pretty easy
Jul 31, 2008 at 3:30 PM
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Ryuken said:
Um... I think I killed him? He's a big blob of light, a spinoff of Ironhead, right? I don't remember his name being Genesis.
Yeah Genesis was the editted Ironhead.

Hm... so you're saying I should go through the first door, follow that to the end door, go back through to the first door, and so on (like a circle of doors) until I find the room? I never thought about trying that.
Not -just- in circles, you have to double back once or twice. Just keep playing around with the order you go through the two upper doors. You'll eventually come to one where there's a tile two tiles underneath you that has a red mark on it (like the one in Labyrinth B in the original game). Once you get there, go through the upper right door (which should be the one you just came out of actually).

Or, actually, I forget. Just keep going I suppose.
Aug 1, 2008 at 8:25 AM
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after you have got the booster 2 blade nemisis machinegun can you go to outer wall and how do u get there?
Aug 1, 2008 at 5:51 PM
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odin 2128 said:
after you have got the booster 2 blade nemisis machinegun can you go to outer wall and how do u get there?
You can go there by going through the Chimney (the entrance to it is in Sandaime's farm) , which will lead you to Oblivion: Erosion. One of the doors there lead to the structurally unedited Outer Wall. You do not need to go there, as the mod ends at Oblivion: Erosion and Egg Corridor.
Also, I've noticed that:
Editing in the last component of the new Spur (Pulse Core, I believe), retrieving it, and then talking to the Gunsmith (AFTER getting all three parts) will allow you to recieve the Spur.
If this has been said before in the thread, then please tell me and I will remove it.

[/pompous-know-it-all] :D
Aug 3, 2008 at 12:39 AM
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ok thanks hyr so when u get to sisters its the end or does it end at oblivion erosion?
Aug 3, 2008 at 5:19 AM
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odin 2128 said:
ok thanks hyr so when u get to sisters its the end or does it end at oblivion erosion?
Erosion and the destroyed Corridor are the real ends, but you can go anywhere else the doors in Oblivion take you to (I don't recommend saving after going through those [unless you end up in a place that you know has a path that leads back to the Mimiga Village, if there are any]).
If you beat the sisters, there's no way out of their room.
(if you already know this, let me know)
Aug 9, 2008 at 8:49 AM
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So basically this is a second hand made sequel? I like it so far xP
Aug 11, 2008 at 4:23 AM
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So, uh, is this mod dead then? I see that it hasn't been updated in over a year... :D
Aug 11, 2008 at 4:34 AM
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Shmitz has stated that he is going to finish it at some point and I'm not going to explain this another time. If everybody is so eager for it to be abandoned then it can bloody well be abandoned.